14 For ye naturall man perceaveth not the thinges of the sprete of god. For they are but folysshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceave them because he is spretually examined.
1 Corinthians 2:14 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 13:11-17
11 He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geve vnto you to knowe ye secretes of the kyngdome of heve but to the it is not geve.
12 For whosoever hath to him shall be geven: and he shall have aboundance. But whosoever hath not: fro hym shalbe takyn awaye even that he hath.
13 Therfore speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se they se not: and hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde.
14 And in the is fulfilled ye Prophesie of Esayas which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde and with the eyes ye shall se and shall not perceave.
15 For this peoples hertes are wexed grosse and their eares were dull of herynge and their eyes have they closed lest they shulde se with their eyes and heare with their eares and shuld vnderstonde with their hertes and shuld tourne that I myght heale them.
16 But blessed are youre eyes for they se: and youre eares for they heare.
17 Verely I say vnto you that many Prophetes and perfaicte me have desired to se tho thinges which ye se and have not sene the: and to heare tho thinges which ye heare and have not herde the.
Matthew 16:23
23 Then tourned he aboute and sayde vnto Peter: come after me Satan thou offendest me because thou sauourest not godly thinges but wordly thinges
John 3:3-6
3 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe he cannot se the kyngdom of God.
4 Nicodemus sayde vnto him: how can a man be boren when he is olde? can he enter into his moders wombe and be boren agayne?
5 Iesus answered: verely verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren of water and of ye sprete he cannot enter into the kyngdome of god.
6 That which is boren of the flesshe is flesshe: and that which is boren of the sprete is sprete.
John 5:44
44 How can ye beleve which receave honoure one of another and seke not the honoure that commeth of God only?
John 6:44-45
John 8:43
43 Why do ye not knowe my speache? Even because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes.
John 8:51-52
John 10:20
20 and many of them sayd. He hath the devyll and is mad: why heare ye him?
John 10:26-27
John 12:37
37 And though he had done so many myracles before them yet beleved not they on him
John 14:26
26 But that coforter which is the holy gost (whom my father will sende in my name) he shall teache you all thinges and bringe all thinges to youre remembraunce whatsoever I have tolde you.
John 15:26
26 But when the comforter is come whom I will sende vnto you fro the father which is the sprete of truthe which proceadeth of the father he shall testifie of me.
John 16:8-15
8 And when he is come he will rebuke ye worlde of synne and of rightwesnes and of iudgement.
9 Of synne because they beleve not on me:
10 Of rightwesnes because I go to my father and ye shall se me no moare:
11 and of iudgement because the chefe ruler of this worlde is iudged all ready.
12 I have yet many thinges to saye vnto you: but ye canot beare them awaye now.
13 How be it when he is come (I meane the sprete of truthe) he will leade yon into all trueth. He shall not speake of him selfe: but whatsoever he shall heare that shall he speake and he will shewe you thinges to come.
14 He shall glorify me for he shall receave of myne and shall shewe vnto you.
15 All thinges that ye father hath aremyne. Therfore sayd I vnto you that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you.
Acts 16:14
14 And a certayne woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the cite of Thiatira which worshipped God gave vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened that she attended vnto the thinges which Paul spake.
Acts 17:18
18 Certayne philosophers of ye Epicures and of ye stoyckes disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he semeth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion.
Acts 17:32
32 When they hearde of ye resurreccion from deeth some mocked and other sayde: we will heare the agayne of this matter.
Acts 18:15
15 but yf it be a question of wordes or of names or of youre lawe loke ye to it youre selves. For I wilbe no iudge in soche maters
Acts 25:19
19 but had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion and of one Iesus which was ded: whom Paul affirmed to be alyve.
Acts 26:24-25
Romans 8:5-8
5 For they that are carnall are carnally mynded. But they that are spirituall are gostly mynded.
6 To be carnally mynded is deeth. But to be spiritually mynded is lyfe and peace.
7 Because that the flesshly mynde is emnyte agaynst God: for it is not obedient to the lawe of God nether can be.
8 So then they yt are geven to the flesshe canot please God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
18 For ye preachinge of the crosse is to them yt perisshe folishnes: but vnto vs which are saved it is ye power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:23
23 But we preache Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge and vnto the Grekes folisshnes:
1 Corinthians 2:12
12 And we have not receaved the sprete of ye worlde: but the sprete which cometh of god for to knowe the thinges that are geve to vs of god
1 Corinthians 15:44
44 Ther is a naturall bodye and ther is a spretuall body:
1 Corinthians 15:46
46 How be it yt is not fyrst which is spirituall: but yt which is naturall and then yt which is spretuall.
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
4 in whom ye god of this worlde hath blynded the myndes of them which beleve not lest the light of ye glorious gospell of Christ which is the ymage of god shuld shyne vnto them.
5 For we preache not oure selves but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde and oure selves youre servautes for Iesus sake.
6 For it is God that commauded the light to shyne out of darcknes which hath shyned in oure hertes for to geve the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God in the face of Iesus Christ.
James 3:15
15 This wisdome descedeth not from a boue: but is erthy and naturall and divelisshe.
1 John 2:20
20 And ye have an oyntment of ye holy gost and ye knowe all thynges.
1 John 2:27
27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.
1 John 5:20
20 We knowe that the sonne of God is come and hath geven vs a mynde to knowe him which is true: and we are in him that is true through his sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very god and eternall lyfe.
Jude 1:19
19 These are makers of sectes fleshlie havynge no sprete.