Zechariah 3:6 Cross References - Thomson

6 And the angel of the Lord protested to Jesus saying,

Genesis 22:15-16

15 Then the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, 16 saying, By myself I have sworn, saith the Lord, Because thou hast done this, and for my sake hast not spared thy beloved son;

Genesis 28:13-17

13 And the Lord leaned over it and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father and the God of Isaak. Fear not. To thee and to thy seed I will give the land in which thou art sleeping. 14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and shall spread abroad to the west and the south, and the north and the east. And by thee all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed, namely by the seed of thee. 15 And lo! I am with thee watching; over thee in all the way thou goest and I will bring thee back to this land: for I will not leave thee until I have done all that I have spoken to thee. 16 And when Jacob awoke from his sleep he said, Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not. 17 And he was terrified and said, How awful is this place; This is no other than the house of God. And this is the gate of heaven.

Genesis 48:15-16

15 And he blessed them and said, The God whom my fathers Abraham and Isaak worshipped; the God who hath fed me from my youth to this day; 16 the Angel who delivered me from all evils, bless these children! And let them be called by my name and by the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaak; and may they be increased to a great multitude on the earth!

Exodus 23:20-21

20 Now behold I send my angel before thy face, that he may guard thee in the way, and bring thee to the land, which I have prepared for thee. 21 Take heed to thyself and hearken to him and disobey him not; for he should not withdraw from you; for my name is upon him.

Isaiah 63:9

9 It was not an ambassador nor a messenger; but he himself saved them. Through his love and his indulgence to them, he himself redeemed them and took them up, and exalted them all the days of old.

Jeremiah 11:7

7 [Omitted]

Hosea 12:4

4 He indeed wrestled with an angel and prevailed. Have they wept or have they supplicated me? Have they found me in the house of On? Or have they been spoken to there?

Zechariah 3:1

1 Then the Lord shewed me Jesus the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan stood at his right hand to oppose him.

Acts 7:35-38

35 This Moses whom they rejected, saying, Who made thee a chief and a judge? this very person God sent as a chief and a deliverer by the hand of an angel who appeared to him in the bush 36 This person brought them out by performing wonders and signs in Egypt and at the Red sea, and in the wilderness, forty years. 37 This is the very Moses who said to the children of Israel, The Lord your God will raise up for you, from among your brethren, a prophet like me, to him you are to hearken. 38 This is the person who was in the congregation in the wilderness, with the angel who spake to him at mount Sinai, and with our fathers; who received living oracles to give to us;

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.