John 6:68 Cross References - Sawyer

68 Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? you have words of eternal life,

Matthew 16:16

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

John 5:24

24 (7:3) I tell you most truly, he that hears my word and believes him that sent me has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

John 5:39-40

39 You search the Scriptures, because you think by them to have eternal life; and they testify of me; 40 and you will not come to me that you may have life.

John 6:40

40 For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:63

63 The Spirit is that which makes alive; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

John 17:8

8 because the words which thou hast given me I have given them; and they have received and known truly that I came forth from thee, and believed that thou didst send me.

Acts 4:12

12 And there is salvation in no other; for there is no other name given under heaven among men, by which we can be saved.

Acts 5:20

20 Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

Acts 7:38

38 This is he that was with the assembly in the wilderness, with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received the living oracles to give us,

1 John 5:11-13

11 And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 He that has the Son has the life; he that has not the Son has not the life. 13 (2:8) These things have I written to you, that you who believe in the name of the Son of God may know that you have eternal life.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.