Philippians 4:8 Cross References - Rotherham

8 For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are dignified, whatsoever things are righteous, whatsoever things are chaste, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report,––if there be any virtue, and if any praise, the same, be taking into account;

Genesis 18:19

19 For I have become his intimate friend, To the end that he may command his sons and his house after him, so shall they keep the way of Yahweh, by doing righteousness and justice,––To the end that Yahweh may bring in for Abraham, what he hath spoken concerning him.

Deuteronomy 16:20

20 What is right, what is right, shalt thou pursue,––that thou mayest live, and possess the land, which, Yahweh thy God, is giving unto thee.

Ruth 3:11

11 Now, therefore, my daughter, do not fear, whatsoever thou shalt say, I will do for thee,––for all the gate of my people doth know, that, a virtuous woman, thou art.

2 Samuel 1:23

23 Saul and Jonathan, delightfully loving in their lives, even, in their death, were not divided,––Beyond eagles, were they swift, beyond lions, were they strong!

2 Samuel 23:3

3 Said the God of Israel, Unto me, spake the Rock of Israel:––One Ruling over Men, A Righteous One, ruling in the reverence of God,

Psalms 82:2

2 How long will ye judge perversely, And, the countenances of the lawless, uplift? [Selah.]

Proverbs 11:1

1 A deceptive balance, is an abomination to Yahweh, but, a full weight, is his delight.

Proverbs 12:4

4 A virtuous woman, is the crown of her husband, but, a veritable decay in his bones, is she that causeth shame.

Proverbs 16:11

11 The balance and scales of justice, belong to Yahweh, and, his handiwork, are all the weights of the bag.

Proverbs 20:7

7 As for a righteous man, walking in his integrity, how happy are his children after him!

Proverbs 31:10

10 A virtuous woman, who can find? for, far beyond corals, is her worth.

Proverbs 31:29

29 Many daughters, have done virtuously, but, thou, excellest them all!

Proverbs 31:31

31 Give her of the fruit of her own hands, and let her own works, praise her in the gates.

Song of Songs 5:16

16 His mouth, most sweet, yea, altogether, he is delightful,––This, is my beloved, yea, this, is my dear one, ye daughters of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 26:7

7 The path of a righteous man, is, even,––O Upright One! the track of a righteous man, thou makest level.

Matthew 22:16

16 And they sent forth to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and, the way of God, in truth, dost teach, and it concerneth thee not about anyone,––for thou lookest not unto the face of men:

Mark 6:20

20 for, Herod, stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a man righteous and holy,––and was keeping him safe; and, when he heard him, he paid earnest heed, and, with pleasure, used to listen to him.

Luke 2:25

25 And lo! there was, a man, in Jerusalem, whose name, was Symeon; and, this man, was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and Holy Spirit was upon him;

Luke 16:15

15 And he said unto them––Ye, are they who justify themselves before men, but, God, knoweth your hearts; because, that which amongst men is lofty, is an abomination before God.

Luke 23:50

50 And lo! a man, by name Joseph, being, a councillor,––a good and righteous man

John 7:18

18 He that, from himself, doth speak, his own glory, is seeking: he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him, the same, is, true, and, injustice, in him, is there none.

Acts 6:3

3 But look out for yourselves, brethren, seven men from among you, who can be well–attested, full of Spirit and wisdom,––whom we will appoint over this need;

Acts 10:22

22 And they said––Cornelius, a centurion, a man righteous and fearing God, well–attested by the whole nation of the Jews, hath been divinely instructed by a holy messenger to send for thee unto his house, and to hear words from thee.

Acts 22:12

12 And, one Ananias, a man devout according to the law, well–attested by all the Jews that dwelt there,

Romans 2:29

29 But, he who is one in secret, is a Jew,––and, [that is], circumcision, which is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter,––whose, praise, is not of men, but of God.

Romans 12:9-21

9 Your love, [be] without hypocrisy,––loathing that which is wicked, cleaving to that which is good; 10 In your brotherly love, unto one another, being tenderly affectioned, in honour, unto one another, giving preference; 11 In business, not slothful, in spirit, fervent, to the Lord, doing service, 12 In hope, rejoicing, in tribulation, enduring, in prayer, persevering, 13 With the needs of the saints, having fellowship,––hospitality, pursuing. 14 Bless them that persecute, bless, and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with them that rejoice, weep with them that weep: 16 The same thing, one to another regarding,––not the lofty things regarding, but, by the lowly, being led along. Be not getting presumptuous in your own opinion: 17 Unto no one, evil for evil rendering: providing honourable things before all men: 18 If possible––so far as dependeth on you, with all men being at peace: 19 Not avenging, yourselves, beloved, but give place unto their anger; for it is written––Mine, is avenging, I, will recompense; ––saith the Lord; 20 But––if thine enemy hunger, be feeding him, if he thirst, be giving him drink; for, this doing, coals of fire, shalt thou heap upon his head. 21 Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 13:3

3 For, they who bear rule, are not a terror unto the good work but unto the evil. Wouldst thou not be afraid of the authority? That which is good, be thou doing, and thou shall have praise of the same;

Romans 13:13

13 As in daytime, becomingly let us walk: not in revellings and in drunken bouts, not in chamberings and in wanton deeds, not in strife and envy; ––

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 So then, not before the fitting time, be judging anything,––until the Lord shall come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and, then, the praise shall come to each one, from God.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1 Although with the tongues of men, I be speaking, and of messengers, and have not, love, I have become resounding brass, or a clanging cymbal; 2 And, though I have [the gift of] prophesying, and know all sacred secrets, and all knowledge,––and though I have all faith, so as to be removing mountains, and have not, love, I am, nothing; 3 And, though I morsel out all my goods,––and though I deliver up my body, that I may boast, and have not, love, I am profited, nothing.
4 Love, is patient, is gracious. Love, is not envious, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Acteth not unbecomingly, seeketh not her own things, is not easily provoked, imputeth not that which is base, 6 Rejoiceth not over unrighteousness, but rejoiceth in sympathy with truth,–– 7 All things, covereth, all things, believeth, all things, hopeth, all things, endureth.
8 Love, at no time, faileth; ––but, whether prophesyings, they shall be done away, whether tongues, they shall cease, whether gaining knowledge, it shall be done away; 9 For, in part, are we gaining knowledge, and, in part, are we prophesying,–– 10 But, as soon as that which is complete is come, that which is in part, shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to prefer as child, to reason as a child: now I have become a man, I have laid aside the things of the child! 12 For we see, as yet, through a dim window, obscurely, but, then, face to face: as yet, I gain knowledge, in part, but, then, shall I fully know, even as I was also fully known. 13 But, now abide––faith, hope, love,––these three; but, the greatest of these, is, love.

2 Corinthians 6:8

8 through glory and dishonour, through bad report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true,

2 Corinthians 8:18

18 Howbeit, we also set forward, with him, the brother, whose praise in the Glad Tidings, [hath gone] through all the assemblies:––

2 Corinthians 8:21

21 For we provide things honourable, not only before [the] Lord, but also before men.

2 Corinthians 13:7

7 But we pray unto God, that ye may do nothing base,––not that, we, may appear, accepted, but that, ye, the honourable thing, may be doing, even though, we, should be, as it were, rejected;

Galatians 5:22

22 But, the fruit of the Spirit, is––love, joy, peace, long–suffering, graciousness, goodness, faithfulness,

Ephesians 4:25

25 Wherefore, stripping off what is false, be speaking truth each one with his neighbour, because we are members one of another;

Ephesians 5:9

9 For, the fruit of the light, is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth,––

Ephesians 6:14

14 Stand therefore,––having girded your loins with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness,

Philippians 3:1

1 For the rest, my brethren––rejoice in the Lord. To be writing, the same things, unto you, to me, is not irksome, while, for you, is safe:––

Colossians 4:5

5 In wisdom, be walking towards them who are without,––the opportunity, buying out for yourselves,

1 Thessalonians 4:12

12 That ye should walk reputably toward those without, and, of no one, have, need.

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

21 [But], all things, put to the proof––what is comely, hold ye fast: 22 From every form of wickedness, abstain.

1 Timothy 2:2

2 In behalf of kings, and all them who are, in eminent station; in order that, an undisturbed, and quiet life, we may lead, in all godliness and gravity:

1 Timothy 3:4

4 Over his own house, presiding, well, having, children, in submission, with all dignity;

1 Timothy 3:7-8

7 It is needful, moreover, to have, an honourable testimony also, from them who are without, lest, into reproach, he fall, and the snare of the adversary.
8 Ministers, in the same way,––dignified, not double–tongued, not, to much wine, given, not greedy of base gain,

1 Timothy 3:11

11 Wives, in the same way,––dignified, not given to intrigue, sober, faithful in all things.

1 Timothy 4:12

12 Let, no one, despise, thy youth, but, an ensample, become thou of the faithful,––in discourse, in behaviour, in love, in faith, in chastity.

1 Timothy 5:2

2 Elderly women, as mothers, younger women, as sisters, in all chastity.

1 Timothy 5:10

10 In noble works, being well–attested; ––if she hath nourished children, if she hath shewn hospitality, if, saints feet, she hath washed, if, them who were in tribulation, she hath succoured, if, in every good, work she hath followed on:

Titus 1:8

8 But hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober–minded, just, kind, possessing self–control,

Titus 2:2

2 That, aged men, be, sober, grave, sober–minded, healthy in their faith, love, endurance;

Titus 2:7

7 In all things, shewing, thyself, an ensample of noble works,––in thine instruction, uncorruptness, gravity,

Titus 2:14

14 Who gave himself up in our behalf, that he might redeem us from all manner of lawlessness, and purify for himself a people as his own treasure––zealous of noble works.

Titus 3:14

14 Moreover, let our own learn to be forward, in honourable works, for the necessary uses, that they may not be unfruitful.

Hebrews 11:2

2 For, thereby, well–attested were the ancients.

Hebrews 13:18

18 Be praying for us; for we persuade ourselves that an honourable conscience have we, in all things honourably, desiring to behave ourselves.

James 1:27

27 Religious observance, pure and undefiled with our God and Father, is, this––to be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction, unspotted, to keep, himself, from the world.

James 3:17

17 But, the wisdom from above, is––first pure, then peaceable, reasonable, easy to be entreated, fraught with mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy.

1 Peter 1:22

22 Having purified, your souls, by the obedience of the truth, unto unfeigned brotherly affection, from the heart, love, one another, earnestly;

1 Peter 2:12

12 Having, your behaviour among the nations, honourable,––in order that, wherein they speak against you as evil–doers, they may, owing to the honourable works they are permitted to behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

1 Peter 4:8

8 Before all things, keeping, fervent, your love, among yourselves, because, love, covereth a multitude of sins;

2 Peter 1:3-7

3 As, all things, suited for life and godliness his divine power, unto us, hath given, through the personal knowledge of him that hath called us through glory and excellence,–– 4 Through which, his precious, and very great, promises, have, unto us, been given, in order that, through these, ye might become sharers in a divine nature––escaping the corruption that is in the world by coveting.
5 And, for this very reason also––adding, on your part, all diligence, supply, in your faith, excellence, and, in your excellence, knowledge, 6 And, in your knowledge, self–control, and, in your self–control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness, 7 And, in your godliness, brotherly affection, and, in your brotherly affection, love.

2 Peter 3:1

1 This, already, beloved, is the second letter I am writing unto you; and, in these letters, I am stirring up––by way of calling to remembrance––your uncorrupted mind,

1 John 3:3

3 And, whosoever hath this hope on him, is purifying himself, just as, He, is pure.

1 John 3:18

18 Dear children! Let us not be loving in word, nor yet with the tongue, but in deed and truth.

1 John 4:1

1 Beloved! not in every spirit, believe ye, but test the spirits, whether they are, of God; because, many false prophets, have gone out into the world.

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