7 So it is right for me to think of you all, because you have me in your hearts, and in my chains and in my defense and in establishing the good news you are all sharers in my privilege.
Philippians 1:7 Cross References - Riverside
Acts 16:23-25
23 After laying many stripes upon them they cast them into prison, ordering the jailer to keep them securely.
24 He on receiving such an order thrust them into the inner prison and made their feet secure in the stocks.
25 But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening.
Acts 20:23
23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies from city to city that chains and trials are waiting for me.
Acts 21:33
33 Then the Tribune coming up arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he was and what he had done.
1 Corinthians 9:23
23 I do all things for the sake of the good news that I may become a partner with it.
1 Corinthians 13:7
7 excuses all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
2 Corinthians 3:2
2 You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men,
2 Corinthians 7:3
3 I am not saying this to condemn you, for I have already said that you have such a place in our hearts that we are ready to die with you or to live with you.
Galatians 5:6
6 For in Christ Jesus neither has circumcision any value nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love.
Ephesians 3:1
1 FOR this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles, —
Ephesians 4:1
1 I, THE prisoner of the Lord, beg you, then, to live worthily of the calling with which you have been called,
Ephesians 6:20
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may tell it fearlessly as I ought.
Philippians 1:5
5 for your fellowship in spreading the good news from the first day until now,
Philippians 1:16-17
Philippians 4:14
14 Yet you did nobly in sharing with me in my distress.
Colossians 4:3
3 Pray along with us and for us that God may open for us a door for the message, so that I may tell the mystery of Christ for the sake of which I am in chains —
Colossians 4:18
18 The greeting of Paul, by my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.
1 Thessalonians 1:2-5
2 We thank God always for you all when we mention you in our prayers,
3 unceasingly remembering your work of faith and labor of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before God our Father.
4 We know, brethren beloved by God, that he has chosen you
5 and that our good news came to you not in word only but in power and in the Holy Spirit and in great assurance, just as you know we acted among you for your benefit.
1 Thessalonians 5:5
5 You are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to night or to darkness.
2 Timothy 1:8
8 Do not be ashamed to testify for our Lord or for me his prisoner, but join in suffering hardships for the good news as God gives power.
2 Timothy 2:9
9 In telling it I am suffering hardships even to chains, as if I were an evildoer, but God's message is not chained.
Hebrews 3:1
1 THEREFORE, holy brethren, sharers in a heavenly call, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Jesus,
Hebrews 6:9-10
Hebrews 10:33-34
1 Peter 4:13
13 But rejoice since to this extent you are sharing the sufferings of Christ, that when his glory is revealed you may rejoice and exult.
1 Peter 5:1
1 THE elders among you I beg — I who am a fellow elder and a witness to the sufferings of Christ and a sharer in the glory soon to be revealed —
2 Peter 1:13
13 I think it right so long as I am in this tent to arouse you by reminding you,
1 John 3:14
14 We know that we have passed from death into life because we love the brethren. Whoever does not love remains in death.