Deuteronomy 26:11 Cross References - NSB

11 »You, the Levite and the alien among you will rejoice in all the good Jehovah your God has given you and your household.

Deuteronomy 12:7

7 »You and your households should eat there before Jehovah your God, and rejoice in all your undertakings that Jehovah your God has blessed.

Deuteronomy 12:12

12 »Rejoice (be filled with joy) before Jehovah your God, you and your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion or inheritance with you.

Deuteronomy 12:18

18 »You and your sons and daughters, male and female slaves, and the Levites who live in your cities must eat these in the presence of Jehovah your God at the place he will choose. There in the presence of Jehovah your God enjoy everything for which you have worked.

Deuteronomy 16:11

11 »Enjoy yourselves in the presence of Jehovah your God along with your sons, daughters, male and female slaves, the Levites who live in your cities, the foreigners, orphans, and widows who live among you. Enjoy yourselves at the place Jehovah your God will choose as a dwelling for his name.

Deuteronomy 28:47

47 »You did not serve Jehovah your God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things.

Psalms 63:3-5

3 My lips will praise you because your love (mercy) (loving kindness) (steadfast love) is better than life. 4 So I will bless (thank) you as long as I live. I will lift up my hands [in prayer] in your name. 5 You satisfy me with the richest foods. My mouth will sing your praise with joyful lips.

Psalms 100:1-2

1 Make a joyful noise (sound) (shout) to Jehovah, all you lands! 2 Serve Jehovah with gladness and come before his presence with a joyful song.

Isaiah 65:14

14 My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit.

Zechariah 9:17

17 »How great is his goodness! How great is his beauty! Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine the virgins.«

Acts 2:46-47

46 They continued daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and singleness of heart. 47 As they praised God, they had favor with all the people. God added to the congregation daily those being saved.

1 Corinthians 9:11

11 If we sow spiritual seed in you, is it too much if we reap material things?

Philippians 4:4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!

1 Timothy 6:17-18

17 Command those who are rich in this present system not to be high-minded (arrogant), not to have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18 They should do good works and be rich in good works, that they are ready to distribute, willing to communicate.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.