6 And he spoke this similitude: A man had a fig-tree that was planted in his vineyard: and he came, seeking fruits upon it, and found none.
Luke 13:6 Cross References - Murdock
Matthew 21:19-20
Matthew 21:34-40
34 And when the time for the fruits arrived, he sent his servants to the cultivators that they might remit to him of the fruits of the vineyard.
35 And the cultivators laid hold of his servants, and beat one, and stoned another and one they slew.
36 And again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first; and they did the like to them.
37 And at last he sent to them his son: for he said, Perhaps they will respect my son.
38 But the cultivators, when they saw the son, said among themselves: This is the heir: Come; let us kill him, and retain his inheritance.
39 And they laid hold of him, thrust him out of the vineyard, and slew him.
40 When the lord of the vineyard, therefore, shall come; what will he do to those cultivators?
Mark 11:12-14
12 And the following day, as he left Bethany, he was hungry:
13 and he saw a fig-tree at a distance, on which were leaves, and he came to it, if he could find somewhat on it. And when he had come, he found on it only leaves; for the time of figs had not arrived.
14 And he said to it: Henceforth and for ever, let no man eat fruit from thee: and the disciples heard it. And they came to Jerusalem.
Luke 20:10-14
10 And in time, he sent his servant to the cultivators, that they might give him of the fruits of the vineyard. But the cultivators beat him, and sent him away empty.
11 And again he sent another servant; and him also they beat, and treated with rudeness, and sent empty away.
12 And again he sent the third. And they wounded him, and cast him out.
13 The lord of the vineyard said: What shall I do? I will send my dear son. Perhaps they will look upon him, and be ashamed.
14 But when the cultivators saw him, they reasoned with themselves, and said: This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.
John 15:16
16 It is not ye that chose me, but I that have chosen you; and I have appointed you, that ye also should go and yield fruits, and that your fruits should continue; so that whatever ye may ask of my Father in my name, he may give it you.
Galatians 5:22
22 But the fruits of the Spirit are, love, joy, peace, long suffering, suavity, kindness, fidelity, modesty, patience.
Philippians 4:17
17 Not that I desire a gift; but I wish fruits may multiply unto you.