John 15:7 Cross References - Murdock

7 But if ye shall abide in me, and my instructions shall abide in you, whatever ye shall be pleased to ask, it will be given to you.

Matthew 7:7

7 Ask, and it shall be given to you: seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you.

John 8:37

37 I know that ye are the children of Abraham; but ye seek to kill me, because ye do not acquiesce in my word.

John 14:13

13 And what ye shall ask in my name, I will do for you; that the Father may be glorified in his Son.

John 15:16

16 It is not ye that chose me, but I that have chosen you; and I have appointed you, that ye also should go and yield fruits, and that your fruits should continue; so that whatever ye may ask of my Father in my name, he may give it you.

John 16:23

23 And in that day ye will ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say to you, That whatsoever ye shall ask of my Father in my name, he will give to you.

Galatians 4:2

2 but he is under supervisors and stewards, until the time established by his father.

Galatians 5:16

16 And I say: Walk ye in the Spirit; and never follow the cravings of the flesh.

Colossians 3:16

16 And let his word dwell in you richly, in all wisdom. And teach and admonish yourselves, by psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and with grace in your hearts sing ye unto God.

1 John 2:14

14 I have written to you, ye little ones, because ye have known the Father. I have written to you, ye fathers, because ye have known him who was from the beginning, I have written to you, ye young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God dwelleth in you, and ye have vanquished the evil one.

1 John 2:27

27 And ye also, if the unction which ye have received from him remaineth in you, need not that any one should teach you; but as that unction is from God, it teacheth you all things; and it is true, and no falsehood is in it. And as it hath taught you, remain ye in him.

1 John 3:22

22 And whatever we ask, we receive from him; because we keep his commandments, and do acceptable things before him.

1 John 5:14

14 And this is the confidence that we have towards him, that whatever we ask of him, agreeably to his will, he heareth us.

2 John 1:1-2

1 THE Elder, to Kuria the elect, and to her children: whom I love in the truth, and not I only, but all they who know the truth; 2 for the sake of the truth, which abideth in us and is with us for ever.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.