9 he knowing that the law was not established for the righteous, but for the evil, and the rebellious, and the ungodly, and the sinful, and the perverse and for the impure, and for smiters of their fathers and smiters of their mothers, and for murderers,
1 Timothy 1:9 Cross References - Murdock
Matthew 10:21
21 And brother shall deliver up his brother to death, and a father his son; and children shall rise up against parents, and cause them to die.
Romans 1:30
30 and backbiting, and slander; and being haters of God, scoffers, proud, vain-glorious, devisers of evil things, destitute of reason, disregardful of parents,
Romans 4:13
13 For the promise to Abraham and to his seed, that he should become the heir of the world, was not by the law, but by the righteousness of his faith.
Romans 5:20
20 And the entrance given to the law, was that sin might increase: and where sin increased, there grace abounded.
Romans 6:14
14 And sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Galatians 3:10-14
10 For they who are of the deeds of the law, are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one who shall not do every thing written in this law.
11 And that no one becometh just before God, by the law, is manifest: because it is written, The just by faith, shall live.
12 Now the law is not of faith; but, whoever shall do the things written in it, shall live by them.
13 But the Messiah hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, and hath been a curse for us; (for it is written, Cursed is everyone that is hanged on a tree;)
14 that the blessing of Abraham might be on the Gentiles, through Jesus the Messiah; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit by faith.
Galatians 3:19
19 What then is the law? It was added on account of transgression, until that seed should come, to whom belonged the promise: and the law was given by angels through a mediator.
Galatians 5:21
21 envy, murder, drunkenness, revelling, and all the like things. And they who perpetrate these things, as I have before told you, and also now tell you, do not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:23
23 Against these there standeth no law.
2 Thessalonians 2:8
8 then at length will that evil One be revealed; whom our Lord Jesus will consume by the breath of his mouth, and will bring to naught by the visibility of his advent.
Titus 1:16
16 And they profess that they know God, but in their works they deny him; and they are odious, and disobedient, and to every good work reprobates.
Titus 3:3
3 For we also were formerly reckless, and disobedient, and erring, and serving divers lusts, and living in malice and envy, and were hateful and also hating one another.
Hebrews 11:31
31 By faith Rahab, the harlot, perished not with them who believed not, when she received the spies in peace.
Hebrews 12:16
16 or lest any one be found among you a fornicator; or a heedless one like Esau, who for one mess of food, sold his primogeniture.
1 Peter 2:7
7 On you therefore who believe, is this honor conferred: but to them who believe not,
1 Peter 3:20
20 which were formerly disobedient, in the days of Noah, when the long suffering of God commanded an ark to be made, in hope of their repentance; and eight souls only entered into it, and were kept alive in the waters.
1 Peter 4:18
18 And if the righteous scarcely liveth, where will the ungodly and the sinner be found!
Revelation 21:8
8 But to the timid, and the unbelieving, and to the sinful, and polluted, and to manslayers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and to all false persons, their portion shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.
Revelation 22:15
15 Without will be dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and manslayers, and idolaters, and every one that loveth and doeth falsehood.