Romans 8:28 Cross References - Moffatt

28 We know also that those who love God, those who have been called in terms of his purpose, have his aid and interest in everything.

Mark 12:30

30 and you must love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.

Acts 13:48

48 When the Gentiles heard this they rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord and believed, that is, all who had been ordained to eternal life;

Romans 1:6-7

6 including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ: 7 to all in Rome who are beloved by God, called to be saints, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:3-5

3 Not only so, but we triumph even in our troubles, knowing that trouble produces endurance, 4 endurance produces character, and character produces hope — 5 a hope which never disappoints us, since God's love floods our hearts through the holy Spirit which has been given to us.

Romans 8:30

30 Then he calls those whom he has thus decreed; then he justifies those whom he has called; then he glorifies those whom he has justified.

Romans 8:35-39

35 What can ever part us from Christ's love? Can anguish or calamity or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or the sword? 36 (Because, as it is written, For thy sake we are being killed all the day long, we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered.) 37 No, in all this we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am certain neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, 39 no powers of the Height or of the Depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to part us from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 9:11

11 and though the children were still unborn and had done nothing either good or bad (to confirm the divine purpose in election which depends upon the call of God, not on anything man does),

Romans 9:23-24

23 What if he means to show the wealth that lies in his glory for the objects of his mercy, whom he has made ready beforehand to receive glory — 24 that is, for us whom he has called from among the Gentiles as well as the Jews?

1 Corinthians 1:9

9 Faithful is the God who called you to this fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 No, as it is written, what no eye has ever seen, what no ear has ever heard, what never entered the mind of man, God has prepared all that for those who love him.

2 Corinthians 4:15-17

15 It is all in your interests, so that the more grace abounds, the more thanksgiving may rise and redound to the glory of God. 16 Hence I never lose heart; though my outward man decays, my inner man is renewed day after day. 17 The slight trouble of the passing hour results in a solid glory past all comparison,

2 Corinthians 5:1

1 I know that if this earthly tent of mine is taken down, I get a home from God, made by no human hands, eternal in the heavens.

Galatians 1:15

15 But the God who had set me apart from my very birth called me by his grace,

Galatians 5:8

8 That sort of suasion does not come from Him who called you!

Ephesians 1:9-11

9 He has granted us complete insight and understanding of the open secret of his will, showing us how it was the purpose of his design 10 so to order it in the fulness of the ages that all things in heaven and earth alike should be gathered up in Christ — 11 in the Christ in whom we have had our heritage allotted us (as was decreed in the design of him who carries out everything according to the counsel of his will),

Ephesians 3:11

11 in terms of the eternal purpose which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Philippians 1:19-23

19 The outcome of all this, I know, will be my release, as you continue to pray for me, and as I am provided with the Spirit of Jesus Christ — 20 my eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed but that now as ever I may do honour to Christ in my own person by fearless courage. Whether that means life or death, no matter! 21 As life means Christ to me, so death means gain. 22 But then, if it is to be life here below, that means fruitful work for me. So — well, I cannot tell which to choose; 23 I am in a dilemma between the two. My strong desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far the best.

1 Thessalonians 5:9

9 for God destined us not for Wrath but to gain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

2 Thessalonians 1:5-7

5 They are proof positive of God's equity; you are suffering for the realm of God, and he means to make you worthy of it — 6 since God considers it but just to repay with trouble those who trouble you, 7 and repay you who are troubled (as well as us) with rest and relief, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven together with the angels of his power

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

13 Now we are bound always to thank God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you as the first to be reaped for salvation, by the consecration of your spirit and by faith in the Truth; 14 it was for this that he called you by our gospel, to gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 1:9

9 who has saved us and called us to a life of consecration — not for anything we have done but because he chose to do it himself, by the grace which he gave us ages ago in Christ Jesus

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the solid foundation laid by God remains, and this is its inscription: the Lord knows who are his, and 'let everyone who names the name of the Lord give up evil.'

Hebrews 12:6-12

6 for the Lord disciplines the man he loves, and scourges every son he receives. 7 It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for where is the son who is not disciplined by his father? 8 Discipline is the portion of all; if you get no discipline, then you are not sons but bastards. 9 Why, we had fathers of our flesh to discipline us, and we yielded to them! Shall we not far more submit to the Father of our spirits, and so live? 10 For while their discipline was only for a time, and inflicted at their pleasure, he disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his own holiness. 11 Discipline always seems for the time to be a thing of pain, not of joy; but those who are trained by it reap the fruit of it afterwards in the peace of an upright life. 12 So up with your listless hands! Strengthen your weak knees!

James 1:3-4

3 sure that the sterling temper of your faith produces endurance; 4 only, let your endurance be a finished product, so that you may be finished and complete, with never a defect.

James 1:12

12 Blessed is he who endures under trial; for when he has stood the test, he will gain the crown of life which is promised to all who love Him.

James 2:5

5 Listen, my beloved brothers; has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and to inherit the realm which he has promised to those who love him?

1 Peter 1:7-8

7 that is only to prove your faith is sterling (far more precious than gold which is perishable and yet is tested by fire), and it redounds to your praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 8 You never knew him, but you love him; for the moment you do not see him, but you believe in him, and you will thrill with an unspeakable and glorious joy

1 Peter 5:10

10 Once you have suffered for a little, the God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will repair and recruit and strengthen you.

1 John 4:10

10 Love lies in this, not in our love for him but in his love for us — in the sending of his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

1 John 4:19

19 We love, because He loved us first.

1 John 5:2-3

2 This is how we are sure that we love God's children, by loving God and obeying his commands 3 (for love to God means keeping his commands). And his commands are not irksome,

Revelation 3:19

19 I reprove and discipline those whom I love; so be in warm earnest and repent.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.