1 Then shall the Realm of heaven be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.
2 Five of them were stupid and five were sensible.
3 For although the stupid took their lamps, they took no oil with them,
4 whereas the sensible took oil in their vessels as well as their lamps.
5 As the bridegroom was long of coming, they all grew drowsy and went to sleep.
6 But at midnight the cry arose, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'
7 Then all the maidens rose and trimmed their lamps.
8 The stupid said to the sensible, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'
9 But the sensible replied, 'No, there may not be enough for us and for you. Better go to the dealers and buy for yourselves.'
10 Now while they were away buying oil, the bridegroom arrived; those maidens who were ready accompanied him to the marriage-banquet, and the door was shut.
11 Afterwards the rest of the maidens came and said, 'Oh sir, oh sir, open the door for us!'
12 but he replied, 'I tell you frankly, I do not know you.'
13 Keep on the watch then, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
14 For the case is that of a man going abroad, who summoned his servants and handed over his property to them;
15 to one he gave twelve hundred pounds, to another five hundred, and to another two hundred and fifty; each got according to his capacity. Then the man went abroad.
16 The servant who had got the twelve hundred pounds went at once and traded with them, making another twelve hundred.
17 Similarly the servant who had got the five hundred pounds made another five hundred.
18 But the servant who had got the two hundred and fifty pounds went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.
19 Now a long time afterwards the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them.
20 Then the servant who had got the twelve hundred pounds came forward, bringing twelve hundred more; he said, 'You handed me twelve hundred pounds, sir; here I have gained another twelve hundred.'
21 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
22 Then the servant with the five hundred pounds came forward. He said, 'You handed me five hundred pounds, sir; here I have gained another five hundred.'
23 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
24 Then the servant who had got the two hundred and fifty pounds came forward. He said, 'I knew you were a hard man, sir, reaping where you never sowed and gathering where you never winnowed.
25 So I was afraid; I went and hid your two hundred and fifty pounds in the earth. There's your money!'
26 His master said to him in reply, 'You rascal, you idle servant! You knew, did you, that I reap where I have never sowed and gather where I have never winnowed!
27 Well then, you should have handed my money to the bankers and I would have got my capital with interest when I came back.
28 Take therefore the two hundred and fifty pounds away from him, give it to the servant who had the twelve hundred.
29 For to everyone who has shall more be given and richly given; but from him who has nothing, even what he has shall be taken.
30 Throw the good-for-nothing servant into the darkness outside; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
31 When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory,
32 and all nations will be gathered in front of him; he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,
33 setting the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left.
34 Then shall the King say to those on his right, 'Come, you whom my Father has blessed, come into your inheritance in the realm prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you entertained me,
36 I was unclothed and you clothed me, I was ill and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me.'
37 Then the just will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and fed you? or thirsty and gave you drink?
38 when did we see you a stranger and entertain you? or unclothed and clothed you?
39 when did we see you ill or in prison and visit you?'
40 The King will answer them, 'I tell you truly, in so far as you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even to the least of them, you did it to me.'
41 Then he will say to those on the left, 'Begone from me, you accursed ones, to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels!
42 For I was hungry but you never fed me, I was thirsty but you never gave me drink,
43 I was a stranger but you never entertained me, I was unclothed but you never clothed me, I was ill and in prison but you never looked after me.'
44 Then they will answer too, 'Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or unclothed or ill or in prison, and did not minister to you?'
45 Then he will answer them, 'I tell you truly, in so far as you did not do it to one of these, even the least of them, you did not do it to me.'
46 So they shall depart to eternal punishment, and the just to eternal life."
Matthew 25 Cross References - Moffatt
Matthew 3:2
2 "Repent, the Reign of heaven is near."
Matthew 3:9
Matthew 3:12
12 His winnowing-fan is in his hand, he will clean out his threshing-floor, his wheat he will gather into the granary, but the straw he will burn with fire unquenchable."
Matthew 5:3-12
3 "Blessed are those who feel poor in spirit! the Realm of heaven is theirs.
4 Blessed are the mourners! they will be consoled.
5 Blessed are the humble! they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for goodness! they will be satisfied.
7 Blessed are the merciful! they will find mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart! they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers! they will be ranked sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of goodness! the Realm of heaven is theirs.
11 Blessed are you when men denounce you and persecute you and utter all manner of evil against you for my sake;
12 rejoice and exult in it, for your reward is rich in heaven; that is how they persecuted the prophets before you.
13 You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes insipid, what can make it salt again? After that it is fit for nothing, fit only to be thrown outside and trodden by the feet of men.
Matthew 5:16
16 So your light is to shine before men, that they may see the good you do and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:19
19 Therefore whoever relaxes a single one of these commands, were it even one of the least, and teaches men so, he will be ranked least in the Realm of heaven; but whoever obeys them and teaches them, he will be ranked great in the Realm of heaven.)
Matthew 5:22
22 whoever maligns his brother must come before the San hedrin, whoever curses his brother must go to the fire of Gehenna.' But I tell you, whoever is angry with his brother [without cause] will be sentenced by God.
Matthew 6:3
3 When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
Matthew 7:21-23
21 It is not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord!', who will get into the Realm of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Matthew 7:21
21 It is not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord!', who will get into the Realm of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to me at that Day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? did we not cast out daemons in your name? did we not perform many miracles in your name?'
Matthew 7:22
Matthew 7:23
23 Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from my presence, you workers of iniquity.'
24 Now, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts upon them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock.
25 The rain came down, the floods rose, the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, for it was founded on rock.
26 And everyone who listens to these words of mine and does not act upon them will be like a stupid man who built his house on sand.
27 The rain came down, the floods rose, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and down it fell — with a mighty crash."
Matthew 8:12
12 while the sons of the Realm will pass outside, into the darkness; there men will wail and gnash their teeth."
Matthew 9:15
15 Jesus said to them, "Can friends at a wedding mourn so long as the bride groom is beside them? A time will come when the bridegroom is taken from them, and then they will fast.
Matthew 10:37-38
Matthew 10:40-42
40 He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives Him who sent me.
Matthew 10:40
40 He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives Him who sent me.
41 He who receives a prophet because he is a prophet, will receive a prophet's reward; he who receives a good man because he is good, will receive a good man's reward.
42 And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, I tell you, he shall not lose his reward."
Matthew 10:42
42 And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, I tell you, he shall not lose his reward."
Matthew 12:30
30 He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
Matthew 12:49-50
Matthew 13:12
12 For he who has, to him shall more be given and richly given, but whoever has not, from him shall be taken even what he has.
Matthew 13:19-23
19 When anyone hears the word of the Realm and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart; that is the man who is sown 'on the road.'
20 As for him who is sown 'on stony soil,' that is the man who hears the word and accepts it at once with enthusiasm;
Matthew 13:20-21
Matthew 13:21-21
21 he has no root in himself, he does not last, but when the word brings trouble or persecution he is at once repelled.
22 As for him who is sown 'among thorns,' that is the man who listens to the word, but the worry of the world and the delight of being rich choke the word; so it proves unfruitful.
23 As for him who is sown 'on good soil,' that is the man who hears the word and understands it; he bears fruit, producing now a hundredfold, now sixty, and now thirtyfold."
24 He put another parable before them. "The Realm of heaven," he said, "is like a man who sowed good seed in his field,
Matthew 13:31
31 He put another parable before them. "The Realm of heaven," he said, "is like a grain of mustard-seed which a man takes and sows in his field.
Matthew 13:35
35 to fulfil what had been said by the prophet, I will open my mouth in parables, I will speak out what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.
Matthew 13:38
38 the field is the world; the good seed means the sons of the Realm; the weeds are the sons of the evil one;
Matthew 13:38-43
38 the field is the world; the good seed means the sons of the Realm; the weeds are the sons of the evil one;
39 the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are angels.
40 Well then, just as the weeds are gathered and burnt in the fire, so will it be at the end of the world;
Matthew 13:40
40 Well then, just as the weeds are gathered and burnt in the fire, so will it be at the end of the world;
41 the Son of man will despatch his angels, and they will gather out of his Realm all who are hindrances and who practise iniquity,
42 and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
Matthew 13:42
Matthew 13:43
43 Then the just will shine like the sun in the Realm of their Father. He who has an ear, let him listen to this.
44 The Realm of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field; the man who finds it hides it and in his delight goes and sells all he possesses and buys that field.
45 Again, the Realm of heaven is like a trader in search of fine pearls;
Matthew 13:47
47 Again, the Realm of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and collected fish of every sort.
Matthew 13:47-48
47 Again, the Realm of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and collected fish of every sort.
48 When it was full, they dragged it to the beach and sitting down they gathered the good fish into vessels but flung away the bad.
49 So will it be at the end of the world. The angels will go out and separate the evil from among the just
50 and fling them into the furnace of fire; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
Matthew 16:27
27 For the Son of man is coming in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward everyone for what he has done.
Matthew 18:5-6
Matthew 18:8
8 If your hand or your foot is a hindrance to you, cut it off and throw it away; better be maimed or crippled and get into Life, than keep both feet or hands and be thrown into the everlasting fire.
Matthew 18:10
10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you, their angels in heaven always look on the face of my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:23-24
Matthew 18:24-24
24 When he began the settlement, a debtor was brought in who owed him three million pounds;
Matthew 18:32
32 Then his master summoned him and said, 'You scoundrel of a servant! I discharged all that debt for you, because you implored me.
Matthew 19:28
28 Jesus said to them, "I tell you truly, in the new world, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, you who have followed me shall also sit on twelve thrones to govern the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 Everyone who has left brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands or houses for my name's sake will get a hundred times as much and inherit life eternal.
Matthew 20:1
1 For the Realm of heaven is like a householder who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard;
Matthew 20:12
12 'These last,' they said, 'have only worked a single hour, and yet you have ranked them equal to us who have borne the brunt of the day's work and the heat!'
Matthew 20:23
23 "You shall drink my cup," said Jesus, "but it is not for me to grant seats at my right hand and at my left; these belong to the men for whom they have been destined by my Father."
Matthew 21:5
5 Tell the daughter of Sion, 'Here is your king coming to you, He is gentle and mounted on an ass, And on a colt the foal of a beast of burden.'
Matthew 21:33
33 Listen to another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a wine-vat inside it, and built a watchtower: then he leased it to vinedressers and went abroad.
Matthew 21:41
41 They replied, "He will utterly destroy the wretches and lease the vineyard to other vinedressers who will give him the fruits in their season."
Matthew 22:2
2 "The Realm of heaven," he said, "may be compared to a king who gave a marriage-banquet in honour of his son.
Matthew 22:10-11
Matthew 22:11-13
11 Now when the king came in to view his guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in a wedding-robe.
12 So he said to him, 'My man, how did you get in here without a wedding-robe?' The man was speech less.
13 Then said the king to his servants, 'Take him hand and foot, and throw him outside, out into the darkness; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
Matthew 22:13-13
13 Then said the king to his servants, 'Take him hand and foot, and throw him outside, out into the darkness; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
Matthew 23:25-26
Matthew 24:31
31 He will despatch his angels with a loud trumpet call to muster his elect from the four winds, from the verge of heaven to the verge of earth.
Matthew 24:42-51
42 Keep on the watch then, for you never know what day your Lord will come.
Matthew 24:42-44
Matthew 24:43-44
Matthew 24:44
44 So be ready yourselves, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Matthew 24:44-44
Matthew 24:45
Matthew 24:47
Matthew 24:48
Matthew 24:50
Matthew 24:51
51 he will cut him in two and assign him the fate of the impious. There men will wail and gnash their teeth.
Matthew 25:1
1 Then shall the Realm of heaven be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.
Matthew 25:5
Matthew 25:14-30
14 For the case is that of a man going abroad, who summoned his servants and handed over his property to them;
15 to one he gave twelve hundred pounds, to another five hundred, and to another two hundred and fifty; each got according to his capacity. Then the man went abroad.
16 The servant who had got the twelve hundred pounds went at once and traded with them, making another twelve hundred.
17 Similarly the servant who had got the five hundred pounds made another five hundred.
18 But the servant who had got the two hundred and fifty pounds went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.
19 Now a long time afterwards the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them.
Matthew 25:19-30
Matthew 25:20-30
20 Then the servant who had got the twelve hundred pounds came forward, bringing twelve hundred more; he said, 'You handed me twelve hundred pounds, sir; here I have gained another twelve hundred.'
21 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
Matthew 25:21-30
21 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
Matthew 25:21
21 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
22 Then the servant with the five hundred pounds came forward. He said, 'You handed me five hundred pounds, sir; here I have gained another five hundred.'
Matthew 25:22-30
22 Then the servant with the five hundred pounds came forward. He said, 'You handed me five hundred pounds, sir; here I have gained another five hundred.'
23 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
Matthew 25:23-30
23 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
Matthew 25:23
23 His master said to him, 'Capital, you excellent and trusty servant! You have been trusty in charge of a small sum: I will put you in charge of a large sum. Come and share your master's feast.'
24 Then the servant who had got the two hundred and fifty pounds came forward. He said, 'I knew you were a hard man, sir, reaping where you never sowed and gathering where you never winnowed.
Matthew 25:24-27
Matthew 25:25-27
Matthew 25:26-27
Matthew 25:27-27
27 Well then, you should have handed my money to the bankers and I would have got my capital with interest when I came back.
28 Take therefore the two hundred and fifty pounds away from him, give it to the servant who had the twelve hundred.
29 For to everyone who has shall more be given and richly given; but from him who has nothing, even what he has shall be taken.
30 Throw the good-for-nothing servant into the darkness outside; there men will wail and gnash their teeth.
31 When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory,
Matthew 25:34-40
34 Then shall the King say to those on his right, 'Come, you whom my Father has blessed, come into your inheritance in the realm prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Matthew 25:34
Matthew 25:35
35 For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you entertained me,
36 I was unclothed and you clothed me, I was ill and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me.'
37 Then the just will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and fed you? or thirsty and gave you drink?
38 when did we see you a stranger and entertain you? or unclothed and clothed you?
39 when did we see you ill or in prison and visit you?'
40 The King will answer them, 'I tell you truly, in so far as you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even to the least of them, you did it to me.'
Matthew 25:40
40 The King will answer them, 'I tell you truly, in so far as you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even to the least of them, you did it to me.'
41 Then he will say to those on the left, 'Begone from me, you accursed ones, to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels!
42 For I was hungry but you never fed me, I was thirsty but you never gave me drink,
43 I was a stranger but you never entertained me, I was unclothed but you never clothed me, I was ill and in prison but you never looked after me.'
Matthew 25:43
43 I was a stranger but you never entertained me, I was unclothed but you never clothed me, I was ill and in prison but you never looked after me.'
Matthew 25:46
46 So they shall depart to eternal punishment, and the just to eternal life."
Matthew 26:11
11 The poor you always have beside you, but you will not always have me.
Matthew 26:40
40 Then he went to the disciples and found them asleep; and he said to Peter, "So the three of you could not watch with me for a single hour?
Matthew 26:43
43 And when he returned he found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy.
Matthew 26:64
64 Jesus said to him, "Even so! But I tell you, in future you will all see the Son of man seated at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Matthew 27:37
37 They also put over his head his charge in writing, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Matthew 28:10
10 then Jesus said to them, "Have no fear! Go and tell my brothers to leave for Galilee; they shall see me there."
Mark 2:19-20
Mark 3:34-35
Mark 4:25
25 For he who has, to him shall more be given; while as for him who has not, from him shall be taken even what he has."
Mark 8:38
38 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this disloyal and sinful generation, the Son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Mark 9:41
41 Whoever gives you a cup of water because you belong to Christ, I tell you truly, he shall not miss his reward.
Mark 9:43-48
43 If your hand is a hindrance to you, cut it off: better be maimed and get into Life, than keep your two hands and go to Gehenna, to the fire that is never quenched.
Mark 9:43-45
Mark 9:44-45
Mark 9:45-45
45 If your foot is a hindrance to you, cut it off: better get into Life a cripple, than keep your two feet and be thrown into Gehenna.
46 --
47 If your eye is a hindrance to you, tear it out: better get into God's Realm with one eye, than keep your two eyes and be thrown into Gehenna,
48 where their worm never dies and the fire is never put out.
Mark 9:48-49
Mark 10:40
40 but it is not for me to grant seats at my right or my left hand — these belong to the men for whom they have been destined."
Mark 12:41-44
41 Sitting down opposite the treasury, he watched the people putting their money into the treasury. A number of the rich were putting in large sums,
42 but a poor widow came up and put in two little coins amounting to a halfpenny.
43 And he called his disciples and said to them, "I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than all who have put their money into the treasury;
44 for they have all put in a contribution out of their surplus, but she has given out of her neediness all she possessed, her whole living."
Mark 13:33-37
Mark 13:34
34 It is like a man leaving his house to go abroad; he puts his servants in charge, each with his work to do, and he orders the porter to keep watch.
35 Watch then, for you never know when the Lord of the House will come, in the late evening or at midnight or at cock-crow or in the morning.
36 Watch, in case he comes suddenly and finds you asleep.
37 Watch: I say it to you, and I say it to all."
Mark 14:3-8
3 Now when he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, lying at table, a woman came up with an alabaster flask of pure nard perfume, which had cost a great sum; the flask she broke and poured the perfume over his head.
4 This angered some of those present. "What was the use of wasting perfume like this?
5 This perfume might have been sold for over three hundred shillings, and the poor might have got that." So they upbraided her.
6 But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Why are you annoying her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.
7 The poor you always have beside you, and you can be kind to them whenever you want; but you will not always have me.
Mark 14:7
Mark 14:8-9
Mark 14:37-38
Mark 14:62
62 Jesus said, "I am. And, what is more, you will all see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven."
Mark 16:19
19 Then after speaking to them the Lord Jesus was taken up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God,
Luke 1:31-33
Luke 3:11
11 He replied, "Let everyone who possesses two shirts share with him who has none, and let him who has food do likewise."
Luke 5:34-35
Luke 6:46
46 Why call me, 'Lord, Lord!' and obey me not?
Luke 8:18
18 So take care how you listen; for he who has, to him shall more be given, while as for him who has not, from him shall be taken even what he thinks he has."
Luke 9:26
26 For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
Luke 10:29
29 Anxious to make an excuse for himself, however, he said to Jesus, "But who is my neighbour?"
Luke 10:42
42 Mary has chosen the best dish, and she is not to be dragged away from it."
Luke 11:28
28 But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear and who observe the word of God!"
Luke 11:41
41 Better cleanse what is within; then nothing will be unclean for you.
Luke 12:19-21
Luke 12:20-21
Luke 12:32
32 Fear not, you little flock, for your Father is delighted to give you the Realm.
Luke 12:35-36
35 Keep your loins girt and your lamps lit,
Luke 12:35
Luke 12:36-37
36 and be like men who are expecting their lord and master on his return from a marriage-banquet, so as to open the door for him at once when he comes and knocks.
37 Blessed are those servants whom the lord and master finds awake when he comes! I tell you truly, he will gird himself, make them recline at table, and come forward to wait on them.
38 Whether he comes in the second or the third watch of the night and finds them thus alert, blessed are they!
39 Be sure that if the householder had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
40 So be ready yourselves, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
Luke 12:44
44 I tell you plainly, he will set him over all his property.
45 But if that servant says to himself, 'My lord and master is long of arriving,' and if he starts to beat the menservants and maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk,
46 that servant's lord and master will arrive on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know; he will cut him in two and assign him the fate of unbelievers.
Luke 12:48
48 whereas he who was ignorant and did what deserves a beating, will receive few lashes. He who has much given him will have much required from him, and he who has much entrusted to him will have all the more demanded of him.
Luke 13:25
25 once the master of the House has got up and closed the door. You may stand outside and knock at the door, crying, 'Lord, open for us,' but he will answer you, 'I do not know where you come from.'
26 You will then proceed to say, 'But we ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets!'
27 'I tell you,' he will say, 'I do not know where you come from; begone everyone of you, you evildoers.'
Luke 13:27
Luke 13:28
28 There you will wail and gnash your teeth, to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets inside the Realm of God and yourselves put outside.
29 Yes, and people will come from east and west and north and south to their places at the feast within the Realm of God.
30 Some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last."
Luke 14:12-14
12 He also said to his host, "When you give a dinner or supper, do not ask your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your rich neighbours, in case they invite you back again and you get repaid.
13 No, when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind.
14 Then you will be blessed; for as they have no means of repaying you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just."
Luke 14:34-35
Luke 15:29
29 but he replied, 'Look at all the years I have been serving you! I have never neglected any of your orders, and yet you have never given me so much as a kid, to let me make merry with my friends.
Luke 16:1-12
1 He also said to the disciples: "There was a rich man who had a factor, and this factor, he found, was accused of misapplying his property.
Luke 16:1-2
1 He also said to the disciples: "There was a rich man who had a factor, and this factor, he found, was accused of misapplying his property.
Luke 16:1-3
Luke 16:2-2
2 So he summoned him and said, 'What is this I hear about you? Hand in your accounts; you cannot be factor any longer.'
Luke 16:2-3
Luke 16:3-3
3 The factor said to himself, 'What am I to do, now that my master is taking the factorship away from me? I am too weak to dig, I am ashamed to beg.
4 Ah, I know what I will do, so that people will welcome me to their houses when I am deposed from the factorship.'
5 So he summoned every single one of his master's debtors. He asked the first, 'How much are you owing to my master?'
6 'A hundred barrels of oil,' he said. The factor told him, 'Here is your bill; sit down at once and enter fifty barrels.'
7 Then he asked another, 'And how much do you owe?' 'A hundred quarters of wheat,' he said. 'Here is your bill,' said the factor, 'just enter eighty.'
8 Well, the master praised the dishonest factor for looking ahead; for the children of this world look further ahead in dealing with their own generation than the children of Light.
9 And I tell you, use mammon, dishonest as it is, to make friends for yourselves, so that when you die they may welcome you to the eternal abodes.
10 He who is faithful with a trifle is also faithful with a large trust, and he who is dishonest with a trifle is also dishonest with a large trust.
Luke 16:10
10 He who is faithful with a trifle is also faithful with a large trust, and he who is dishonest with a trifle is also dishonest with a large trust.
11 So, if you are not faithful with dishonest mammon, how can you ever be trusted with true Riches?
12 And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, how can you ever be given what is your own?
Luke 16:19-31
Luke 16:20-25
Luke 16:21-25
Luke 16:22-25
Luke 16:23-25
Luke 16:24-31
24 so he called out, 'Father Abraham, take pity on me, send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in these flames.'
Luke 16:24-25
24 so he called out, 'Father Abraham, take pity on me, send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in these flames.'
25 But Abraham said, 'Remember, my son, you got all the bliss when you were alive, just as Lazarus got the ills of life; he is in comfort now, and you are in anguish.
Luke 16:25-25
25 But Abraham said, 'Remember, my son, you got all the bliss when you were alive, just as Lazarus got the ills of life; he is in comfort now, and you are in anguish.
26 Besides all that, a great gulf yawns between us and you, to keep back those who want to cross from us to you and also those who want to pass from you to us.'
Luke 16:26
26 Besides all that, a great gulf yawns between us and you, to keep back those who want to cross from us to you and also those who want to pass from you to us.'
27 Then he said, 'Well, father, I beg you to send him to my father's house,
28 for I have five brothers; let him bear testimony to them, that they may not come to this place of torture as well.'
29 'They have got Moses and the prophets,' said Abraham, 'they can listen to them.'
30 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone only goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'
31 He said to him, 'If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced, not even if one rose from the dead."
Luke 18:8
8 I tell you, he will quickly see justice done to his elect! And yet, when the Son of man does come, will he find faith on earth?"
Luke 19:12-27
Luke 19:13-14
Luke 19:14-14
14 Now his people hated him and sent envoys after him to say, 'We object to him having royal power over us.'
15 However he secured the royal power and came home. Then he ordered the servants to be called who had been given the money, that he might find out what business they had done.
16 The first came up saying, 'Your five pounds has made other fifty, sir.'
Luke 19:16-17
Luke 19:17-17
Luke 19:18-19
Luke 19:19-19
Luke 19:20
20 Then the next came and said, 'Here is your five pounds, sir; I kept it safe in a napkin,
Luke 19:20-22
Luke 19:21-22
21 for I was afraid of you, you are such a hard man — picking up what you never put down, and reaping what you never sowed.'
22 He replied, 'You rascal of a servant, I will convict you by what you have said yourself. You knew, did you, that I was a hard man, picking up what I never put down, and reaping what I never sowed!
Luke 19:22-22
22 He replied, 'You rascal of a servant, I will convict you by what you have said yourself. You knew, did you, that I was a hard man, picking up what I never put down, and reaping what I never sowed!
Luke 19:22-23
22 He replied, 'You rascal of a servant, I will convict you by what you have said yourself. You knew, did you, that I was a hard man, picking up what I never put down, and reaping what I never sowed!
23 Why then did you not put my money into the bank, so that I could have got it with interest when I came back?'
Luke 19:23-23
Luke 19:24
Luke 19:25-26
Luke 19:26-26
Luke 19:38
38 saying, "Blessed be the king who comes in the Lord's name! Peace in heaven and glory in the High places!"
Luke 20:9
9 Then he proceeded to tell the people the following parable. "A man planted a vineyard, leased it to vinedressers, and went abroad for some time.
Luke 21:34-36
34 Take heed to yourselves in case your hearts get overpowered by dissipation and drunkenness and worldly anxieties, and so that Day catches you suddenly like a trap.
35 For it will come upon all dwellers on the face of all the earth.
36 From hour to hour keep awake, praying that you may succeed in escaping all these dangers to come and in standing before the Son of man."
Luke 21:36
36 From hour to hour keep awake, praying that you may succeed in escaping all these dangers to come and in standing before the Son of man."
Luke 22:28-30
Luke 22:69
69 But after this the Son of man will be seated at God's right hand of power."
John 1:15-16
John 1:49
49 "Rabbi," said Nathanael, "you are the Son of God, you are the king of Israel!"
John 1:51
51 He said to him, "Truly, truly I tell you all, you shall see heaven open wide and God's angels ascending and descending upon the Son of man."
John 3:15-16
John 3:29
29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; the bridegroom's friend, who stands by and listens to him, is heartily glad at the sound of the bridegroom's voice. Such is my joy, and it is complete.
John 3:34
34 For he whom God has sent utters the words of God — God gives him the Spirit in no sparing measure;
John 3:36
36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who disobeys the Son shall not see life — God's anger broods over him."
John 5:23
23 that all men may honour the Son as they honour the Father. (He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him.)
John 5:27-29
John 5:29
29 and come out, the doers of good to be raised to life, ill-doers to be raised for the sentence of judgment.
John 8:42-44
42 Said Jesus, "If God were your father, you would love me, for I came here from God; I did not come of my own accord, I was sent by him.
43 Why do you not understand my speech? Because you are unable to listen to what I am saying.
44 You belong to your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires; he was a slayer of men from the very beginning, and he has no place in the truth because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie, he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44-44
44 You belong to your father the devil, and you want to do what your father desires; he was a slayer of men from the very beginning, and he has no place in the truth because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie, he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 9:31
31 God, we know, does not listen to sinners; he listens to anyone who is devout and who obeys his will.
John 10:14
14 I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me
John 10:26-28
John 10:27-28
John 11:48
48 If we let him alone, like this, everybody will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and suppress our holy Place and our nation."
John 12:13
13 and taking palm-branches they went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed be he who comes in the Lord's name, the king of Israel!"
John 12:26
26 If anyone serves me, let him follow me, and where I am, there shall my servant be also: if anyone serves me, my Father will honour him.
John 13:29
29 some of them thought that as Judas kept the money-box, Jesus told him to buy what they needed for the festival or to give something to the poor.)
John 14:2-3
John 14:3-3
3 And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, so that you may be where I am.
John 14:21
21 He who possesses my commands and obeys them is he who loves me, and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and appear to him."
John 15:2
2 he cuts away any branch on me which is not bearing fruit, and cleans every branch which does bear fruit, to make it bear richer fruit.
John 15:6
6 If anyone does not remain in me he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers up; then the branches are gathered and thrown into the fire to be burned.
John 15:18-19
John 17:2
2 since thou hast granted him power over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom thou hast given to him.
John 17:24
24 Father, it is my will that these, thy gift to me, may be beside me where I am, to behold my glory which thou hast given me, because thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
John 19:15
15 Then they yelled, "Off with him! Off with him! Crucify him!" "Crucify your king?" said Pilate. The high priests retorted, "We have no king but Caesar!"
John 19:19-22
19 Pilate had written an inscription to be put on the cross; what he wrote was, JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
20 Now many of the Jews read this inscription, for the place where Jesus had been crucified was close to the city; besides, the inscription was in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
21 So the Jewish high priests said to Pilate, "Do not write, THE KING OF THE JEWS; write, HE SAID I AM THE KING OF THE JEWS."
22 Pilate replied, "What I have written, I have written."
John 19:26-27
John 20:17
17 Jesus said, "Cease clinging to me. I have not ascended yet to the Father, but go to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and yours, to my God and yours.'"
John 21:15-17
15 Then after breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than the others do?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then feed my lambs," said Jesus.
16 Again he asked him, for the second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.
17 For the third time he asked him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Now Peter was vexed at being asked a third time, "Do you love me?" So he replied; "Lord, you know everything, you can see I love you." Jesus said, "Then feed my sheep.
Acts 1:11
11 who said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back, just as you have seen him depart to heaven."
Acts 2:34-35
Acts 3:26
26 It was for you first that God raised up his Servant, and sent him to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."
Acts 4:32
32 [Relocated to before vs 34] Now there was but one heart and soul among the multitude of the believers; not one of them considered anything his personal property, they shared all they had with one another.
Acts 8:22
22 So repent of this wickedness of yours, and ask God whether you cannot be forgiven for your heart's purpose.
Acts 8:24
24 Simon replied, "Beseech the Lord for me! Pray that nothing you have said may befall me!"
Acts 9:4-5
Acts 9:5
5 "Who are you?" he asked. "I am Jesus," he said, "and you persecute me.
Acts 9:36-39
36 At Joppa there was a disciple called Tabitha (which may be translated Dorcas, or 'Gazelle'), a woman whose life was full of good actions and of charitable practices.
37 She happened to take ill and die at this time, and after washing her body they laid it in an upper room.
38 When the disciples heard that Peter was at Lydda (for Joppa is not far from Lydda), they sent two men to beg him to "Come on to us without delay."
39 So Peter got up and went with them. When he arrived, they took him up to the room, where all the widows stood beside him crying as they showed him the garments and dresses that Dorcas used to make when she was with them.
Acts 10:2
2 a religious man, who reverenced God with all his household, who was liberal in his alms to the People, and who constantly prayed to God.
Acts 10:31
31 saying, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, your alms are remembered by God.
Acts 11:29-30
29 So the disciples put aside money, as each of them was able to afford it, for a contribution to be sent to the brothers in Judaea.
Acts 11:29
Acts 13:36
36 Of course David, after serving God's purpose in his own generation, died and was laid beside his fathers; he suffered decay,
Acts 15:18
18 who makes this known from of old.
Acts 16:15
15 When she was baptized, along with her household, she begged us, saying, "If you are convinced I am a believer in the Lord, come and stay at my house." She compelled us to come.
Acts 17:30-31
Acts 20:8
8 (there were plenty of lamps in the upper room where we met).
Acts 20:24
24 But then, I set no value on my own life as compared with the joy of finishing my course and fulfilling the commission I received from the Lord Jesus to attest the gospel of the grace of God.
Acts 20:31
31 So be on the alert, remember how for three whole years I never ceased night and day to watch over each one of you with tears.
Acts 20:35
35 I showed you how this was the way to work hard and succour the needy, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, who said, 'To give is happier than to get.'"
Acts 24:15
15 and I cherish the same hope in God as they accept, namely that there is to be a resurrection of the just and the unjust.
Acts 28:8-9
Romans 2:7-16
7 eternal life to those who by patiently doing good aim at glory, honour, and immortality,
8 but anger and wrath to those who are wilful, who disobey the Truth and obey wickedness —
9 anguish and calamity for every human soul that perpetrates evil, for the Jew first and for the Greek as well,
10 but glory, honour, and peace for everyone who does good, for the Jew first and for the Greek as well.
11 There is no partiality about God.
12 All who sin outside the Law will perish outside the Law, and all who sin under the Law will be condemned by the Law.
Romans 2:12-16
12 All who sin outside the Law will perish outside the Law, and all who sin under the Law will be condemned by the Law.
13 For it is not the hearers of the Law who are just in the eyes of God, it is those who obey the Law who will be acquitted,
14 [Move vss 14,15 to follow vs 16] (When Gentiles who have no law obey instinctively the Law's requirements, they are a law to themselves, even though they have no law;
15 they exhibit the effect of the Law written on their hearts, their conscience bears them witness, as their moral convictions accuse or it may be defend them.)
16 on the day when God judges the secret things of men, as my gospel holds, by Jesus Christ.
Romans 2:16-16
16 on the day when God judges the secret things of men, as my gospel holds, by Jesus Christ.
Romans 2:29
29 he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, spiritual not literal — praised by God, not by man.
Romans 3:19
19 Whatever the Law says, we know, it says to those who are inside the Law, that every mouth may be shut and all the world made answerable to God;
Romans 5:21
21 so that, while sin had reigned the reign of death, grace might also reign with a righteousness that ends in life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23
23 Sin's wage is death, but God's gift is life eternal in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:7
7 For the interests of the flesh are hostile to God; they do not yield to the law of God (indeed they cannot).
Romans 8:9
9 But you are not in the flesh, you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells within you. Anyone who does not possess the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him.
Romans 8:15
15 You have received no slavish spirit that would make you relapse into fear; you have received the Spirit of sonship. And when we cry, "Abba! Father!",
Romans 8:17
17 and if children, heirs as well, heirs of God, heirs along with Christ — for we share his sufferings in order to share his glory.
Romans 8:29
29 For he decreed of old that those whom he predestined should share the likeness of his Son — that he might be the firstborn of a great brotherhood.
Romans 9:20
20 But who are you, my man, to speak back to God? Is something a man has moulded to ask him who has moulded it, "Why did you make me like this?"
Romans 9:22-23
22 What if God, though desirous to display his anger and show his might, has tolerated most patiently the objects of his anger, ripe and ready to be destroyed?
23 What if he means to show the wealth that lies in his glory for the objects of his mercy, whom he has made ready beforehand to receive glory —
Romans 12:6-8
6 Our talents differ with the grace that is given us; if the talent is that of prophecy, let us employ it in proportion to our faith;
7 if it is practical service, let us mind our service; the teacher must mind his teaching,
8 the speaker his words of counsel; the contributor must be liberal, the superintendent must be in earnest, the sick visitor must be cheerful.
Romans 12:13
13 contribute to needy saints, make a practice of hospitality.
Romans 12:20
20 if your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty, give him drink; for in this way you will make him feel a burning sense of shame.
Romans 13:11
11 And then you know what this Crisis means, you know it is high time to waken up; for Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.
Romans 14:7-12
7 For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself;
8 if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. Thus we are the Lord's whether we live or die;
9 it was for this that Christ died and rose and came to life, to be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
10 So why do you criticize your brother? And you, why do you look down upon your brother? All of us have to stand before the tribunal of God —
11 for it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bend before me, every tongue shall offer praise to God.
12 Each of us then will have to answer for himself to God.
Romans 15:18-19
18 I will not make free to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished by me in the way of securing the obedience of the Gentiles, by my words and by my deeds,
19 by the force of miracles and marvels, by the power of the Spirit of God. Thus from Jerusalem right round to Illyricum, I have been able to complete the preaching of the gospel of Christ —
Romans 16:23
23 Gaius, my host and the host of the church at large salutes you. Erastus the city-treasurer salutes you; so does brother Quartus.
1 Corinthians 2:9
9 No, as it is written, what no eye has ever seen, what no ear has ever heard, what never entered the mind of man, God has prepared all that for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 3:5
5 Who is Apollos? Who is Paul? They are simply used by God to give you faith, each as the Lord assigns his task.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15
12 On that foundation anyone may build gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw,
13 but in every case the nature of his work will come out; the Day will show what it is, for the Day breaks in fire, and the fire will test the work of each, no matter what that work may be.
14 If the structure raised by any man survives, he will be rewarded;
15 if a man's work is burnt up, he will be a loser — and though he will be saved himself, he will be snatched from the very flames.
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
1 Corinthians 4:5
5 So do not criticize at all; the hour of reckoning has still to come, when the Lord will come to bring dark secrets to the light and to reveal life's inner aims and motives. Then each of us will get his meed of praise from God.
1 Corinthians 6:9
9 What! do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Realm of God? Make no mistake about it; neither the immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor catamites nor sodomites
1 Corinthians 8:3
3 but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him.
1 Corinthians 9:16-23
16 What I am proud of is not the mere preaching of the gospel; that I am constrained to do. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
17 I get a reward if I do it of my own accord, whereas to do it otherwise is no more than for a steward to discharge his trust.
18 And my reward? This, that I can preach the gospel free of charge, that I can refrain from insisting on all my rights as a preacher of the gospel.
19 Why, free as I am from all, I have made myself the slave of all, to win over as many as I could.
20 To Jews I have become like a Jew, to win over Jews; to those under the Law I have become as one of themselves — though I am not under the Law myself — to win over those under the Law;
21 to those outside the Law I have become like one of themselves — though I am under Christ's law, not outside God's Law — to win over those outside the Law;
22 to the weak I have become as weak myself, to win over the weak. To all men I have become all things, to save some by all and every means.
23 And I do it all for the sake of the gospel, to secure my own share in it.
1 Corinthians 10:1-5
1 For I would have you know this, my brothers, that while our fathers all lived under the cloud, all crossed through the sea,
2 all were baptized into Moses by the cloud and by the sea,
3 all ate the same supernatural food,
4 and all drank the same supernatural drink (drinking from the supernatural Rock which accompanied them — and that Rock was Christ),
5 still with most of them God was not satisfied; they were laid low in the desert.
1 Corinthians 11:2
2 I commend you for always bearing me in mind and for maintaining the traditions I passed on to you.
1 Corinthians 12:4
4 There are varieties of talents, but the same Spirit;
1 Corinthians 12:7-29
7 Each receives his manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
8 One man is granted words of wisdom by the Spirit, another words of knowledge by the same Spirit;
9 one man in the same Spirit has the gift of faith, another in the one Spirit has gifts of healing;
10 one has prophecy, another the gift of distinguishing spirits, another the gift of 'tongues' in their variety, another the gift of interpreting 'tongues.'
11 But all these effects are produced by one and the same Spirit, apportioning them severally to each individual as he pleases.
12 As the human body is one and has many members, all the members of the body forming one body for all their number, so is it with Christ.
13 For by one Spirit we have all been baptized into one Body, Jews or Greeks, slaves or freemen; we have all been imbued with one Spirit.
14 Why, even the body consists not of one member but of many.
15 If the foot were to say, 'Because I am not the hand, I do not belong to the body,' that does not make it no part of the body.
16 If the ear were to say, 'Because I am not the eye, I do not belong to the body,' that does not make it no part of the body.
17 If the body were all eye, where would hearing be? If the body were all ear, where would smell be?
18 As it is, God has set the members in the body, each as it pleased him.
19 If they all made up one member, what would become of the body?
20 As it is, there are many members and one body.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of you,' nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'
22 Quite the contrary. We cannot do without those very members of the body which are considered rather delicate,
23 just as the parts we consider rather dishonourable are the very parts we invest with special honour; our indecorous parts get a special care and attention
24 which does not need to be paid to our more decorous parts. Yes, God has tempered the body together, with a special dignity for the inferior parts,
25 so that there may be no disunion in the body, but that the various members should have a common concern for one another.
26 Thus if one member suffers, all the members share its suffering; if one member is honoured, all the members share its honour.
27 Now you are Christ's Body, and severally members of it.
28 That is to say, God has set people within the church to be first of all apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, and speakers in 'tongues' of various kinds.
29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles?
1 Corinthians 15:10
10 But by God's grace I am what I am. The grace he showed me did not go for nothing; no, I have done far more work than all of them — though it was not I but God's grace at my side.
1 Corinthians 15:50
50 I tell you this, my brothers, flesh and blood cannot inherit the Realm of God, nor can the perishing inherit the imperishable.
1 Corinthians 16:13
13 Watch, stand firm in the faith, play the man, be strong!
1 Corinthians 16:21-22
1 Corinthians 16:22
22 'If any one has no love for the Lord, God's curse be on him! Maran atha!
2 Corinthians 1:22
22 who stamped me with his seal and gave me the Spirit as a pledge in my heart.
2 Corinthians 4:5
5 (It is Christ Jesus as Lord, not myself, that I proclaim; I am simply a servant of yours for Jesus' sake.)
2 Corinthians 5:9
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
2 Corinthians 8:1-3
1 Now, brothers, I have to tell you about the grace God has given to the churches of Macedonia.
2 Corinthians 8:1-4
2 Corinthians 8:2-4
2 Corinthians 8:3-4
2 Corinthians 8:7-8
7 Now then, you are to the front in everything, in faith, in utterance, in knowledge, in all zeal, and in love for us — do come to the front in this gracious enterprise as well.
2 Corinthians 8:7-9
2 Corinthians 8:8-9
2 Corinthians 8:12
12 If only one is ready to give, according to his means, it is acceptable; he is not asked to give what he has not got.
2 Corinthians 9:7-14
7 Everyone is to give what he has made up his mind to give; there is to be no grudging or compulsion about it, for God loves the giver who gives cheerfully.
8 God is able to bless you with ample means, so that you may always have quite enough for any emergency of your own and ample besides for any kind act to others;
9 as it is written, He scatters his gifts to the poor broadcast, his charity lasts for ever.
10 He who furnishes the sower with seed and with bread to eat will supply seed for you and multiply it; he will increase the crop of your charities —
11 you will be enriched on all hands, so that you can be generous on all occasions, and your generosity, of which I am the agent, will make men give thanks to God;
12 for the service rendered by this fund does more than supply the wants of the saints, it overflows with many a cry of thanks to God.
13 This service shows what you are, it makes men praise God for the way you have come under the gospel of Christ which you confess, and for the generosity of your contributions to themselves and to all;
14 they are drawn to you and pray for you, on account of the surpassing grace which God has shown to you.
2 Corinthians 10:18
18 for it is not the self-praiser with his own recommendations who is accepted, it is the man whom the Lord recommends.
2 Corinthians 11:2
2 for I feel a divine jealousy on your behalf; I betrothed you as a chaste maiden to present you to your one husband Christ,
Galatians 3:10-13
10 Whereas a curse rests on all who rely upon obedience to the Law; for it is written, Cursed is everyone who does not hold by all that is written in the book of the law, to perform it.
11 And because no one is justified on the score of the Law before God (plainly, the just shall live by faith, —
12 and the Law is not based on faith: no, he who performs these things shall live by them),
13 Christ ransomed us from the curse of the Law by becoming accursed for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a gibbet),
Galatians 3:13-13
Galatians 4:9
9 but now that you know God — or rather, are known by God — how is it you are turning back again to the weakness and poverty of the Elemental spirits? Why do you want to be enslaved all over again by them?
Galatians 5:6
6 in Christ Jesus circumcision is not valid, neither is uncircumcision, but only faith active in love.
Galatians 5:13
13 Brothers, you were called to be free; only, do not make your freedom an opening for the flesh, but serve one another in love.
Galatians 5:21
Galatians 5:22
Galatians 6:8
8 he who sows for his flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, and he who sows for the Spirit will reap life eternal from the Spirit.
9 Never let us grow tired of doing what is right, for if we do not faint we shall reap our harvest at the opportune season.
10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men and in particular to the household of the faith.
Ephesians 1:3-6
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who in Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly sphere!
4 He chose us in him ere the world was founded, to be consecrated and unblemished in his sight,
5 destining us in love to be his sons through Jesus Christ. Such was the purpose of his will,
6 redounding to the praise of his glorious grace bestowed on us in the Beloved,
Ephesians 1:20
20 which he exerted in raising Christ from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the heavenly sphere,
Ephesians 4:11
11 he granted some men to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to shepherd and teach,
Ephesians 4:28
28 Let the thief steal no more; rather let him work and put his hands to an honest task, so as to have something to contribute to the needy.
Ephesians 5:5
5 Be sure of this, that no one guilty of sexual vice or impurity or lust (that is, an idolater) possesses any inheritance in the realm of Christ and God.
Ephesians 5:14
14 Thus it is said, 'Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead; so Christ will shine upon you.'
Ephesians 5:16
16 make the very most of your time, for these are evil days.
Ephesians 5:25-33
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26 to consecrate her by cleansing her in the bath of baptism as she utters her confession,
27 in order to have the church as his very own, standing before him in all her glory, with never a spot or wrinkle or any such flaw, but consecrated and unblemished.
28 So ought husbands to love their wives — to love them as their own bodies (he who loves his wife loves himself).
29 For no one ever hates his flesh; no, he nourishes and cherishes it (just as Christ does the church
30 for we are members of his Body).
Ephesians 5:30
30 for we are members of his Body).
31 Therefore shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the pair shall be one flesh.
32 This is a profound symbol, I mean as regards Christ and the church.
33 However, let every man of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife reverence her husband.
Philippians 1:23
23 I am in a dilemma between the two. My strong desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far the best.
Philippians 2:15-16
Philippians 4:10-14
10 It was a great joy to me in the Lord that your care for me could revive again; for what you lacked was never the care but the chance of showing it.
11 Not that I complain of want, for I have learned how to be content wherever I am.
12 I know how to live humbly; I also know how to live in prosperity. I have been initiated into the secret for all sorts and conditions of life, for plenty and for hunger, for prosperity and for privations.
13 In him who strengthens me I am able for anything.
14 But you were kind enough to take your share in my trouble.
Colossians 1:12
12 thanking the Father who has qualified us to share the lot of the saints in the Light,
Colossians 1:29
29 I labour for that end, striving for it with the divine energy which is a power within me.
Colossians 4:17
17 And tell Archippus, 'Attend to the ministry you have received in the Lord; see that you fulfil it.'
1 Thessalonians 2:12
12 to lead a life worthy of the God who called you to his own realm and glory.
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10
1 Thessalonians 4:16
16 The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a loud summons, when the archangel calls and the trumpet of God sounds; the dead in Christ will rise first;
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
1 As regards the course and periods of time, brothers, you have no need of being written to.
2 You know perfectly well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night;
3 when 'all's well' and 'all is safe' are on the lips of men, then all of a sudden Destruction is upon them, like pangs on a pregnant woman — escape there is none.
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
6 Well then, we must not sleep like the rest of men, but be wakeful and sober;
1 Thessalonians 5:6
2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
7 and repay you who are troubled (as well as us) with rest and relief, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven together with the angels of his power
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8
2 Thessalonians 1:8-8
8 in flaming fire, to inflict punishment on those who ignore God, even on those who refuse obedience to the gospel of our Lord Jesus,
2 Thessalonians 1:8
2 Thessalonians 1:9
1 Timothy 5:10
10 she must have a reputation for good service, as a woman who has brought up children, shown hospitality, washed the feet of the saints, relieved distress, and interested herself in all good works.
1 Timothy 6:17-18
17 Charge the rich of this world not to be supercilious, and not to fix their hopes on so uncertain a thing as riches but on the living God who richly provides us with all the enjoyments of life;
1 Timothy 6:17-19
1 Timothy 6:18-19
2 Timothy 1:6-7
2 Timothy 1:16-18
16 May the Lord show favour to the household of Onesiphorus, for many a time he braced me up; he was not ashamed of my imprisonment —
17 no, he made eager search for me when he reached Rome, and he found me
18 (may he find favour with the Lord on the great Day! The Lord grant it!). And you know very well what a help he was to me in Ephesus.
2 Timothy 2:6
6 The farmer who has done the work must have the first share of the fruit.
2 Timothy 2:12
12 if we endure, then we shall reign with him, if we disown him, then he shall disown us,
2 Timothy 2:19
19 But the solid foundation laid by God remains, and this is its inscription: the Lord knows who are his, and 'let everyone who names the name of the Lord give up evil.'
2 Timothy 3:5
5 for though they keep up a form of religion, they will have nothing to do with it as a force. Avoid all such.
2 Timothy 4:1-8
1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who will judge the living and the dead, in the light of his appearance and his reign,
2 I adjure you to preach the word; keep at it in season and out of season, refuting, checking, and exhorting men; never lose patience with them, and never give up your teaching,
3 for the time will come when people will decline to be taught sound doctrine and will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies;
4 they will give up listening to the Truth and turn to myths.
5 Whatever happens, be self-possessed, flinch from no suffering, do your work as an evangelist, and discharge all your duties as a minister.
2 Timothy 4:5-8
5 Whatever happens, be self-possessed, flinch from no suffering, do your work as an evangelist, and discharge all your duties as a minister.
6 The last drops of my own sacrifice are falling; my time to go has come.
7 I have fought in the good fight; I have run my course; I have kept the faith.
8 Now the crown of a good life awaits me, with which the Lord, that just Judge, will reward me on the great Day — and not only me but all who have loved and longed for his appearance.
2 Timothy 4:8-8
8 Now the crown of a good life awaits me, with which the Lord, that just Judge, will reward me on the great Day — and not only me but all who have loved and longed for his appearance.
Titus 2:13
13 awaiting the blessed hope of the appearance of the Glory of the great God and of our Saviour Christ Jesus,
Titus 3:14
14 Our people must really learn to profess honest occupations, so as to be able to meet such special occasions; they must not be idle.
Philemon 1:6-7
Philemon 1:7
7 I have had great joy and encouragement over your love, my brother, over the way you have refreshed the hearts of the saints.
Hebrews 1:3
3 He, reflecting God's bright glory and stamped with God's own character, sustains the universe with his word of power; when he had secured our purification from sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Hebrews 1:8
8 he says of the Son, 'God is thy throne for ever and ever, thy royal sceptre is the sceptre of equity:
Hebrews 2:11-15
11 For sanctifier and sanctified have all one origin. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers,
12 saying, 'I will proclaim thy name to my brothers, in the midst of the church I will sing of thee,'
13 and again, 'I will put my trust in him,' and again, 'Here am I and the children God has given me.'
14 Since the children then share blood and flesh, he himself participated in their nature, so that by dying he might crush him who wields the power of death (that is to say, the devil)
15 and release from thraldom those who lay under a life-long fear of death.
Hebrews 3:18-19
Hebrews 4:1
1 Well then, as the promise of entrance into his Rest is still left to us, let us be afraid of anyone being judged to have missed it.
Hebrews 4:3
3 For we do enter the Rest by our faith: according to his word, As I swore in my anger, they shall never enter my Rest — although his works were all over by the foundation of the world.
Hebrews 6:7-8
Hebrews 6:8
8 whereas, if it produces thorns and thistles, it is reprobate and on the verge of being cursed — its fate is to be burned.
Hebrews 6:10-11
10 God is not unfair; he will not forget what you have done, or the love you have shown for his sake in ministering, as you still do, to the saints.
Hebrews 6:10
10 God is not unfair; he will not forget what you have done, or the love you have shown for his sake in ministering, as you still do, to the saints.
11 It is my heart's desire that each of you would prove equally keen upon realizing your full hope to the very end,
12 so that instead of being slack you may imitate those who inherit the promises by their stedfast faith.
Hebrews 9:26
26 for in that case he would have had to suffer repeatedly, ever since the world was founded. Nay, once for all, at the end of the world, he has appeared with his self-sacrifice to abolish sin.
Hebrews 10:34
34 for you did sympathize with the prisoners, and you took the confiscation of your own belongings cheerfully, conscious that elsewhere you had higher, you had lasting, possessions.
Hebrews 10:36-37
Hebrews 11:16
16 but they really aspire to the better land in heaven. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God; he has prepared a City for them.)
Hebrews 12:2
2 our eyes fixed upon Jesus as the pioneer and the perfection of faith — upon Jesus who, in order to reach his own appointed joy, steadily endured the cross, thinking nothing of its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:15
15 see to it that no one misses the grace of God, that no root of bitterness grows up to be a trouble by contaminating all the rest of you;
16 that no one turns to sexual vice or to a profane life as Esau did — Esau, who for a single meal parted with his birthright.
17 You know how later on, when he wanted to obtain his inheritance of blessing, he was set aside; he got no chance to repent, though he tried for it with tears.
Hebrews 13:1-3
Hebrews 13:3
3 Remember prisoners, as if you were in prison yourselves; remember those who are being ill-treated, since you too are in the body.
Hebrews 13:16
16 Do not forget beneficence and charity, either; these are the kind of sacrifices that are acceptable to God.
James 1:27
27 Pure, unsoiled religion in the judgment of God the Father means this: to care for orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself from the stain of the world.
James 2:5
5 Listen, my beloved brothers; has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and to inherit the realm which he has promised to those who love him?
James 2:14-16
James 2:15-24
James 2:16-24
16 if any of you says to them, "Depart in peace! Get warm, get food," without supplying their bodily needs, what use is that?
17 So faith, unless it has deeds, is dead in itself.
18 Someone will object, 'And you claim to have faith!' Yes, and I claim to have deeds as well; you show me your faith without any deeds, and I will show you by my deeds what faith is!
James 2:18-24
18 Someone will object, 'And you claim to have faith!' Yes, and I claim to have deeds as well; you show me your faith without any deeds, and I will show you by my deeds what faith is!
19 You believe in one God? Well and good. So do the devils, and they shudder.
20 But will you understand, you senseless fellow, that faith without deeds is dead?
21 When our father Abraham offered his son Isaac on the altar, was he not justified by what he did?
22 In his case, you see, faith co-operated with deeds, faith was completed by deeds,
23 and the scripture was fulfilled: Abraham believed God, and this was counted to him as righteousness — he was called God's friend.
24 You observe it is by what he does that a man is justified, not simply by what he believes.
James 3:1
1 My brothers, do not swell the ranks of the teachers; remember, we teachers will be judged with special strictness.
James 5:14-15
1 Peter 1:3-5
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a life of hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 born to an unscathed, inviolate, unfading inheritance; it is kept in heaven for you,
5 and the power of God protects you by faith till you do inherit the salvation which is all ready to be revealed at the last hour.
1 Peter 1:7-8
7 that is only to prove your faith is sterling (far more precious than gold which is perishable and yet is tested by fire), and it redounds to your praise and glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
8 You never knew him, but you love him; for the moment you do not see him, but you believe in him, and you will thrill with an unspeakable and glorious joy
9 to obtain the outcome of your faith in the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 1:13
13 Brace up your minds, then, keep cool, and put your hope for good and all in the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:19-20
1 Peter 1:22
22 Now that your obedience to the Truth has purified your souls for a brotherly love that is sincere, love one another heartily and steadily.
1 Peter 3:9
9 never paying back evil for evil, never reviling when you are reviled, but on the contrary blessing. For this is your vocation, to bless and to inherit blessing;
1 Peter 4:7
7 Now the end of all is near. Steady then, keep cool and pray!
1 Peter 4:9-11
9 Be hospitable to each other, and do not grudge it.
1 Peter 4:9-10
1 Peter 4:10
10 You must serve one another, each with the talent he has received, as efficient stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10-10
10 You must serve one another, each with the talent he has received, as efficient stewards of God's varied grace.
11 If anyone preaches, he must preach as one who utters the words of God; if anyone renders some service, it must be as one who is supplied by God with power, so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. The glory and the dominion are his for ever and ever: Amen.
1 Peter 5:5-6
1 Peter 5:8
8 Keep cool, keep awake. Your enemy the devil prowls like a roaring lion, looking out for someone to devour.
2 Peter 1:8
8 For as these qualities exist and increase with you, they render you active and fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ;
2 Peter 1:13-15
2 Peter 2:4
4 For if God did not spare angels who had sinned, but committing them to pits of the nether gloom in Tartarus, reserved them under punishment for doom:
2 Peter 2:17
17 These people are waterless fountains and mists driven by a squall, for whom the nether gloom of darkness is reserved.
2 Peter 3:4-9
4 asking, "Where is His promised advent? Since the day our fathers fell asleep, things remain exactly as they were from the beginning of creation."
5 They wilfully ignore the fact that heavens existed long ago, and an earth which the word of God formed of water and by water.
6 By water the then-existing world was deluged and destroyed,
7 but the present heavens and earth are treasured up by the same word for fire, reserved for the day when the impious are doomed and destroyed.
8 Beloved, you must not ignore this one fact, that with the Lord a single day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a single day.
9 The Lord is not slow with what he promises, according to certain people's idea of slowness; no, he is longsuffering for your sake, he does not wish any to perish but all to betake them to repentance.
10 The day of the Lord will come like a thief, when the heavens will vanish with crackling roar, the stars will be set ablaze and melt, the earth and all its works will disappear.
2 Peter 3:12-13
12 you who expect and hasten the advent of the Day of God, which dissolves the heavens in fire and makes the stars blaze and melt!
13 It is new heavens and a new earth that we expect, as He has promised, and in them dwells righteousness.
14 Then, beloved, as you are expecting this, be eager to be found by him unspotted and unblemished in serene assurance.
1 John 2:19
1 John 2:25
25 Now this is what he has promised you, eternal life.
1 John 2:27
27 but the unction you received from him remains within you, and you really need no teaching from anyone; simply remain in him, for his unction teaches you about everything and is true and is no lie — remain in him, as it has taught you to do.
1 John 3:10
10 Here is how the children of God and the children of the devil are recognized; anyone who does not practise righteousness does not belong to God, and neither does he who has no love for his brother.
1 John 3:12-20
12 we are not to be like Cain, who belonged to the evil One and slew his brother. And why did he slay him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother's just.
13 Do not wonder, brothers, that the world hates you.
14 We know we have crossed from death to life, because we love the brotherhood; he who has no love [for his brother] remains in death.
1 John 3:14-17
14 We know we have crossed from death to life, because we love the brotherhood; he who has no love [for his brother] remains in death.
1 John 3:14-20
1 John 3:15-17
15 Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining within him.
1 John 3:15-20
1 John 3:16-17
16 We know what love is by this, that He laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for the brotherhood.
1 John 3:16-20
1 John 3:17-17
17 But whoever possesses this world's goods, and notices his brother in need, and shuts his heart against him, how can love to God remain in him?
1 John 3:17-20
1 John 3:18-20
1 John 3:19-20
1 John 4:7-12
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love belongs to God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God;
8 he who does not love, does not know God, for God is love.
9 This is how the love of God has appeared for us, by God sending his only Son into the world, so that by him we might live.
10 Love lies in this, not in our love for him but in his love for us — in the sending of his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11 Beloved, if God had such love for us, we ought to love one another.
12 God no one has ever seen; but if we love one another, then God remains within us, and love for him is complete in us.
1 John 4:20-5:2
20 If anyone declares, 'I love God,' and yet hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who will not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot possibly love the God whom he has never seen.
1 John 4:20
20 If anyone declares, 'I love God,' and yet hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who will not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot possibly love the God whom he has never seen.
1 John 5:1-3
1 John 5:11-12
3 John 1:5-8
5 Beloved, you are acting loyally in rendering any service to the brothers and especially to strangers;
6 they have testified to your love before the church. Pray speed them on their journey worthily of God;
7 they have started out for his sake and declined to take anything from pagans;
8 hence we are bound to support such men, to prove ourselves allies of the Truth.
Jude 1:5
5 Now I want to remind you of what you are perfectly aware, that though the Lord once brought the People safe out of Egypt, he subsequently destroyed the unbelieving,
6 while the angels who abandoned their own domain, instead of preserving their proper rank, are reserved by him within the nether gloom, in chains eternal, for the doom of the great Day —
7 just as Sodom and Gomorra and the adjacent cities, which similarly glutted themselves with vice and sensual perversity, are exhibited as a warning of the everlasting fire they are sentenced to suffer.
Jude 1:13
Jude 1:14
14 It was of these, too, that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied, when he said, Behold the Lord comes with myriads of his holy ones,
15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the impious of all the impious deeds they have committed, and of all the harsh things said against him by impious sinners.
Jude 1:15
15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the impious of all the impious deeds they have committed, and of all the harsh things said against him by impious sinners.
Jude 1:19
19 These are the people who set up divisions and distinctions, sensuous creatures, destitute of the Spirit.
Jude 1:21
21 so keeping yourselves within the love of God and waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that ends in life eternal.
Revelation 1:7
7 Lo, he is coming on the clouds, to be seen by every eye, even by those who impaled him, and all the tribes of earth will wail because of him: even so, Amen.
Revelation 2:4-5
Revelation 2:5
5 Now, remember the height from which you have fallen; repent and act as you did at first. If not, I will come to you [very soon] and remove your lamp stand, unless you repent.
Revelation 2:10
10 Have no fear of what you are to suffer. The devil indeed is going to put some of you in prison, that you may be tested; you will have a distressful ten days. Be faithful, though you have to die for it, and I will give you the crown of Life.
Revelation 2:25
25 only hold to what you have, till such time as I come.
26 'And the conqueror, he who till the end lays to heart what I enjoin, I will give him authority over the nations —
27 aye, he will shepherd them with an iron flail, shattering them like a potter's jars — as I myself have received authority from my Father;
28 also I will grant him to see the Morning-star.'
Revelation 3:1
1 Then to the angel of the church at Sardis write thus: — These are the words of him who holds the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: I know your doings, you have the name of being alive, but you are dead.
2 Wake up, rally what is still left to you, though it is on the very point of death; for I find nothing you have done is complete in the eyes of my God.
Revelation 3:9
9 Lo, I will make those who belong to that synagogue of Satan, who style themselves Jews (no Jews are they, but liars!) — lo, I will have them come and do homage before your feet and learn that I did love you.
Revelation 3:15-16
15 I know your doings, you are neither cold nor hot — would you were either cold or hot!
16 So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth.
17 You declare, 'I am rich, I am well off, I lack nothing!' — not knowing you are a miserable creature, pitiful, poor, blind, naked.
18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich, white raiment to clothe you and prevent the shame of your nakedness from being seen, and salve to rub on your eyes, that you may see.
19 I reprove and discipline those whom I love; so be in warm earnest and repent.
20 Lo, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with me.
21 'The conqueror I will allow to sit beside me on my throne, as I myself have conquered and sat down beside my Father on his throne.'
Revelation 4:5
5 From the throne issue flashes of lightning and loud blasts and peals of thunder. And in front of the throne seven torches of fire burn (they are the seven Spirits of God);
Revelation 5:10
10 thou hast made them kings and priests for our God, and they shall reign on earth."
Revelation 7:17
17 for the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, guiding them to fountains of living water; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
Revelation 12:7-9
7 And war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting with the dragon; the dragon and his angels also fought,
8 but he failed, and there was no place for them in heaven any longer.
9 So the huge dragon was thrown down — that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, the seducer of the whole world — thrown down to the earth, and his angels thrown down along with him.
Revelation 13:8
8 and all the dwellers on earth will be his worshippers, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of Life.
Revelation 14:4
4 They have not been defiled by intercourse with women — they are celibates; they follow the Lamb wherever he goes; they have been ransomed from among men, as the first to be reaped for God and the Lamb.
Revelation 14:10-11
10 he shall drink the wine of God's passion, poured out untempered in the cup of his anger, and shall be tortured with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb:
11 the smoke of their torture rises for ever and ever, and they get no rest from it, day and night, these worshippers of the Beast and his statue, and all who are marked with his name."
Revelation 16:15
15 (Lo, I am coming like a thief; blessed be he who keeps awake and holds his raiment fast, not to go naked and have the shame of exposure!)
Revelation 17:8
8 The Beast you have seen was, is not, but is to rise from the abyss — yet to perdition he shall go — and the dwellers on earth will wonder (all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of Life), when they see that the Beast was, is not, but is coming.
Revelation 19:7
7 Let us rejoice and triumph, let us give him the glory! For now comes the marriage of the Lamb; his bride has arrayed herself,
Revelation 19:7-9
7 Let us rejoice and triumph, let us give him the glory! For now comes the marriage of the Lamb; his bride has arrayed herself,
8 Yea, she is allowed to put on fine linen, dazzling white" (the white linen is the righteous conduct of the saints).
9 Then I was told, "Write this: — 'Blessed are those who have been called to the marriage-banquet of the Lamb!'" The angel also told me, "These are genuine words of God."
Revelation 19:16
16 And on his robe, upon his thigh, his name is written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
Revelation 20:10-15
10 and their seducer, the devil, was flung into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the Beast and the false Prophet also lie, to be tortured day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 20:10
10 and their seducer, the devil, was flung into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the Beast and the false Prophet also lie, to be tortured day and night for ever and ever.
11 Then I saw a great white throne, and One who was seated thereon; from his presence earth and sky fled, no more to be found.
Revelation 20:11-15
11 Then I saw a great white throne, and One who was seated thereon; from his presence earth and sky fled, no more to be found.
12 And I saw the dead, high and low, standing before the throne, and books were opened — also another book, the book of Life, was opened — and the dead were judged by what was written in these books, by what they had done.
13 The sea gave up its corpses, Death and Hades gave up their dead, and all were judged by what each had done.
14 Then Death and Hades were flung into the lake of fire,
15 and whoever was not found enrolled in the book of Life was flung into the lake of fire — which is the second death, the lake of fire.
Revelation 20:15
15 and whoever was not found enrolled in the book of Life was flung into the lake of fire — which is the second death, the lake of fire.
Revelation 21:2
2 And I saw the holy City, the new Jerusalem, descending from God out of heaven, all ready like a bride arrayed for her husband.
Revelation 21:7
7 The conqueror shall obtain this, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son;
8 but as for the craven, the faithless, the abominable, as for murderers, the immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars of all kinds — their lot is the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
9 Then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues; and he spoke to me thus, "Come, and I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb."
Revelation 22:11-12
Revelation 22:20
20 He who bears this testimony says, "Even so: I am coming very soon." Amen, Lord Jesus, come!