Luke 19:31 Cross References - Moffatt

31 If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untethering it?' this is what you will say, 'The Lord needs it.'"

Matthew 21:2-3

2 saying to them, "Go to the village in front of you and you will at once find an ass tethered with a colt alongside of her; untether them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you will say that the Lord needs them; then he will at once let them go."

Mark 11:3-6

3 If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing that?' say, 'The Lord needs it,' and he will send it back immediately." 4 Off they went and found a colt tethered outside a door in the street. They untethered it; 5 but some of the bystanders said to them, "What do you mean by untethering that colt?" 6 So they answered as Jesus had told them, and the men allowed them to go.

Acts 10:36

36 You know the message he sent to the sons of Israel when he preached the gospel of peace by Jesus Christ (who is Lord of all);

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.