5 Mahalon and Chilion dyed also euen both two of them, so that the wyfe was lefte desolate of her two sonnes & of her husband therto.
Ruth 1:5 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 32:39
39 Se nowe howe that I, I am he, and that there is no God but I. I can kyll and make a lyue, and what I haue smytten that I can heale: neyther is there that can deliuer anye man out of my hande.
Psalms 89:30-32
Isaiah 49:21
21 Then shalt thou thincke by thy self: Who hath begotten me these: seing I am baren & alone, a captyue & an oute cast? And who hath noryshed them vp for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these?
Jeremiah 2:19
19 Thyne owne wickednesse shall reproue the, and thy turnynge awaye shal condemne the: that thou maiest know and vnderstand, how euyl and hurtful a thinge it is, that thou hast forsaken thy Lorde thy God, and not feared him, sayeth the Lorde God of Hostes.
Matthew 22:25-27
Luke 7:12
12 When he came nye to the gate of the cytye, beholde there was a dead man caryed out which was the onlye sonne of his mother and she was a wydowe, and much people of the cytye was with her.