14 Let not synne haue power ouer you. For ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace.
Romans 6:14 Cross References - Matthew
Psalms 130:7-8
Micah 7:19
19 he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shall put doune oure wyckednesses, and caste all oure synnes into the botome of the sea.
Matthew 1:21
21 She shall bryngforth a sonne, & thou shalt cal his name Iesus. For he shal saue his people from their sins.
John 1:17
17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses, but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ.
John 8:36
36 But the sonne abydeth euer. Yf the sonne therfore shal make you fre, then are ye free in dede.
Romans 3:19-20
19 Yea and we knowe that whatsoeuer the law sayeth, he saith it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped, and all the world be subdued to God,
20 because that by the dedes of the lawe, shall no fleshe be iustifyed in the syght of God. For by the lawe commeth the knoweledge of synne.
Romans 4:16
16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen, that it myght come of fauoure: and the promes myghte be sure to all the seed. Not to them onelye, which are of the lawe: but also to them whiche are of the fayth of Abraham, which is the father of vs all.
Romans 5:20-21
Romans 6:12
12 Lette not synne reygne therefore in youre mortall bodyes, that ye shoulde thereunto obey in the lustes of yt.
Romans 6:15
15 What then? Shall we synne, because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd.
Romans 7:4-11
4 Euen so ye my brethren, are dead concerning the lawe by the bodye of Christ, that ye shoulde be coupled to another (I meane to hym that is risen agayne from death) that we shoulde brynge forth fruite vnto God.
5 For when we were in the fleshe the lustes of synne whych were sterred vp by the law reygned in oure membres, to brynge forthe fruyte vnto deathe.
6 But nowe are we deliuered from the lawe, & dead from that where vnto we were in bondage, that we should serue in a newe conuersacion of the spirite, and not in the olde conuersacion of the letter.
7 What shall we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meante but by the law. For I had not knowne what luste had meant, except the lawe had sayed, thou shalte, not lust.
8 But synne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundement, and wrought in me al maner of concupiscence. For without the lawe, synne was dead.
9 I ones liued without lawe. But when the commaundemente came, synne reuyued, & I was deade.
10 And the verye same commaundemente which was ordeyned vnto lyfe, was founde to be vnto me an occasion of death,
11 for synne toke occasion by the meanes of the commaundement and so disceyued me, and by the selfe commaundemente slewe me.
Romans 8:2
2 For the law of the spirite that bringeth lyfe through lyfe through Iesus Christe, hath delyuered me from the lawe of synne & death.
Romans 8:12
12 Therfore brethren we are nowe detters not to the fleshe,
Romans 11:6
6 Yf it be of grace, then is it not of workes. For then were grace no more grace. Yf it be of workes, then is it no more grace. For then were deseruynge no lenger deseruynge.
2 Corinthians 3:6-9
6 which hath made vs able to minister the new testament, not of the letter, but of the spirite. For the letter killeth, but the spirite geueth lyfe.
7 Yf the mynystracyon of death throughe the letters fygured in stones was gloryous, so that the chyldren of Israell coulde not behold the face of Moyses for the glory of hys countenaunce (whiche glory neuerthelesse is done awaye)
8 why shall not the ministracion of the spiryte be muche more gloryous?
9 For yf the ministrynge of condempnacyon be glorious, muche more doeth the ministracyon of ryghtuousnes excede in glorye.
Galatians 3:23
23 Before that fayth came, we were kept and shut vp vnder the lawe, to the fayth which shuld afterward be declared.
Galatians 4:4-5
Galatians 4:21
21 Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the law haue ye not heard of the law?
Galatians 5:18
18 But and yf ye be led of the spyryte, then are ye not vnder the lawe.
Titus 2:14
14 whiche gaue hym selfe for vs, to redeme vs from al vnryghtuousnes and to pourge vs a peculyar people vnto him selfe, feruently geuen vnto good workes.
Hebrews 8:10
10 For thys is the testament that I will make wyth the house of Israel: After those dayes sayth the Lorde: I wyl put my lawes in their myndes, and in theyr hertes I wyl wryte them and I wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people.