Romans 12:12 Cross References - Matthew

12 Reioyce in hope. Be pacyent in trybulacyon. Contynue in prayer.

Genesis 32:24-26

24 & taried behind hym selfe alone. And ther wresteled a man wyth him vnto the breaking of the day. 25 And when he sawe that he could not preuayle agaynste hym, he smote hym vnder the thye, & the senowe of Iacobs thye shranke as he wrestled with him 26 And he said: let me goo, for the day breaketh. And he said: I wyll not lette the go, excepte thou blesse me.

Job 27:8-10

8 What hope hath the ypocrite, though he haue greate good, and though God geue him ryches after his hertes desire? 9 Doeth God hear him the soner, when he crieth vnto him in his necessite? 10 Hath he suche pleasure and delyte in the Almighty, that he darre alway cal vpon God?

Psalms 16:9-11

9 Therfore dyd my hert reioyce, & my tunge was glad, my flesh also shal rest in hope. 10 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, neither shalt thou suffre thy saincte to se corrupcion. 11 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe: thou shalte make me full of ioye wyth thy countenaunce. At thy ryght hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.

Psalms 37:7

7 Holde the styl in the Lord, and abyde paciently vpon hym: but greue not thy selfe at one that hath prosperytie, and lyueth in abhominacion.

Psalms 40:1

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. I waited pacyently for the Lord, which enclined hym selfe vnto me: and herd my callynge.

Psalms 55:16-17

16 As for me, I will call vnto God, and the Lord shall helpe me. 17 In the euenynge, mornyng and at noone daye will I mourne and complayne: and he shall heare my voyce.

Psalms 62:8

8 O put your trust in him alway (ye people) poure oute youre hertes before hym, for God is our hope. Selah.

Psalms 71:20-23

20 O what great troubles and aduersityes hast thou shewed me? and yet dyddest thou turne and refreshe me: yea, & broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayn. 21 Thou hast brought me to great honoure, and comforted me on euery syde. 22 Therfore wil I prayse the and thy faythfulnesse, O God, playing vpon the lute, vnto the will I singe vpon the harpe, O thou holy one of Israell. 23 My lippes wolde fayne singe prayses vnto the: and so wolde my soule, whom thou hast deliuered.

Psalms 73:24-26

24 Thou leadest me with thy counsayll, and afterwarde receyuest me vnto glory. 25 O what is there prepared for me in heauen? there is nothinge vpon earthe, that I desyre in comparyson of the. 26 My fleash & my hert fayleth, but God is the strength of my herte, and my porcion for euer.

Psalms 109:4

4 For the loue that I had vnto them, they take now my contrary parte, but I geue my selfe vnto prayer.

Proverbs 10:28

28 The paciente abydynge of the rightuous shalbe turned to gladness, but the hope of the vngodli shal perish.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodlye is afrayed of euery parel, but the ryghtuous hath a good hope euen in death.

Jeremiah 29:12-13

12 Ye shal crye vnto me, ye shall go & call vpon me, & I shall heare you. 13 Ye shall seke me & fynde me, Yea, yf so be that ye seke me with your whole herte,

Lamentations 3:24-26

24 The Lorde is my porcyon, sayeth my soule therfore wyll I hope in hym. 25 Teth. O how good is the Lord vnto them, that put their truste in him, & to the soule that seketh after him? 26 O how good is it with stylnesse to wate & tarye, for the health of the Lorde?

Daniel 9:18-19

18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leaste for thine owne sake) open thyne eyes: beholde, how we be desolated, yea and the cytye also, whiche is called after thy name: for we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne righteousnesse, no: but onely in thy greate mercyes. 19 O Lorde, heare. O forgeue Lorde. O Lorde consydre, tarye not ouer longe: but for thyne owne sake do it. O my God: for the citie and thy people is called after thy name.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

17 For the fygge trees shall not be grene, & the vynes shall beare no frute. The laboure of the olyue shalbe but lost, & the lande shall bringe no corne: the shepe shalbe taken oute of the fold & there shalbe no catel in the stalles. 18 But as for me, I wyll be glad in the Lorde, and wyll reioyce in God my sauyoure.

Matthew 5:12

12 Reioyce & be glad, for great is your reward in heauen. For so persecuted they the prophetes which were before your dayes.

Luke 8:15

15 That in the good grounde, are they whyche with a good and pure herte, heare the worde and kepe it, and brynge forth fruyte wyth pacience.

Luke 10:20

20 Neuerthelesse, in thys reioyse not that the spirites are vnder youre power: but reioyse because your names are written in heauen.

Luke 11:5-13

5 And he sayde vnto them: Yf any of you shoulde haue a frende, and shoulde go to hym at midnight, and saye vnto hym: frende lende me thre loues, 6 for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me, and I haue nothinge to set before him: 7 and he within shoulde aunswere & saye: trouble me not, the dore is now shut, and my seruauntes are with me in the chamber, I cannot ryse, and geue them to the. 8 I saye vnto you, thoughe he woulde not arise and geue him, because he is hys frende: yet because of hys importunitie he wold ryse, and geue him as many as he neded. 9 And I saye vnto you: axe and it shalbe geuen you. Seke, and ye shal finde. Knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 10 For euery one that axeth, receyueth: and he that seketh, findeth: & to hym that knocketh shall it be opened 11 Yf the sonne shall axe bread of any of you that is a father, will he geue him a stone? Or yf he axe fishe, will he for a fishe geue hym a serpente? 12 Or yf he axe an egge, wyl he offer hym a scorpion? 13 Yf ye then which are euill, can geue good gyftes vnto youre chyldren, howe much more shall the father of heauen geue an holy spirite to them that desyre it of hym?

Luke 18:1-43

1 And he put forth a similitude vnto them signifyeng that men ought alwaies to pray, & not to be werye, 2 saiynge. There was a Iudge in a certayne cytye, whiche feared not God, neyther regarded man. 3 And there was a certaine wedowe in the same citie whiche came vnto hym saiynge: auenge of myne aduersarye. 4 And he woulde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayde to hym selfe, though I feare not God, nor care for man, 5 yet because thys wedowe troubleth me. I wil auenge her least at the least she come and hagge on me. 6 And the Lord sayed: heare what the vnrightuous iudge sayeth. 7 And shall not God aduenge his electe, which crye daye and nyghte vnto hym, ye though he defarre them? 8 I tell you, he wil auenge them, and that quickly. Neuerthelesse when the sonne of man commeth, suppose ye, that he shall fynde fayth on earth? 9 And he put forth thys similytude vnto certayne, which thrusted in them selues that they were perfecte, and despyseth other. 10 Two men went vp into the temple to praye, the one a pharise and the other a publican. 11 The Pharyse stode and prayed thus with hym selfe: God I thanke the, that I am not as other men are, extorsioners, vniust, aduouterers, or as this publican, 12 I faste twyse in the weke, I geue tythe of all that I possesse. 13 And the Publicane stode a farre of, and woulde not lyft vp his eyes to heauen, but smote his brest, saiynge: God be mercifull to me a synner. 14 I tell you: this man departed home to hys house iustifyed more then the other. For euerye man that exalteth hym selfe, shalbe brought lowe. And he that humbleth hym selfe, shalbe exalted. 15 They broughte vnto hym also babes: that he shoulde touche them. When hys disciples saw that they rebuked them. 16 But Iesus called them vnto hym, and sayed: Suffer children to come vnto me, and forbyd them not. For of suche is the kyngdome of God. 17 Verely I say vnto you: whosoeuer receyueth not the kyngdome of God, as a chylde, he shall not enter therin. 18 And a certayne ruler axed him, saiyng: Good Maister, what ought I to do, to obtayne eternall lyfe? 19 Iesus sayde vnto hym: Why callest thou me good? No man is good, saue God onlye. 20 Thou knowest the commaundementes: Thou shalte not committe aduoutrye. Thou shalte not kyll. Thou shalt not steale. Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse: Honoure thy father and mother. 21 And he sayed: al these haue I kepte from my youth. 22 When Iesus hearde that, he sayed vnto hym. Yet lackeste thou one thynge. Sell all that thou haste, and distrybute it vnto the poore, and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come, & folowe me. 23 When he hearde, that he was heauy: for he was very ryche. 24 When Iesus sawe hym morne, he sayed: with what difficultye shall they that haue ryches, enter into the kyngedome of God: 25 it is easyer for a camel to go thorowe a nedels eye then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdom of God. 26 Then sayed they that hearde that: And who shall then be saued? 27 And he sayed: Thynges which are vnpossyble with men are possyble with God. 28 Then sayed Peter: Loo we haue lefte al, & folowed the. 29 And he sayed vnto them: Verelye I saye vnto you, there is no man that leaueth house, other father or mother, other brethren or wyfe or children, for the kyngdom of Goddes sake, 30 which same shall not receyue much more in thys worlde: and in the world to come, lyfe euerlastynge. 31 He toke vnto hym twelue, and sayed vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Hierusalem, & all shal be fulfylled that are wryten by the Prophetes of the sonne of man. 32 He shalbe deliuered vnto the gentils, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe dispytefully entreated, and shalbe spitted on, 33 and when they haue scourged him, they wyll put hym to death, and the thyrde daye he shall ryse agayn. 34 But they vnderstode none of these thynges. And this saiyng was hyd from them. And they perceyued not the thynges whiche were spoken. 35 And it came to passe, as he was come nye vnto Hierico, a certayne blynde man sat by the waye syde begginge. 36 And when he harde the people passe by, he axed what it meante: 37 And they sayed to him, that Iesus of Nazareth passed by. 38 And he cryed, saiynge: Iesus the sonne of Dauid, haue thou mercye on me. 39 And they whiche wente before, rebuked hym, that he shoulde holde his peace. But he cryed so much the more, thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me. 40 And Iesus stode still, and commaunded hym to be brought vnto hym. And when he was come neare, Iesus axed hym, 41 saiyng: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde that I maye receyue my syght. 42 Iesus sayde vnto hym: receyue thy syght: thy fayth hath saued the. 43 And immediatly he sawe, & folowed hym, praysyng God. And all the people when they sawe it, gaue laude to God.

Luke 21:19

19 With your pacience possesse your soules.

Acts 1:14

14 These all continued wyth one accorde in prayer and supplicacion with the women and Mary the mother of Iesu, and with hys brethren.

Acts 2:42

42 And they continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowshyppe, and in breakyng of bread, and in praier.

Acts 6:4

4 But we wyl geue our selues continually to prayer, and to the ministracion of the word.

Acts 12:5

5 Then was Peter kept in pryson. But prayer was made without ceasing of the congregacyon vnto God for hym:

Romans 2:7

7 that is to say, prayse, honoure and immortalytye, to them whyche continue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe.

Romans 5:2-4

2 by whom we haue a waye in thorowe fayeth vnto thys grace where in we stande & reioye in hope of the prayse that shalbe geuen of God. 3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioice in tribulacion. For we know that tribulation bryngeth pacience, 4 pacience bringeth experience, experience bringeth hope.

Romans 8:25

25 But and yf we hope for that we se not, then do we with pacience abyde for yt.

Romans 15:4

4 Whatsoeuer thynges are wrytten afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnyng, that we thorowe pacyence and comforte of the scrypture myght haue hope.

Romans 15:13

13 The God of hope fil you with all ioye, and peace in beleuynge, that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste.

1 Corinthians 13:13

13 Nowe abideth fayth, hope, and loue, euen these thre: but the chiefe of these is loue.

2 Corinthians 12:8

8 For thys thynge besought I the Lorde thryse, that it myght departe from me.

Ephesians 6:18-19

18 And praye all wayes wyth all maner prayer and supplicacion: and that in the spirite, and watch therunto with all instaunce and supplication for all sainctes, 19 and for me, that vtteraunce maye be geuen vnto me, that I maye open my mouth bloudly, to vtter the secretes of the Gospel,

Philippians 3:1

1 Moreouer my brethren, reioyce in the Lorde. It greueth me not to write one thinge often to you. For to you it is a sure thynge.

Philippians 4:4

4 Reioyce in the Lorde alway, and agayne I say reioyce.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be not carefull: but in all thinges shewe your petition vnto God in prayer and supplication, wyth geuinge of thankes. 7 And the peace of God, whiche passeth al vnderstandynge, kepe your hertes and myndes in Chryste Iesu.

Colossians 1:11

11 strengthed wyth all myghte thorowe his glorious power, vnto al pacience & longe suffering with ioyfulnes,

Colossians 1:27

27 to whom God woulde make knowen the glorious riches of this misterye amonge the Gentyls, whiche ryches is Christ, in you the hope of glorye,

Colossians 4:2

2 Contynue in prayer & watch in the same wyth thankes geuynge,

Colossians 4:12

12 Epaphras the seruaunte of Christe, which is one of you, saluteth you, and alwaies laboureth feruentlye for you in prayers, that ye maye stande perfecte and full in all that is the wyll of God.

1 Thessalonians 1:3

3 wythoute ceasinge, and cal to remembraunce your worke the fayth, and laboure in loue & perseueraunce in the hope of our Lord Iesus Christ, in the syght of God oure father,

1 Thessalonians 5:8

8 But let vs whiche are of the daye, be sober, armed wyth the breste plate of fayth and loue, and wyth hope of saluacyon as an helmet.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

16 Reioyse euer. 17 Praye contynuallye.

2 Thessalonians 1:4

4 so that we oure selues reioyse of you in the congregacions of GOD ouer youre pacience and fayth in al youre persecucyons and trybulacyons that ye suffer,

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

16 Our Lorde Iesu Christe hym selfe, and God oure father whiche hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastynge consolatyon and good hope thorow grace, 17 comforte youre hertes, and stablyshe you in all doctryne and good doynge.

2 Thessalonians 3:5

5 And the Lorde guide your hertes to the loue of God and pacience of Christe.

1 Timothy 6:11

11 But thou which arte the man of GOD, flye suche thynges. Folowe ryghtuousnes. Godlynes, loue, pacyence and mekenes.

2 Timothy 3:10

10 But thou haste sene the experience of my doctryne, fashyon of lyuyng, purpose, fayth, long suffering, loue, pacience,

Titus 2:13

13 lokynge for that blessed hope and gloryous apperyng of the myghtye God, and of oure sauyoure Iesu Christe,

Titus 3:7

7 that we ones iustifyed by hys grace, shoulde be heyres of eternall lyfe, thorow hope.

Hebrews 3:6

6 But Chryste as a sonne hath rule ouer the house, whose house are we, so that we holde faste the confidence and the reioysynge of that hope, vnto the ende.

Hebrews 5:7

7 Which in the daies of his flesh did offer vp praiers and supplications, wyth strong criynge and teares, vnto him that was able to saue hym from death, and was also hearde because of his Godlines.

Hebrews 6:12

12 that ye faynt not, but folowe them, whiche thorowe fayth & pacience inheret the promyses.

Hebrews 6:15

15 And so after that he had taryed a longe tyme, he enioyed the promes.

Hebrews 6:17-19

17 So God wyllynge verye aboundauntlye to shewe vnto the heyres of promes, the stablenes of hys counsayle, he added an othe, 18 that by two immutable thynges (in which it was vnpossyble that GOD shaulde lye) we myghte haue perfecte consolacyon, whiche haue fled, for to holde faste the hope that is set before vs, 19 whiche hope we haue an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast. Whiche hope also entreth in, into those thynges that are wythin the vayle,

Hebrews 10:32

32 Cal to remembraunce the dayes that are passed in the whyche after ye had receyued lyght ye endured a great fyght in aduersities

Hebrews 10:36

36 For ye haue nede of pacyence, that after ye haue done the wyll of God, ye myght receyue the promes.

Hebrews 12:1

1 Wherfore let vs also (seyng that we are compassed wyth so great a multytude of witnesses) laye awaye all that presseth doune, and the synne that hangeth on and let vs runne, wyth pacience vnto the batayle that is set before vs

James 1:3-4

3 for as muche as ye knowe howe that the triynge of youre fayth bryngeth pacience: 4 and let pacyence haue her perfect worke, that ye maye be perfecte and sounde, lackynge nothynge.

James 5:7

7 Be ye pacyente therfore brethren, vnto the commynge of the Lord. Behold the husbande man wayghteth for the precious frute of the earth & hath long pacience therevpon, vntyll he receyue (the early and the latter rayne.)

James 5:10-11

10 Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferyng aduersitye, & of longe pacience, whiche spake in the name of the Lorde. 11 Beholde we count them happye whiche endure. Ye haue hearde of the pacience of Iob, & haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lorde is verye pytyfull and mercyfull.

James 5:15-16

15 and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke, & the Lorde shall rayse hym vp: and yf he haue commytted synnes, they shalbe forgeuen him. 16 Knoweledge youre fautes one to another; and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghtuous man auayleth muche yf it be feruente.

1 Peter 1:3-8

3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, whiche thorowe his aboundaunt mercye begat vs agayne vnto lyuely hope by the resurreccyon of Iesus Christe from death, 4 to enioye an enherytaunce immortall & vndefyled, and that putryfyeth not, reserued in heauen for you, 5 whiche are kept by the power of God thorowe fayth, vnto saluacyon, whiche saluacyon is prepared all ready to be shewed in the laste tyme, 6 in the whiche tyme ye shall reioyce, thoughe nowe for a season (yf nede requyre) ye are in heauynes, thorow manyfolde temptacyon, 7 that youre faythe ones tryed beynge muche more precyous, then golde that perysheth (though it be tryed with fyre) myghte be founde vnto laude, glory, and honoure, at the apearynge of Iesus Christ 8 whome ye haue not sene, and yet loue hym, in whome euen nowe, thoughe ye se hym not, yet do you beleue: and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and gloryous:

1 Peter 2:19-20

19 For it is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience towarde God endure griefe, suffering wrongfullye. 20 For what prayse is it, yf when ye be buffeted for your faultes, ye take it pacientlye? But and yf when ye do well, ye suffre wrong and take it pacyently, then is there thanke wt God.

1 Peter 4:7

7 The ende of al thinges is at hande. Be ye therfore discrete and sober, that ye maye be apt to prayers.

1 Peter 4:13

13 but reioice in as much as ye are partakers of Christes passions, that when his glory appereth, ye maye be mery and glad.

2 Peter 1:6

6 and in knowledge temperancie, and in temperauncie, pacience, in pacience, Godlynes,

1 John 3:1-3

1 Beholde what loue the father hath shewed on vs, that we shoulde be called the sonnes of God. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him. 2 Dearly beloued, now are we the sonnes of God, and yet it doeth not appeare, what we shalbe. But we knowe that when it shal appere, we shalbe like him. For we shall se him as he is. 3 And euery man that hath thys hope in him, pourgeth him selfe, euen as he is pure.

1 John 5:14-15

14 And this is the truste that we haue in him, that yf we axe any thinge, accordinge to hys will he heareth vs. 15 And yf we knowe that he heareth vs whatsoeuer we axe, we knowe, that we shall haue the peticyons that we desyre of hym.

Revelation 13:10

10 He that leadeth into captiuitie shal go into captiuitie, he that kylleth wt a sweard, must be kylled wyth a sweard. Here is the pacience and the fayth of the sainctes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.