Psalms 21:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 Thou haste geuen him hys hertes desyre, and hast not put him from the request of hys lippes. Selah.

Psalms 2:8-9

8 Desyre of me, and I shall geue the Heathen for thyne enherytaunce. Yea the vttermost partes of the worlde for thy possessyon. 9 Thou shalt rule them wyth a rodde of yron, and breake them in peces lyke an earthen vessell.

Psalms 20:4-5

4 Graunte the thy hertes desyre, and fulfill all thy mynde. 5 We wyll reioyse in thy health, & triumphe in the name of the Lorde our God: the Lord perfourme all thy peticion.

Psalms 37:4

4 Delyte thou in the Lorde, & he shall geue the thy hertes desire.

Psalms 92:11

11 Myne eye also shall se hys luste of myne enemyes, and myne eare shall heare his desire of the wicked that ryse vp agaynst me.

Isaiah 49:6-12

6 Let it be but a smal thynge, that thou arte my seruaunte, to set vp the kynredes of Iacob, & to restore the destruccyon of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles. that thou mayest be my helthe vnto the ende of the worlde. 7 Moreouer thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holye one of Israel, because of the abhorrynge and despysynge amonge the Gentyles, concernynge the seruaunte of all them that beare rule: Kynges and prynces shall se, and aryse and worshyppe, because of the Lord that he is faythfull: and because of the holye one of Israell, which hath chosen the. 8 And thus sayth the Lorde: In the tyme apointed wyll I be present with the. And in the houre of healthe wyll I helpe the, and delyuer the. I wyll make the a pledge for the people, so that thou shalte helpe vp the earthe agayne, and chalenge agayne the scatred herytages: 9 That thou mayest saye to the presonners: go forth, & to them that are in darknesse: come into the lyght, that they may fede in the hye wayes, and get theyr lyuynge in all places. 10 There shall neyther hunger nor thurste, heate nor sunne hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them drincke of the sprynge welles. 11 I wyll make wayes vpon all my mountaynes, & my fote pathes shalbe exalted. 12 And beholde, they shall come from farre: lo, some from the north and weste, some from the south.

Hebrews 7:25

25 Wherfor he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto God by hym, seyng he euer lyueth, to make intercessyon for vs.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.