49 Zain. O thyncke vpon thy seruaunt as concernynge thy worde, wherin thou haste caused me to put my trust.
Psalms 119:49 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 8:1
1 And God remembred Noe & al the beastes & al the catel that were with him in the arck. And God made a wynde to blowe vpon the erth, & the waters ceased:
Genesis 32:9
9 And Iacob said: O god of mi father Abraham, & God of my father Isaac: Lord whiche saydest vnto me, returne vnto thy countrye & to thy kynred, & I wyll do all well with the.
2 Samuel 5:2
2 And therto in tyme paste when Saul was kyng ouer vs, thou leddest Israel in and oute. And the Lord hath sayd to the: thou shalt fede my people Israel, and thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel.
2 Samuel 7:25
25 And nowe Lorde God the thyng thou haste sayd of thy seruaunt and of hys house make it good for euer, and do as thou haste sayde.
Job 7:7
7 O remembre, that my lyfe is but a wynde, and that myne eye shall nomore se the pleasures
Psalms 71:14
14 As for me, I wil paciently abyde alwaye, and will euer encrease thy prayse.
Psalms 105:2
2 O let your songes be of him prayse hym, and let your talking be of al hys wonderous workes.
Psalms 105:42
42 For why? he remembred his holy promes whyche he had made vnto Abraham his seruaunte.
Psalms 106:4
4 Remember vs, O Lorde, accordynge to the fauour that thou bearest vnto thy people O vyset vs wyth thy sauynge health.
Psalms 106:45
45 He thought vpon hys couenaunt, and pytyed them, accordyng vnto the multytude of hys mercyes.
Psalms 119:43
43 O take not the worde of treuth vtterly out of my my mouthe, for my hope is in thy iudgementes.
Psalms 119:74
74 They that feare the, wyll be glad when they se me, because I put my truste in thy worde.
Psalms 119:81
81 Caph. My soule longeth for thy sauynge health, for my trust is in thy word,
Psalms 119:147
147 Early in the mornyng do I crye vnto the, for in thy worde is my trust.
Isaiah 62:6
6 I wyll set watchmen vpon thy walles (O Ierusalem) whiche shall neyther ceasse daye nor night to preache the Lorde. And ye also shal not kepe him close,
Romans 15:13
13 The God of hope fil you with all ioye, and peace in beleuynge, that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste.
1 Peter 1:13
13 Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of youre myndes, be sober, and trust perfectelye on the grace that is broughte vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christe,
1 Peter 1:21
21 whiche by hys meanes haue beleued on God that raysed hym from death, & gloryfyed hym, that youre faythe and hope myght be in God.