4 Thou makest thyne aungels sprites, and thy ministers flammes of fyre.
Psalms 104:4 Cross References - Matthew
2 Kings 2:11
11 And as they went walkynge and talkynge: beholde, there came a charet of fyre and horsses of fyre, and put them a sondre. And Eliah went vp in the whorlewynde to heauen.
2 Kings 6:17
17 And Eliseus prayed & sayde: Lord open the eyes of the younge man, & he sawe. And beholde, the mountayne was ful of horses and charettes of fyre rounde aboute Elizeus.
Psalms 148:8
8 Fyre and hayle, snow and vapors, wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde.
Ezekiel 1:13
13 The fashyon and countenaunce of the beastes was lyke hoate coales of fyre, euen as though burnynge cressettes had bene amonge the beastes: and the fyre gaue a glystre, and out of the fyre there wente lyghtenynge.
Acts 23:8
8 For the Saduces saye, that there is no resurreccyon, neyther aungell, nor spirite. But the Pharyseis graunte both.
Hebrews 1:7
7 And of the Angels he sayth: He maketh his Angels spyrytes, and hys mynysters flammes of fyre.
Hebrews 1:14
14 Are they not al ministringe spirites, sent to minister for their sakes, whiche shal be heyres of saluation?