2 O let me haue vnderstandynge in the way of Godlynesse vntyll the tyme that thou come vnto me: and so shall I walcke in my house wyth an innocent herte.
Psalms 101:2 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 18:19
19 For I know him that he wyl commaunde his chyldren & his houshold after him, that they kepe the way of the Lord, to do after ryght & conscience that the Lord may brynge vpon Abraham that he hath promysed hym.
Deuteronomy 6:7
7 & thou shalt whett theim on thy children. & shalt talke of theim when thou arte at home in thyne house, and as thou walkeste by the way, and when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp:
Joshua 24:15
15 But yf it seme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you thys day whom you wyll serue whether the Goddes whiche youre fathers serued that were on the other syde of the floude, eyther the Goddes of the Amorytes in whose lande, ye dwelte, and I & my house wyll serue the Lorde.
1 Samuel 18:14-15
1 Samuel 22:14
14 And Ahymelech answered the kynge & sayde: who is so faythfull amonge all thy seruauntes as Dauid & therto the kinges sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy bidding, and is had in honoure in thyne house?
2 Samuel 8:15
15 And Dauid raygned ouer all Israel, and executed ryght and iustice vnto all hys people.
1 Kings 9:4
4 And yf thou wylte walcke before me, as Dauid thy father walcked, in purenesse of herte & playnesse, to do all that I haue commaunded the, and shalt kepe myne ordynaunces & customes:
1 Kings 11:4
4 For when Salomon was olde, hys wyues turned hys herte after other Goddes: so that hys herte was not perfecte wyth the Lorde hys God, as was the herte of Dauid hys father.
2 Chronicles 15:17
17 But they put not the hilaulters out of Israel: neuerthelesse the herte of Asa was pure in all his lyfe.
2 Chronicles 30:12
12 And therto the hand of God was in Iuda, to make them of one accorde to do the commaundement of the kynge and the capitaynes, whiche was accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 31:20-21
Psalms 40:17
17 As for me, I am poore and in miserye, but the Lord careth for me. Thou art my helper and redemer, make no long tariyng, O my God.
Psalms 75:1-2
Psalms 101:6
6 Myne eyes shal loke for such as be faythfull in the lande, that they maye dwell wyth me: and who so leadeth a godly liue, shall be my seruaunt.
Psalms 119:106
106 I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed, to kepe the iudgementes of thy righteousnesse.
Psalms 119:115
115 Away fro me ye wycked, I will kepe the commaundementes of my God.
Psalms 143:7-8
7 Heare me, O Lorde, & that soone, for my sprete waxeth faynte: hyde not thy face fro me, lest I be lyke vnto theym that go doune into the graue.
8 O let me heare thy louyng kyndnesse by tymes in the morning, for in the is my trust: shew thou me the waye that I should walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto the.
Isaiah 38:3
3 and sayde: Remembre (O Lorde) that I haue walcked before the in treuth and a stedfast herte, and haue done the thyng that is pleasaunt to the. And Hezekiah wepte sore.
Jeremiah 23:5-6
5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I will rayse vp the ryghtuous braunche of Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters wyth wysdome, & shall sett vp equyte & rightuousnes agayne in the earth.
6 In hys tyme shall Iuda be saued and Israell shall dwell without feare. And thys is the name that they shall call hym: euen the Lorde oure ryghtuous maker.