Proverbs 26:18 Cross References - Matthew

18 Lyke os one shutteth deadly arowes and dartes out of a preuy place, euen so doth a dissembler wyth his neighboure.

Genesis 49:23

23 The shoters haue enuyed hym and chydd wt hym and hated hym,

Proverbs 7:23

23 so longe tyll she had wounded hys lyuer with her dart: like as if a byrde hasted to the snare not knowyng that the parell of his lyfe lieth therupon.

Proverbs 25:18

18 Who so beareth false wytnesse agaynst hys neyghboure, he is a verye speare, a swearde, and a sharpe arowe.

Isaiah 50:11

11 But take hede ye haue all kyndled a fyre, and gyrded youre selues with the flamme: Ye walcke in the glysteryng of youre owne fyre, and in the flamme that ye haue kyndled. This cometh vnto you from my hande, namely that ye shall slepe in sorowe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.