Numbers 8:12 Cross References - Matthew

12 And let the Leuytes put theyr handes vpon the heades of the bullockes, & then offer them: the one for a synneofferyng and the other for a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde, to make an attonement for the Leuites.

Exodus 29:10

10 and brynge the oxe before the tabernacle of witnesse. And let Aaron and hys sonnes put their handes vpon hys head

Leviticus 1:4

4 And let hym put hys hand vpon the heed of the burntsacryfice, and fauoure shalbe geuen hym to make an attonement for hym,

Leviticus 4:20

20 & shal do wyth hys oxe as he dyd with the synne offerynge oxe. And the priest shall make an atonement for them, and so it shalbe forgeuen them.

Leviticus 4:35

35 And he shall take away all the fatt therof, as the fat of the shepe of the peace offringes was taken awaye. And the prieste shall burne it vpon the alter for the Lordes sacrifice, and the prieste shall make an atonement for hys synne, and it shalbe forgeuen hym.

Leviticus 5:7

7 But if he be not able to brynge a Shepe, then lette hym bryng for his trespace whych he hath sinned two turtle doues or two yong pygeons vnto the Lord, one for a synne offering and another for a burnt offeryng.

Leviticus 5:9-10

9 And let hym sprynkle of the bloude of the synneofferynge vpon the syde of the aulter, and let the rest of the bloude blede vpon the bottome of the alter, & then it is a synneofferyng. 10 And let hym offer the second for a burntofferinge as the maner is: & so shall the prieste make an atonemente for hym for the synne whych he hath synned, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

Leviticus 8:14

14 And the synne offeryng was brought. And Aaron and his sonns put their handes vpon the head of the oxe of the sinne offering.

Leviticus 8:18

18 And he brought the ram of the burntoffryng & Aaron & hys sonnes put theyr handes vpon the head of the ram,

Leviticus 8:34

34 as they were this day: euen so the Lord hath commaunded to do, to reconcyle you with all.

Leviticus 9:7

7 And Moses said vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter & offer thy synne offeryng, & make an atonemente for the and for the people: and then offer the offeryng of the people, and reconcyle theym also, as the Lord commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 14:19-20

19 Then let the Preast offer the sinneoffring and make an attonement for him that is clensed for his vnclennesse. And then let the burntoffryng be slayne, 20 and let the preast put both the burntoffrynge & the meatoffrynge vpon the alter: & make an attonement for him, and then he shalbe cleane.

Leviticus 14:22

22 & two turtyl doues or two yonge pygeons which he is able to get, & let the one be a synneoffrynge and the other a burntoffryng.

Leviticus 16:6

6 And Aaron shall offer the bullock for hys synneoffryng & make an attonement for hym and for hys house.

Leviticus 16:11

11 And Aaron shall brynge the bullock of hys synneoffryng, and reconcyle for him selfe and for his houshold, and kyl hym.

Leviticus 16:16-19

16 and reconcile the holy place from the vnclennesse of the children of Israell, and from their trespaces & all theyr synnes. And so let him do also vnto the tabernacle of wytnesse that dwelleth with them, euen among their vnclennesses. 17 And there shalbe no body in the tabernacle of wytnesse, when he goeth into make an attonement in the holy place, vntyl he come out agayn. And he shal make an attonement for hym selfe and for hys houshold, and for al the multitude of Israel. 18 Then he shall goo out vnto the alter that stondeth before the Lord, and reconcyle it, and shall take of the bloud of the bullock & of the bloude of the goote, & put it vpon the hornes of the altare rounde about, 19 and sprynkle of the bloude vpon it wt hys fynger seuen tymes, and clense it, and halowe it from the vnclennesses of the chyldren of Israell.

Leviticus 16:21

21 and let Aaron put both hys handes vpon the heede of the lyue goote, & confesse ouer hym all the mysdeades of the chyldren of Israell, and their trespaces, and al theyr synnes: and let hym put them vpon the heed of the goote & sende him away by the handes of one that is anoynted in the wildernes.

Numbers 6:14

14 & he shal bryng his offeryng vnto the Lorde: an he lambe of a yere old wyth out blemyshe for a burntofferynge & a she lambe of a yere old without blemysh for a synofferynge, a ram without blemysh also for a peaceofferynge,

Numbers 6:16

16 And the preast shal brynge him before the Lord and offer his synofferyng & hys burntofferyng,

Numbers 8:8

8 And let them take a bullocke and hys meatofferyng, fyne floure myngled with oyle: & another bullocke shalt thou take to be a synneofferyng.

Hebrews 9:22

22 And also all moost all thynges, are by the lawe pourged wyth bloude, and wythout sheddynge of bloude is no remyssyon.

Hebrews 10:4-10

4 For it is vnpossyble that the bloude of oxen and of gotes shoulde take awaye synnes. 5 Wherfore, when he commeth into the world he sayth: Sacrifyce and offerynge thou wouldest not haue: but a body hast thou ordeyned me. 6 In sacryfyces and synne offerynges thou hast not luste. 7 Then I saide: Lo I come, in the cheyfest in the boke it is wrytten of me, that I should do thy wil, o God. 8 Aboue when he had sayd sacryfyce and offerynge, and burnte sacrifices and synne offerynges thou wouldest not haue, neither hast alowed (whyche yet are offered by the lawe) 9 and then sayd, Lo I come to do thy wyll, O God: he taketh awaye the fyrste to stablysshe the latter. 10 By the whiche wyll we are sanctyfyed, by the offerynge of the bodye of Ieu Christ once for all.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.