85 euery charger contaynynge an hundred and .xxx. sycles of syluer, & euery boule .lxx. so that al the syluer of all the vessels, was twoo thousande and .iiij. hundred sycles of the holy sycle.
Numbers 7:85 Cross References - Matthew
1 Chronicles 22:14
14 Behold in myne aduersite I haue prepared for the house of the Lorde an hundred thousand talentes of goulde, and a thousande talentes of syluer and as for brasse, and yron can not be numbred, it is so muche. And I haue prepared timbre and stone, and thou shalt prouyde more therto.
1 Chronicles 29:4
4 euen thre thousande talentes of goulde of Ophir, and seuen thousande talentes of syluer tryed: to syle the walles of the house
1 Chronicles 29:7
7 and gaue for the seruyce of the house of God, fyue thousande talentes of goulde, and ten thousande peces of goulde coynes, and ten thousande talentes of syluer, and .xviij. thousande talentes of brasse, and an hundred thousande talentes of yron.
Ezra 8:25-26
25 and weyed them there the siluer and goulde and vessels for the heaueoffering vnto the house of our God, which the kinge and the Lordes of his counsell and prynces, and all Israel that were at hande, had geuen to the heaueoffering:
26 & there weied I them vnder their hand syx hundred & fyfty talentes of syluer, and in syluer vessel an hundred talentes, & in gould an hundred talentes