8 O thou enemye of myne, reioyce not at my fal, for I shal get vp agayne: and thoughe I syt in my darckenesse, yet the Lorde is my lyght.
Micah 7:8 Cross References - Matthew
Job 31:29
29 Haue I euer reioysed at the hurte of myne enemy? Or whas I euer glad, that any harme happened vnto hym? Oh no.
Psalms 13:4-6
4 Lest myne enemye saye: I haue preuayled agaynst hym: for if I be cast doune, they that troble me will reioyse at it.
5 But my trust is in thy mercy, & my herte is ioyfull in thy sauynge health.
6 I will singe of the Lorde, that dealeth so louingly with me. (Yea, I wil prayse the name of the Lorde the moost hyest.)
Psalms 27:1
1 Of Dauid. The Lorde is my lyghte and my health: whome then shoulde I feare? the Lorde is the strength of my life, for whom then shuld I be afraied?
Psalms 35:15-16
Psalms 35:19
19 O let them not triumphe ouer me, that are myne enemyes for naught: O let them not winke with their eyes, that hate me without a cause.
Psalms 35:24-26
24 Iudge me, O lorde my God, accordynge to thy righteousnesse, that they triumphe not ouer me.
25 O let them not saye in their hertes: there there, so wolde we haue it: O let them not saye: we haue ouercome hym.
26 Let them be put to confusion & shame, that reioyse at my trouble: let them be clothed wt rebuke and dishonoure, that boost them selfes agaynst me.
Psalms 37:21
21 The vngodly boroweth and payeth not agayne, but the righteous is mercyfull and lyberall.
Psalms 37:24
24 Though he fall, he shall not be hurte, for the Lorde vpholdeth him with his hande.
Psalms 38:16
16 My desyre is, that myne enemyes triumphe not ouer me: for if my foote slyppe, they reioyse greatly agaynst me.
Psalms 41:10-12
Psalms 84:11
11 For the Lord God is a light and defence, the Lorde wyll geue grace and worshyppe, and no good thynge shall he wytholde from them that lyue a godly lyfe.
Psalms 97:11
11 There is sprong vp a lighte for the ryghteous, and a ioyfull gladnesse for suche as be true herted.
Psalms 107:10-15
10 Such as sat in darkenesse and in the shadow of death, beyng fast bounde in mysery and yron.
11 Because they were not obedient to the commaundementes of God, but lightely regarded the counsayll of the moost hyghest.
12 Their hert was vexed with labour, they fel doune, and there was none to helpe them.
13 So they cryed vnto the LORD in their trouble, and he deliuered them oute of theyr dystresse.
14 He brought them out of darkenesse & oute of the shadow of death, & brake their bondes in sonder.
15 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the Lord, and the wonders that he doth for the chyldren of men.
Psalms 112:4
4 Vnto the godly there aryseth vp lyghte in the darcknesse: he is mercyfull, louynge and ryghtuous.
Proverbs 24:16-18
Isaiah 2:5
5 It is to the that I crye (O house of Iacob) vp, let vs walck in the lyghte of the Lorde,
Isaiah 9:2
2 Neuertheles the people that haue dwelt in darcknesse, shall se a greate lyght. As for them that dwell in the lande of the shadowe of death, vpon them shall the lyght shyne.
Isaiah 49:9
9 That thou mayest saye to the presonners: go forth, & to them that are in darknesse: come into the lyght, that they may fede in the hye wayes, and get theyr lyuynge in all places.
Isaiah 50:10
10 Therfore who so feareth the Lorde among you let hym heare the voyce of hys seruaunt, Who so walketh in darcknesse, and no lyghte shyneth vpon hym, let hym hope in the Lord, and holde hym by his God.
Isaiah 60:1-3
1 And therfore get the vp by tymes, for thy lyght cometh, and the glory of the Lorde shall ryse vp vpon the.
2 For lo, whyle the darcknesse and cloude couered the earth and the people, the Lorde shal shew the lyght, and hys glorye shalbe sene in the.
3 The Gentyles shal come to thy light, & kynges to the brightnes that springeth forth vpon the.
Isaiah 60:19-20
19 The Sunne shall neuer be thy day lyght, and the light of the Mone shal neuer shyne vnto the, but the Lorde hym selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting lyght, and thy God shalbe thy glory.
20 Thy Sunne shall neuer go doune, & thy Mone shal not be taken awaye, for the Lorde him selfe shalbe thy euerlastynge light, & thy sorowfull dayes shalbe rewarded the.
Jeremiah 50:11
11 because ye were so chearfull and glad, to treade doune myne heritage, and fulfylled youre pleasures, as the calues in the grasse: and triumphed ouer them lyke the bulles, when ye had gotten the victory.
Lamentations 4:21-22
21 Sin. And thou (O daughter Edom) that dwellest in the lande of Huz, be glad and reioyce: for the cuppe shall come vnto the also, which whan thou soppest of thou shalt be droncken.
22 Thau. Thy sinne is well punished (O thou daughter Sion) he shall not suffre the to be caryed awaye eny more. But thy wyckednesse (O daughter Edom) shall he vyset, and for thy synnes sake, he shall lede the in to captiuite.
Ezekiel 25:6
6 For thus sayeth the lord God: In so much as thou hast clapped with thine handes, and stamped with thy fete, yea reioysed in thyne herte ouer the lande of Israell with despyte:
Ezekiel 35:15
15 And like as thou (O mount Seyr) wast glad, because the heretage of the house of Israell was destroyed: euen so wyll I do vnto the also that thou & whole Edom shall be destroyed, and knowe, that I am the Lorde.
Amos 9:11
11 At that tyme wyll I buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe and hedge vp hys gappes: and loke what is broken, I shall repayre it: Yee I shall buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,
Obadiah 1:12
12 Thou shalt nomore se the daye of thy brother, thou shalt nomore beholde the tyme of hys captiuite: thou shalt nomore reioyse ouer the chyldren of Iuda, in the daye of their destruccyon, thou shalt tryumphe nomore in the tyme of their trouble.
Micah 7:10
10 She that is myne enemy shall loke vpon it, & be confounded, which now sayth. Where is thy Lorde God? Myne eyes shall beholde her, when she shalbe troden doune, as the clay in the stretes.
Malachi 4:2
2 But vnto you that feare my name, shall the Sonne of ryghteousnesse aryse, and healthe shalbe vnder his winges: ye shal go forth, & multipply as the fat calues.
Matthew 4:16
16 the people which sate in darkenes, sawe great light, & to them which sate in the regyon and shadowe of death, light is begonne to shine.
Luke 1:78-79
John 8:12
12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saiynge. I am the lyghte of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shall not walke in darkenes: but shall haue the lyghte of lyfe.
John 16:20
20 Verely verely I say vnto you: ye shall wepe and lament, & the world shall reioyce. Ye shall sorowe, but your sorow shalbe turned into ioye.
Acts 26:18
18 to open theyr eyes, that they myght turne from darckenes to lyght, and from the power of Satan vnto God: that they maye receiue forgeuenes of synnes, and inheritaunce amonge them whyche are sanctyfyed by fayth in me.
2 Corinthians 4:6
6 For it is God that commaunded the lighte to shyne out of darknes, whiche hath shyned in oure hertes, for to geue the lyghte of the knoweledge of the glorye of God, in the face of Iesus Christe.
Revelation 11:10-12
10 And they that dwell vpon the earth, shall reioyse ouer them and be glad, and shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth.
11 And after .iij. dayes and an halfe the spyryte of lyfe from God, entred into them. And they stode vp vpon theyr fete, and great feare came vpon them, whiche sawe them.
12 And they harde a greate voyce from heauen, saying vnto them. Come vp hether. And they ascende vp into heauen in a cloud and their enemies sawe them.
Revelation 21:23
23 & the cytye hath no nede of the sunne neyther of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd lyght it, & the lambe was the lyght of it.
Revelation 22:5
5 And there shalbe no nyght there, and they nede no candel neyther lyghte of the sunne: for the Lorde geueth them lyghte, & they shall rayne for euermore.