Micah 7:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 Let no man beleue hys frende, nor put his confidence in a prynce. Kepe the porte of thy mouthe, from her that lyeth in thy bosome:

Judges 16:5-20

5 vnto whom came the Lordes of the Philistines, and sayd vnto her: Flatter wyth hym and se wherin hys greate strength lyeth, and by what meane we maye haue power ouer hym, that we may bynde hym, to brynge hym vnder, and we wyll geue euerye man eleuen hundred syluerlynges. 6 And Dalilah sayde to Samson. Oh, tell me where thy great strength lyeth, & yf thou were bounde, wherwith men might constraine the. 7 And Samson sayde vnto her. If men bounde me wyth seuen grene wyththes that were neuer dryed, I shoulde be weake and as another man. 8 And then the Lordes of the Philistines brought her seuen wyththes that were yet grene and neuer dried, and she bound him therwyth. 9 Notwythstandynge she had men lyinge in waite wyth her in the chambre. And she sayde vnto him, the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And he brake the cordes as a stryng of towe breaketh, when it fealeth fyre. And so his strength was not knowen. 10 Then sayde Dalilah to Samson: Se thou hast mocked me and tolde me lyes. Nowe yet tell me I praye the, wherwith thou mighteste be bounde. 11 And he sayde: If I were bounde wyth newe ropes that neuer were occupyed, then shoulde I be weake, and as another man. 12 And Dalilah toke newe ropes and bounde hym therwyth, and sayde vnto hym: the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And there were lyers of wayte in the chamber, and he brake them from of hys armes, as they had bene but a threde. 13 And Dalilah sayde vnto Samson, hetherto thou hast begyled me and tolde me lyes: I praye the yet tell me wherwyth men maye bynde the. And he sayde vnto her. If thou plattedest the seuen lockes of my head with an heare lace 14 and fastnedest them wyth a nayle. And she sayde vnto hym, the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And he awaked out of hys slepe, and plucked and went away wyth the nayle, that was in the plattyng and wyth the heare lace. 15 Then she sayd vnto him: How canst thou say that thou louest me, when thyne hert is not with me: for thou hast mocked me this thre tymes, and haste not tolde, wherin thy great strength lyeth. 16 And as she laye vpon him with her wordes, contynually vexinge of him, his soule was encombred euen vnto the death. 17 And he tolde her all his herte, and sayde vnto her: there neuer came raser nor sheres vpon myne head, for I haue bene and abstayner to God euen from my mothers wombe. If myne heare were cut of, my strength woulde go from me, and I shoulde waxe & be lyke all other men. 18 And when Dalilah sawe that he had tolde her all hys herte, she sent for the Phylystynes, sayinge: come vp yet thys ones, for he hath shewed me all hys herte. Then the Lordes of the Philistines came, and brought the money in their handes. 19 And she made hym slepe vpon her lappe, and sent for a man, and cut of the seuen lockes of hys head, and beganne to vexe hym. But hys strength was gone from hym. 20 And she sayd the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And he awoke out of hys slepe, and thoughte to go oute as at other tymes before and shake hym selfe, and wiste not that the Lord was departed from hym.

Job 6:14-15

14 He that is in trybulacyon oughte to be comforted of hys neyghbour: but the feare of the Lord is cleane awaye: 15 Myne owne brethren passeouer by me as the water broke, that hastelye runneth thorow the valleyes.

Psalms 118:8-9

8 It is better to trust in the lord, then to put any cofydence in man. 9 It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confydence in prynces.

Jeremiah 9:4

4 Yea one must kepe him selfe from another no man maye safely truste his owne brother: for one brother vndermyneth another, & one neyghboure begyleth another.

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde I sende you forth as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.