38 Ye haue hearde how it is sayed, an eye for an eye: a tothe for a tothe.
Matthew 5:38 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 21:22-27
22 When men stryue & smyte a woman with chylde so that her frute departe from her and yet no misfortune foloweth: then shal he be mersed, according as the womans husband will laye to his charge, & he shall paye as the dayes men appoynte hym.
23 But and if any misfortune folow, then shall he pay lyfe for lyfe,
24 eye for eye, toth for toth, hande, for hande, fote for fote,
25 burnyng for burnynge, wounde for wounde, and strype for strype.
26 If a man smite his seruaunt or his mayde in the eye & put it out, he shal let them go fre for the eyes sake.
27 Also if he smyte out his seruauntes or his maydes toth, he shal let them go out fre for the tothes sake.
Leviticus 24:19-20
Deuteronomy 19:19
19 then shal ye do vnto him as he had thought to do vnto his brother, & so thou shalt put euell awaye from the.
Deuteronomy 19:21
21 And let thyne eye haue no compassyon, but life for life, eye for eye, tothe for tothe, hande for hand and fote for fote.
Matthew 5:27
27 Ye haue heard how it was sayed to them of olde time: Thou shalt not commit adultery.