Matthew 23:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 But ye shall not suffer youre selues to be called Rabbi. For one is your master, that is to witte Christ, and all ye are brethreu.

Matthew 10:25

25 It is ynough for the discyple to be as his master is, and that the seruaunt be as hys Lorde is. If they haue called the good man of the house him selfe belzebub: how muche more shal they call them of his housholde so?

Matthew 17:5

5 Whyle he yet speake, beholde a bryght cloude shadowed theim. And beholde there came a voyce out of the cloude, sayinge: this is my deare sonne, in whome I delite heare hym.

Matthew 23:10

10 Be not called masters: for there is but one your master: and he is Christ.

Matthew 26:49

49 And forthe wt al he came to Iesus, and sayed: hayle mayster and kyssed hym.

Luke 22:32

32 but I haue prayed for the, that thy faith fayle not. And when thou arte conuerted, strengthe thy brethren.

John 13:13-14

13 Ye call me mayster and Lorde, & ye saye well, for so am I. 14 Yf I then your lord and mayster haue washed your fete, ye also ought to wash one anothers fete.

Romans 14:9-10

9 For Christe therfore dyed, and rose agayne, and reuyued that he myght be Lord both of dead & quicke. 10 But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other why doeste thou despyse thy brother? We shall all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christe.

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

12 how that communly among you, one saith: I hold of Paul, another I holde of Apollo, the thyrd I holde of Cephas, the fourth I holde of Christ. 13 Is Christe diuided? was Paule crucifyed for you? eyther were ye baptysed in the name of Paule?

1 Corinthians 3:3-5

3 As longe verelye as there is amonge you enuiynge, stryfe and dissencion: are ye not carnall, and walke after the maner of men? 4 As long as one sayeth, I holde of Paul, and another I am of Apollo, are ye not carnall? 5 What is Paule? What thinge is Apollo? Dulye ministres are they, by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue euerye man grace.

2 Corinthians 1:24

24 Not that we be lordes ouer youre fayth but helpers of youce ioye. For by fayth ye stand.

2 Corinthians 4:5

5 For we preache not oure selues, but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde, and oure selues youre seuauntes for Iesus sake.

Ephesians 3:15

15 whiche is father ouer all that is called father, in heauen and in earth,

Colossians 1:1-2

1 Paule an Apostle of Iesu Christe by the wyll of God, and brother Tymotheus. 2 To the sainctes, whiche are at Colossa, and brethren that beleue in Christe. Grace be wyth you and peace from God oure father, and from the Lorde IESVS Christe.

James 3:1

1 My brethren be not euery man a mayster, remembrynge howe that we shal receyue the more damnacyon:

1 Peter 5:3

3 not as though ye were Lordes ouer the parishes, but that ye be an ensample to the flocke.

Revelation 1:9

9 I Iohn your brother and companyon in trybulacyon, and in the kyngdome and pacyence whiche is in Iesu Christe, was in the yle of Pathmos for the worde of God, and for the wytnessynge of Iesu Christ

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his feete, to worshippe him. And he sayed vnto me, se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt, & one of thy brethren, & of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is the spirit of prophesye.

Revelation 22:9

9 And he sayed vnto me: se thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunte, & the felowe seruaunte of thy brethren the Prophetes, & of them which kepe the sayinges of thys boke. But worshyppe God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.