Matthew 11:19 Cross References - Matthew

19 The sonne of man came eatinge and drynking, and they saye, beholde a glutton and drinker of wine, and a frende vnto publicans and synners. Neuerthelater wysdome is iustifyed of her children.

Psalms 92:5-6

5 O Lorde, how glorious are thy workes, thy thoughtes are very depe. 6 An vnwyse man will not knowe thys, and a foole will not vnderstande it.

Proverbs 17:24

24 Wysdome shineth in the face of hym that hath vnderstanding, but the eies of fooles wander thorow out all landes.

Matthew 9:10-11

10 And he arose and folowed hym. And it came to passe, as he sate at meat in the house: beholde many Publicans, and synners came and sate doune also with Iesus and hys disciples. 11 When the Phariseis sawe that, they sayed to hys disciples: why eateth your master with Publicans and synners?

Luke 5:29-30

29 And the same Leui made him a great feaste at home in his owne house. And ther was a great companye of publicans and of other that sate at meat with him. 30 And the scribes and pharyseis murmured againste his disciples saiynge: Why eate ye, and drinke ye with publicans and sinners?

Luke 7:29

29 And all the people that hearde and the publicans iustifyed God, and were baptysed with the baptime of Ihon.

Luke 7:34-36

34 The sonne of man is come and eateth and drincked, and ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotten, and a drincker of wine, a frende of publicans and synners. 35 Yet is wysdome iustyfyed of all her chyldren. 36 And one of the pharyseis desyred hym that he wolde eate with him. And he wente into the pharyseis house and sate doune to meate.

Luke 14:1

1 And it chaunsed that he went into the house of one of the chiefe Phariseis to eate breade, on a Saboth daye: and they watched hym.

Luke 15:1-2

1 Then resorted vnto hym all the Publycans and synners for to heare hym. 2 And the Pharises & Scribes murmured saiyng. He receyued to hys company synners, and eateth with them.

Luke 19:7

7 And when they sawe that, they al groundged saiyng: He is gone into tarye with a man that is a synner.

John 2:2

2 And Iesus was called also & his disciples vnto the mariage.

John 12:2-8

2 There they made hym a supper, & Martha serued: but Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with hym. 3 Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntment called Nardus, perfecte and precyous, and annoynted Iesus fete, and wepte hys fete with her heare, and the house was fylled wyth the sauoure of the oyntmente. 4 Then sayed one of hys disciples named Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne. whiche afterwarde betrayed him: 5 why was not thys oyntment solde for thre .C. pens and geuen to the poore? 6 Thys sayed he, not that he cared for the poore, but because he was a thiefe, and kepte the bagge, and bare that whiche was geuen. 7 Then sayed Iesus Let her alone, agaynste the daye of my buriynge the kept it. 8 The poore alwayes shall ye haue with you, but me shall ye not alwayes haue.

Romans 15:2

2 Let euery man please his neyghboure vnto his wealth and edifiynge.

1 Corinthians 1:24-29

24 but vnto them, whiche are called both of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christe the power of God, and the wisdome of God. 25 For the folyshnes of God is wyser then men, and the weaknes of God is stronger then men. 26 Brethren loke on youre callinge howe that not manye wyse men after the fleshe, not manie myghty, not manye of hye degre are called: 27 but God had chosen the folyshe thynges of the worlde, to confounde the wise. And God hath chosen the weake thinges of the worlde, to confounde thynges, whyche are myghty. 28 And vile thinges of the world, and thinges whiche are despysed, hath God chosen, yea and thinges of no reputation for to bringe to nought thinges of reputation, 29 that no flesh shoulde reioise in his presence.

Ephesians 3:8-10

8 Vnto me the leaste of all sainctes is this grace geuen, that I shoulde preache amonge the Gentyls the vnsearcheable ryches of Christe, 9 and to make all men se what the fellowshyp of the mysterye is, whiche from the beginninge of the worlde hath bene hyde in God, whiche made all thinges thorowe Iesus Christ, 10 to the entente, that nowe vnto the rulers & powers in heauen myght be knowen (by the congregation) the manifolde wysedome of God,

Revelation 5:11-14

11 And I behelde, and I heard the voyce of many angels about the throne, and about the beastes, and the elders, and I heard thousande thousandes, 12 sayinge wyth a loud voyce: Worthy is the lamb that was kylled to receiue power, and riches, and wysdome, and strength, and honoure, & glorye and blessing. 13 And al creatures whiche are in heauen, and on the earth, and vnder the earth, and in the sea, and al that are in them hearde I saiynge: blessing, honour, glory, and power be vnto him that sytteth vpon the seate, and to the Lambe for euermore. 14 And the foure beastes sayd Amen. And the .xxiiij. elders fel vpon theyr faces, and worshypped hym that liueth for euermore.

Revelation 7:12

12 saying, Amen: Blessing and glory, wisdome, and thankes, and honoure, and power & mighte, be vnto our God for euermore: Amen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.