Mark 8:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 And the Phariseis came forth and began to despute with hym, sekynge of him a signe from heauen, & tempting him.

Exodus 17:2

2 And the people chode wyth Moses and sayde: geue vs water to drynke. And Moses sayde vnto them: why chyde ye wyth me, and wherfore do ye tempte the Lord?

Exodus 17:7

7 And he called the name of the place: Massa and Meriba: because of the chydynge of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lorde saynge: is the Lorde amog vs or not?

Deuteronomy 6:16

16 Ye shall not tempte the Lorde your God as ye dyd at Masa.

Malachi 3:15

15 Therfore maye we saye, that the proude are happye, and that they whiche deale with the vngodlynesse, are sette vp: for they tempte God, and yet escape.

Matthew 12:38

38 Then aunswered certaine of the scrybes and of the Phariseis sayinge. Master, we woulde fayne se a sygne of the.

Matthew 16:1-12

1 Then came the Phariseis and Saduceis, and dyd tempte hym, desiring hym to shew them some signe from heauen. 2 He aunswered and saide vnto them. At euen ye saye, we shall haue fayre wedder, and that because the skye is reed: 3 and in the mornynge ye saye: to daye shalbe foule wedder, & that because the skie is cloudy and redde. O ye hypocrites ye can discerne the fashion of the skie and can ye not discerne the signes of the times 4 The froward nacion and aduouterous seketh a signe: and there shal no nother signe be geuen vnto them, but the signe of the prophet Ionas So lefte he them, and departed. 5 And when his disciples were come to the otherside of the water, they had forgotten too take bread with them. 6 Then Iesus sayd vnto them: Take hede and beware of the leuen of the Phariseis and of the Saduces. 7 And thei thoughte in theim selues sayinge: because we haue brought no breade wyth vs. 8 When Iesus vnderstode that, he sayd vnto them? O ye of litle fayth, why are your myndes cumbred because ye haue brought no bread? 9 Do ye not yet perceyue, neither remember those fyue loues when there were .v.M. men, & how many baskettes toke ye vp: 10 Neyther the seuen loues when there were .iiij. thousand, and how many baskettes toke ye vp? 11 Why perceyue ye not then, that I spake not vnto you of bread, when I sayde: beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces. 12 Then vnderstode they, howe that he had not them beware of the leuen of breade: but of the doctrine of the Phariseis and of the Saduces.

Matthew 19:3

3 Then came vnto him the Pharises, tempting him, & saying to hym: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wyfe for all maner of causes?

Matthew 21:23

23 And when he was come into the temple, the chiefe Priestes and the elders of that people came vnto hym as he was teachynge, and sayde. By what auctoritie doest thou these thynges and who gaue the thys power?

Matthew 22:15

15 Then went the pharises and toke counsell how they myght tangle hym in hys wordes.

Matthew 22:18

18 Iesus perceyued theyr wickednes, & sayd: Why tempt ye me ye hypocrites?

Matthew 22:23

23 The same day the Saduces came to hym (which say that there is no resurreccion) axed him

Matthew 22:34-35

34 When the Pharises had hearde, how that he had put the Saduces to silence, they drewe together, 35 and one of them whiche was a doctoure of lawe, axed a question temptyng hym and sayinge:

Mark 2:16

16 And when the Scrybes and pharyses sawe hym eate wyth Publicans and synners, they sayde vnto hys discyples: howe is it that he eateth and drinketh with Publicans and synners?

Mark 7:1-2

1 And the Phariseis came together vnto hym, and diuers of the Scribes, which came from Hierusalem. 2 And when they sawe certayne of hys disciples eate breade with commen handes (that is to say wt vnwashen handes) they complayned.

Mark 12:15

15 Oughte we to geue, or ought we not to geue? He vnderstode theyr simulacyon, and sayde vnto them: Why tempte you me? Brynge me a peny that I maye se it.

Luke 10:25

25 And beholde a certaine lawyer stode vp, & tempted hym, saiynge: Mayster what shall I do to enherite eternall lyfe?

Luke 11:16

16 And other tempted hym, seking of him a signe from heauen.

Luke 11:53-54

53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawyers, and the Pharyses began to wexe busye aboute hym, and to stop hys mouthe with manye questyons, 54 layinge wayte for hym, and sekynge to catche some thynge of hys mouthe, whereby they myghte accuse hym.

Luke 12:54-57

54 Then sayde he to the people: when ye se a cloude ryse out of the west, strayght waye ye saye. We shall haue a sower, and so it is. 55 And when ye se the southe wynde blowe, ye saye: we shall haue heate, and it commeth to passe. 56 Hypocrites, ye can skyll of the fashyon of the earth, and of the skye, but what is the cause that ye can not skyll of thys tyme? 57 Ye and why iudge ye not of yourselues, what is ryghte?

John 4:48

48 Then sayed Iesus vnto hym: except ye se sygnes and wonders ye can not beleue.

John 6:30

30 They said vnto him: what sygne shewest thou them that we may se and beleue the? What doest thou worke?

John 7:48

48 Doth anye of the rulers or the Phariseis beleue on hym?

Acts 5:9

9 Then saied Peter vnto her: why haue ye agreed together to tempte the spiryte of the Lorde? Beholde, the fete of them whiche haue buried thy husbande, are at the dore, and shal cary the out.

1 Corinthians 1:22-23

22 For the Iewes require a signe, and the Grekes seke after wisdom. 23 But we preache Christe crucifyed vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge, and vnto the Grekes folishnes,

1 Corinthians 10:9

9 Neither let vs tempte Christe as some of them tempted, and were destroyed of serpentes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.