Mark 4:38 Cross References - Matthew

38 And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke hym, and sayde to hym: Mayster carest thou not that we peryshe?

1 Kings 18:27-29

27 And at none Eliah mocked them and sayd: call loud, (for he is a God: but he is talking or occupied or in the waye, or happely he slepeth) that he may awake. 28 And they cryed loud, and cut them selues, as their maner was, wyth knyues & launcers, tyl the bloude folowed on them. 29 And when midday was passed, they prophesyed vntil it was time to offer. But there was neyther voyce nor answere nor any that regarded them.

Job 8:5-6

5 If thou woldest now resorte vnto God by tymes, & make thyne humble prayer to the Almyghtye: 6 yf thou woldest lyue a pure and a godly lyfe: shulde he not wake vp vnto the immediatly, & geue the, the bewtie of rightuousnesse agayne?

Psalms 10:1-2

1 Why arte thou gone so far of, O Lord? wylt thou hyde thy selfe in tyme of trouble? 2 While the vngodlye hath the ouer hand, the pore must suffer persecutyon. O that they were taken in the ymagynacion which they go aboute.

Psalms 22:1-2

1 To the chaunter vppon Aieleth of the dawnyng, a Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God: why haste thou forsaken me? the wordes of my complaynte are farre fro my health. 2 O my God, I crye in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the night season also I take no rest.

Psalms 44:23-24

23 Vp Lorde, why slepest thou? wake, and cast vs not of for euer. 24 Wherfore hydest thy face? wylte thou cleane forget oure mysery and oppression

Psalms 77:7-10

7 Wyll the Lorde cast out for euer? Wyl he be no more intreated? 8 Is hys mercye cleane gone? Is hys promyse come vtterlye to an ende for euermore? 9 Hath the Lord forgotten to be gracyous? Or, hath he shut vp hys louynge kyndnes in dyspleasure? Selah. 10 At the last, I came to thys poynte, that I thought: O why art thou so folysh? the right hande of the moost hyest can chaunge all.

Isaiah 40:27-28

27 How maye then Iacob thyncke, or how maye Israel saye: My wayes are hyd from the Lorde, and my God knoweth not of my iudgementes. 28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not hearde, that the euerlastynge God the Lorde whiche made all the corners of the earth, is nether weery nor faynt, & that his wysdome can not be comprehended,

Isaiah 49:14-16

14 Then shal Syon saye: God hath forsaken me, and the Lorde hath forgotten me. 15 Doth a wyfe forget the chylde of her wombe, & the sonne whom she hath borne? And though she do forget, yet wyll not I forget the. 16 Beholde, I haue written the vp vpon my handes, thy walles are euer in my syght.

Isaiah 51:9-10

9 Wake vp, wake vp, and be strong: O thou arme of the Lorde: wake vp, lyke as in tymes paste, euer and sence the worlde beganne. 10 Arte not thou he, that haste wounded that proude lucyfer, & hewen the dragon in peces? Arte not thou euen he, whiche haste dryed vp the depe of the sea, whiche haste made playne the sea grounde, that the delyuered myght go thorow?

Isaiah 54:6-8

6 For the Lord shal call the, beynge as a desolate sorowful woman and as a younge wyfe that hath broken her wedlocke: sayeth thy God. 7 A lytle whyle haue I forsaken the, but with greate mercyfulnes shall I take the vp vnto me. 8 When I was angry, I hyde my face from the for a lytle season, but thorowe euerlasting goodnes shall I pardon the, sayeth the Lorde thyne auenger.

Isaiah 63:15

15 Loke doune then from heauen, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary and thy glory: how is it, that they gelousy, thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes, & thy louynge kindnesse, will not be entreated of vs.

Isaiah 64:12

12 Wylt thou not be intreated (Lorde) for all this? Wylt thou holde thy peace, and scourge vs so sore?

Lamentations 3:8

8 Though I crye and call piteously, yet heareth he not my prayer.

Matthew 8:25

25 And his discyples came vnto him, and awoke him sayinge: master saue vs, we peryshe.

Luke 8:24

24 And they went to him and awoke him saiyng: Maister Maister we are loste. Then he rose & rebuked the winde & the tempeste of the water, & they ceased, & it wexed calme.

John 4:6

6 And there was Iacobs wel, Iesus then weried in hys iorny, sate thus on the wel. And it was about the .vi. houre:

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherfore in al thinges it became him to be made like vnto his brethren, that he myghte be mercyfull and a faythful hye prieste in thinges concerninge God, for to pourge the people synnes.

Hebrews 4:15

15 For we haue not an hye prieste, whiche can not haue compassion on our infirmities, but was in all pointes tempted, lyke as we are, but yet without sinne.

1 Peter 5:7

7 Caste all your care to him: for he careth for you.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.