4 & ye shal know, that I haue sent this commaundement vnto you: that my couenaunt which I made with Leui, myght stande, sayeth the Lorde of Hostes.
Malachi 2:4 Cross References - Matthew
Numbers 3:12
12 behold I haue taken the Leuites from among the children of Israel, for al the fyrstborne that openeth the matrice among the children of Israel, so that the Leuites shall be myne:
Numbers 3:45
45 take the Leuites for all the fyrstborne of the chyldren of Israell, and the cattel of the Leuites for their cattel: and the Leuites shalbe myne, which am the Lord.
1 Kings 22:25
25 And Micheah sayd: behold thou shalt se in that daye, when thou shalt go from chambre to chambre to hyde the.
Nehemiah 13:29
29 O my God, thinke thou vpon them that are quyte of the priesthode, & haue defyled the couenaunte of the priesthode and of the Leuites.
Isaiah 1:24-28
24 Therfore speaketh the Lorde God of hostes the myghtye one of Israel: Ah I muste ease me of myne enemyes, and avenge me vpon them.
25 And therfore shall I laye my hande vpon the and burne oute thy drosse from the fyneste and pureste, and put oute all the leade,
26 and set thy iudges agayne as they were some tyme, and thy Senatours as they were from the begynninge. Then shalte thou be called the ryghtuous cytie, the faithful citye.
27 But Syon shalbe redemed with equite, and her captyuyte with ryghteousnesse.
28 For the transgressours and vngodlye, and suche as are become vnfaythfull vnto the Lorde, muste altogether be vtterlye destroyed.
Isaiah 26:11
11 Lorde, they wyll not se thyne hye hande, but they shall se it, and be confounded: when thou shalte deuoure them with the wrathe of the people, & wyth the fyre of thyue enemyes.
Isaiah 27:9
9 And therfor shall the iniquite of Iacob be thus reconcyled. And so shall he take away all the frute of hys sinnes. As for aulter stones, he shall make them all as stones beaten to poulder: the groues & Idols shall not stande.
Jeremiah 28:9
9 eyther of peace, vpon many nacyons and greate kyngedomes, were proued by this (yf God had sende them in very dede) when the thynge came to passe, whiche that Prophete tolde before.
Ezekiel 20:38-41
38 The forsakers also and the transgressours will I take from among you, & bringe them out of the lande of youre habitacion: as for the lande of Israel, they shall not come in it: that they may knowe, howe that I am the Lorde.
39 Go now then (sayeth the Lorde God) ye house of Israel, cast awaye, and destroye euery man his Idoles: then shall ye heare me, & no more blaspheme my holie name with your offeringes and Idoles.
40 But vpon my holye hil, euen vpon the hye hil of Israel shal al the house of Israel and all that is in this lande, worshippe me: and in the same place wyll I fauoure them, and there wil I require youre heaueofferinges, and the fyrstlynges of your oblacions, with all youre holie thinges.
41 I will accepte your swete sauoure, when I bringe you from the nacions, and gather you together oute of the landes, wherin ye be scatred: that I maye be halowed in you before the Heathen,
Ezekiel 33:33
33 When thys commeth to passe (for lo, it commeth in dede) then shall they know, that there hath ben a Prophet among them.
Ezekiel 38:23
23 Thus wyll I be magnifyed, honoured, and knowne amonge the Heathen: that they maye be sure, how that I am the Lorde.
Ezekiel 44:9-16
9 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God: Of all the straungers that dwell amonge the chyldren of Israell, no straunger (whose herte & fleshe is not cyrcumcysed) shall come within my Sanctuarye:
10 No ner the Leuites that be gone backe frome, and haue dysceyued the people of Israell wyth all erroures, goinge after their ydoles: therfore shall they beare their owne wyckednes.
11 Shulde they be set & ordened to mynystre vnder the dores of the house of my Sanctuarye? And to do seruyce in the house: to slaye burntoffringes and sacrifyces for the people: to stande before them, and to serue them:
12 seynge the seruyce that they do them, is before their Idoles, and cause the house of Israell to stomble thorowe the wyckednes? For the whych cause I haue pluckte out myne hande ouer them (sayeth the Lorde) so that now they must beare their owne iniquyte,
13 and not to come nye me, to serue me with their presthode, in my Sanctuarye, and moost holyest of all: that they maye beare their owne shame & abhomynacyons, which they haue done.
14 Shulde I vse them to be porters of the house, and to all the seruyce that is done therin?
15 But the Prestes the Leuytes the sonnes of Sadoch, that kepte the holye ordynaunces of my Sanctuarye, when the chyldren of Israell were gone fro me: shall come to me, to do me seruyce, to stande before me, & to offre me the fat & the bloude, sayeth the Lorde God.
16 They shall go in to my Sanctuarye, and treade before my table, to do me seruice, and to wayte vpon myne ordynaunces.
Matthew 3:12
12 which hath also his fan in hys hande, and will purge his floure gather the wheat into his garner, & wyl burne the chaffe with vnquenciable fyre.
Luke 10:11
11 euen the very duste, whiche cleaueth on vs of your citie, we wype of agaynste you. Notwithstandynge marke this that the kyngdome of God was come nye vpon you.
John 15:2
2 Euery braunche that beareth not frute in me, he wyll take awaye. And euerye braunche that beareth frute, wil he pourge, that it maye bryng more frute.