Malachi 1:6 Cross References - Matthew

6 Should not a sonne honoure his father, & a seruaunte hys mayster? Yf I be now a father, where is mine honoure? Yf I be the Lorde, where am I feared? sayeth the Lord of hostes. Now to you priestes, that despise my name. And yf ye saye: wherin haue we despised thy name:

Exodus 4:22-23

22 And tel Pharao, thus sayeth the Lorde: Israel is myne eldest sonne, 23 and therfore sayth vnto the let my sonne go, that he maye serue me. If thou wylt not lette him go: behold, I wyl slea thyne eldest sonne.

Exodus 20:12

12 Honour thy father & thy mother, that thy dayes may be longe in the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the.

Leviticus 19:3

3 Se that ye feare euery man hys father and hys mother, and that ye kepe my Sabothes, for I am the Lord youre God.

Deuteronomy 5:16

16 Honoure thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commaunded the: that thou maiste prolonge thy dayes, and that it may go wel wyth the on the land, which the Lord thy God geueth the.

1 Samuel 2:28-30

28 And I chose thy father out of al the trybes of Israel to be my prieste for to offer vpon myne aultar and to burne incense, & to were an Ephod before me. And I gaue vnto the house of thy father all the offerynges of the chyldren of Israel. 29 Wherfore kycke ye agaynste my sacryfyce and agaynst myne offeryng which I commaunde in the tabernacle, and honoreste thy chyldren aboue me, and make your selues fat of the fyrste frutes of all the offerynges of Israel my people? 30 Wherfore the Lorde God of Israel sayth: I sayde that thyne house and the house of thy father shulde haue walked before me for euer. But now the Lorde sayth: that be farre from me: for them that worshyppe me, I wyll worshyp, & they that despyse me, shalbe despised.

Proverbs 30:11

11 He that bringeth vp an euell reporte vpon the generacion of hys father and mother, is not worthy to be commended.

Proverbs 30:17

17 Who so laugheth hys father to scorne, and setteth his mothers commaundement at naughte: the rauens pycke out hys eyes in the valley, and deuoured be he of the yonge Aegles.

Isaiah 1:2

2 Heare O heauen, herken O earth, for the Lord speaketh: I haue norysshed & brought vp chyldren, and they are fallen awaye from me.

Isaiah 64:8

8 But now O Lorde, thou father of oures: we are al the claye, and thou art our potter & we are al the worke of thy handes.

Jeremiah 2:21-22

21 where as I planted the out of noble grapes & good rotes. How art thou turned then into a bitter, vnfrutefull, and straunge grape? 22 Yea, & that so sore: that thoughe thou wasshe the with Nitrus, and make thy self to fauoure with that swete smelling herbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wyckednesse, sayeth the Lorde thy God.

Jeremiah 5:30-31

30 Horryble and greuous thinges are done in the lande. 31 The Prophetes teache falsely, and the priestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therein. What wyll come thereof at the laste.

Jeremiah 23:11

11 For the prophetes & the prestes them selues are poluted ypocrytes, and their wyckednes haue I founde in my house, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 31:9

9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but wyth ioye wyll I brynge them hyther agayne. I wyl lede them by the ryuers of water in a straighte waye, where they shall not stomble: For I wyll be Israels father, and Ephraim shalbe my fyrstborne.

Ezekiel 22:26

26 Thy priestes breake my lawe, and defyle my Sanctuarye. They put no dyfference betwene the holy and vnholy, nether discerne betwene the cleane and vncleane: they turne their eyes from my Sabbothes, & I am vnhalowed among them.

Hosea 4:6

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowledge. Seing then that thou hast refused vnderstanding, therfore wil I refuse the also: so that thou shalt no more be my preste. And for so muche as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy children.

Hosea 5:1

1 O ye priestes: hear this, take hede o thou houshold of Israel: geue eare, O thou kyngly house: for thys punyshemente will come vpon you, that are become a snare vnto Myzphah, and a spred net to the mount of Thabor.

Hosea 12:8

8 Ephraim thinketh thus: Tush, I am ryche, I haue good ynoughe. In all my worckes shall not one fawte be founde, that I haue offended.

Malachi 2:8

8 But as for you, ye are gone cleane out of the waye, & haue caused the multitude to be offended at the lawe: ye haue broken the couenaunt of Leui, sayeth the Lord of hostes.

Malachi 2:14-17

14 And yet ye say: wherfore? Euen because that where as the Lorde made a couenaunt betwixt the & the wyfe of thy youth, thou hast despysed her: Yet is she thyne owne companion and maried wife. 15 So dyd not the one, and yet had he an excellente spirite. What dyd then the one? He sought the sede promised of God. Therfore loke well to your spirit, and let no man despise the wyfe of his youth. 16 Yf thou hatest her, put her awaye, sayeth the Lord God of Israel, & geue her a clothinge for the scorne, sayeth the Lord of hostes. Loke wel then to your spirit, & despise her not. 17 Ye greue the lord with your wordes, & yet ye say: wherwt al haue we greued him? In this, that ye say: Al that do euil are good in the sight of god, and such please him. Or els where is the God that punisheth?

Malachi 3:7-8

7 ye are gone away from myne ordinaunces, and sens the time of your forefathers haue ye not kepte them. Turne you now vnto me, and I will turne me vnto you, sayeth the Lorde of hostes: ye saye: wherin shall we turne? 8 Shoulde a man vse falshede and disceyte with God as ye vse falshede and disceyte wyth me? Yet ye saye: wherin vse we disceyt wyth the? In Tithes & heaueofferinges.

Malachi 3:13-14

13 Ye speake harde wordes agaynst me, sayeth the Lorde. And yet ye saye: What haue we spoken agaynst the? 14 Ye haue sayed. Is it but lost labour, to serue God? What profyt haue we for keping his commaundementes, and for walkinge humbly before the Lorde of Hostes?

Matthew 6:9

9 after this manner therfore pray ye. Our father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For and if ye shall forgeue other men their trespases, your heauenlye father shall also forgeue you. 15 But and ye wyll not forgeue men theyr trespases, no more shall your father forgeue your trespases.

Matthew 7:21

21 Not al they that saye vnto me, Maister Maister, shal enter into the kingdome of heauen: but he that doeth my fathers will which is in heauen.

Matthew 15:4

4 For God commaunded saying: honoure thy father and mother, and he that curseth father or mother shall suffre death.

Matthew 15:6

6 and so shall he not honour hys father or mother. And thus haue ye made, that the commaundement of God is without effecte, thorow your tradicions.

Matthew 19:19

19 honoure father and mother, and loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe.

Mark 7:10

10 For Moyses sayd: Honour thy father and thy mother: and whosoeuer curseth father or mother, let him dye for it.

Mark 10:19

19 Thou knowest the commaundementes: breake not matrimonye: kyll not: steale not: beare not false witnes: defraude no man: honour thy father & mother.

Luke 6:36

36 Be ye therfore mercifull, as your father is mercyfull.

Luke 6:46

46 Why call ye me Maister Maister, and do not as I byd you?

Luke 10:29

29 He wyllinge to iustifye hym self, sayde vnto Iesus. Who is then my neyghboure?

Luke 18:20

20 Thou knowest the commaundementes: Thou shalte not committe aduoutrye. Thou shalte not kyll. Thou shalt not steale. Thou shalte not beare false wytnesse: Honoure thy father and mother.

John 13:13-17

13 Ye call me mayster and Lorde, & ye saye well, for so am I. 14 Yf I then your lord and mayster haue washed your fete, ye also ought to wash one anothers fete. 15 For I haue geuen you an ensample, that ye shoulde do as I haue done to you. 16 Verelye verelye I say vnto you: the seruaunte is not greater then hys mayster, neyther the messenger greater then he that sent hym. 17 Yf ye vnderstande these thynges, happye are ye yf ye do then.

Ephesians 6:2

2 Honoure thy father and mother, that is the fyrst commaundemente that hath anye promes,

1 Timothy 6:1-2

1 Let as manye seruauntes as are vnder the yoke, count theyr maysters worthy of all honoure that the name of God and hys doctryne be not euyll spoken of. 2 Se that they whiche haue beleuynge maysters, despyse them not because they are brethren: but so muche the rather do seruyce, for asmuch as they are beleuynge and beloued and partakers of the benefyte.

Titus 2:9-10

9 The seruauntes exhort to be obedient vnto theyr owne maysters, and to please in al thynges, not aunswerynge agayne, 10 neyther be pyckers, but that they shewe all good faythfulnes, that they maye do worshyp to the doctryne of oure sauyoure God in all thynges.

1 Peter 1:17

17 And yf so be that ye call on the father, whiche wythout respecte of person, iudgeth accordynge to euery mannes workes se that ye passe the tyme of youre pylgrymage in feare.

1 Peter 2:17-19

17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherlye felowship. Feare God, and honour the kynge. 18 Seruauntes obeye your maysters wyth al feare, not onelye yf they be good, and courteous: but also thoughe they be frowarde. 19 For it is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience towarde God endure griefe, suffering wrongfullye.

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