Luke 6:7 Cross References - Matthew

7 And the scrybes and pharyseis watched him, to see whether he would heale on the saboth daye, that they myght fynde an accusacion against him.

Psalms 37:32-33

32 The vngodly seyth the righteous, & goeth aboute to slaye hym. 33 But the Lorde will not leaue him in hys handes, nor condempne him when he is iudged.

Psalms 38:12

12 They that sought after my lyfe, and to do me euell, spake of lyes & ymagined disceate all the daye longe.

Isaiah 29:21

21 suche as laboure to drawe men vnto synne: & that dysceyue hym, whiche reproueth them in the gate, and such as turne good personnes to vanite.

Jeremiah 20:10

10 For why, I herde so many derisyons and blasphemies, yee euen of myne owne companions, and of soch as were conuersaunte with me: whiche wente aboute, to make me afrayed, sayinge, vpon hym, let vs go vpon him to feare hym and make hym holde his tonge: that we maye ouer come hym, and be auenged of hym.

Matthew 26:59-60

59 The chiefe priestes and the elders, and all the counsell, sought false wytnes agaynst Iesus, for to put hym to death, 60 but founde none in so muche that when manye false wytnesses came yet founde they none. At the laste came two false wytnesses,

Mark 3:2

2 And they watched him to se, whether he woulde heale him on the Saboth daye, that they myght accuse hym.

Luke 11:53-54

53 When he thus spake vnto them, the lawyers, and the Pharyses began to wexe busye aboute hym, and to stop hys mouthe with manye questyons, 54 layinge wayte for hym, and sekynge to catche some thynge of hys mouthe, whereby they myghte accuse hym.

Luke 13:14

14 And the ruler of the synagoge aunswered with indignacion (because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth daye) & sayed vnto the people. There are .vi. dayes, in whiche men oughte to worke, in them come and be healed, & not on the Saboth daye.

Luke 14:1-6

1 And it chaunsed that he went into the house of one of the chiefe Phariseis to eate breade, on a Saboth daye: and they watched hym. 2 And beholde there was a man before hym whiche had the dropsye. 3 And Iesus aunswered and spake vnto the lawyars and Pharyseis sayinge: is it lawfull to heale on the Saboth daye? 4 And they helde theyr peace: And he toke hym, and healed him, and let hym go: 5 and aunswered them saying, which of you shall haue an asse, or an oxe fallen into a pytte, and wyll not straighte waye pul him out on the Saboth daye? 6 And they coulde not aunswere hym agayne to that.

Luke 20:20

20 And they watched hym, and sent forthe spyes whiche shoulde fayne them selues perfect, to take him in his wordes, and to delyuer him vnto the power and authoritie of the debitie.

John 5:10-16

10 The Iewes therfore sayd to him that was made whole it is the saboth day, it is not lawful for the to carye thy bed. 11 He answered them: he that made me whole, said vnto me: take vp thy bed, and get the hence. 12 Then axed they hym what man is that whiche saied vnto the, take vp thy bed & walke. 13 And he that was healed, wiste not who it was. For Iesus had gotten him selfe awaie, because that there was prease of people in the place. 14 And after that, Iesus found him in the temple & said vnto him: behold thou arte made whole, synne no more, lest a worsse thinge happen vnto the. 15 The man departed & told the Iewes that it was Iesus, which had made him whole. 16 And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus, and soughte the meanes to slea him, because he had done these thinges on the saboth daye.

John 9:16

16 Then sayd some of the Phariseis: thys man is not of God, because he kepeth not the Saboth daye. Other sayed: howe can a man that is a synner, do such miracles? And there was stryfe among them.

John 9:26-29

26 Then sayd they to hym agayne: What dyd he to the? Howe opened he thyne eyes? 27 He aunswered them: I tolde you per whyle, and ye dyd not heare. Wherfore woulde ye heare it agayne? wyl ye also be hys discyples? 28 Then rated they him, & sayde: thou arte hys disciple: we be Moyses discyples. 29 We are sure that God spake wyth Moyses, thys felowe we knowe not from whence he is.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.