19 And he toke bread, gaue thankes brake it, & gaue it to them, saiynge: This is my body which is geuen for you. This is the remembraunce of me.
Luke 22:19 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 41:26-27
Psalms 78:4-6
4 That we shoulde not hyde them from the chyldren of the generations to come: but to shewe the honoure of the Lorde, hys myghte and wonderfull worckes that he hath done.
5 He made a couenaunte wyth Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, whiche he commaunded oure forefathers to teache their chyldren.
6 That their posterytye myghte knowe it, and the chyldren whych were yet vnborne. To thintent that when they came vp they myghte shewe their chyldren the same.
Psalms 111:4
4 The mercyfull and gracyous Lord hath so done his maruelous workes, that they ought to be had in remembraunce.
Song of Songs 1:4
4 yea, that same moueth me also to runne after the. The King hath brought me into his preuy chambre. We wil be glad and reioyce in the, we thynke more of thy brestes then of wyne: well is them that loue the.
Ezekiel 37:11
11 Moreouer, he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, these bones are the whole house of Israell. Beholde, they saye: Oure bones are dryed vp, oure hope is gone, we are clene cut of.
Daniel 2:38
38 & hathe delyuered the all thynges, that are amonge the children of men: the beastes of the feld, and the foules vnder the heauen, and geuen the dominyon ouer them al. Thou arte that golden head.
Daniel 4:22-24
22 Euen thou (O kynge) arte the tre, great & stronge. Thy greatnesse increaseth, and reacheth vnto the heauen, so doth thy power to the endes of the earthe.
23 But where as the kynge sawe a watcher euen an holye aungel, that came downe from heauen, and sayde: hewe doune the tre, and destroye it: yet leaue the grounde of the rote in the earthe, and brynge hym vpon the playne felde with cheynes of yron & stele: He shall be wet with the dewe of heauen, and hys parte shalbe with the beastes of the felde, tyll seuen yeares be come and gone vpon him:
24 This (O Kynge) is the interpretacyon, yea it is the very deuyce of him, that is hyest of all, and it toucheth my Lorde the kynge.
Zechariah 5:7-8
Matthew 14:19
19 And he commaunded the people to sit doune on the grasse: and toke the .v. loues and the .ij. fishes, and loked vp to heauen, and blessed, and brake and gaue the loues to his disciples, & the disciples gaue them to the people.
Matthew 26:26-28
26 As they dyd eate, Iesus toke bread and gyue thankes, brake it and gaue it to the discyples and sayed: Take, eate, thys is my body.
27 And he toke the cup, & thanked, and gaue it them, saying: drynke of it euery one:
28 For thys is my bloude of the newe testament, that shalbe shedde for many, for the remissyon of synnes.
Mark 14:22-24
Luke 22:17
17 And he toke the cuppe and gaue thankes, and sayde: Take this and deuide it amonge you.
Luke 22:20
20 Lykewyse also, when they had supped he toke the cup saiynge: This cup is the newe testamente in my bloude, whiche shall for you be shed.
Luke 24:30
30 And it came to passe as he sate at meate with them, he toke breade, blessed it, brake and gaue to them.
John 6:23
23 How be it ther came other shyppes from Tiberias nye vnto the place wher they eate bread when the Lorde hath blessed.
John 6:51
51 I am that lyuinge bread: which came doune from heauen. If any man eate of this bread, he shall lyue for euer. And the bread that I wyll geue is my flesh, which I will geue for the life of the worlde.
1 Corinthians 10:4
4 and dyd al drincke of one maner of spyrytual drincke. And they drancke of that spyrytuall rocke that folowed them, which rocke was Christe.
1 Corinthians 10:16
16 Is not the cuppe of blessinge whiche we blesse, partaking of that bloude of Christe?
1 Corinthians 11:23-29
23 That whiche I delyuered you, I receiued of the Lorde. For the Lorde Iesus the same nyght, in whyche he was betrayed, toke breade,
24 and thanked and brake, and sayde. Take ye, eate ye thys is my bodye whiche is broken for you. Thys do ye in the remembraunce of me.
25 After the same maner he toke the cuppe, when supper was done, saying. Thys cuppe is the newe testamente in my bloude. Thys do as ofte as ye drynke it, in the remembraunce of me.
26 For as often as ye shal eate thys breade, and drincke this cuppe, ye shall shewe the Lordes death tyll he come.
27 Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of this bread, or drinke of the cuppe vnworthely, shall be gyltie of the bodye and bloude of the Lorde.
28 Let a man therfore examen hym selfe, and so let hym eate of the breade and drynke of the cuppe.
29 For he that eateth or drinketh vnworthelye, eateth and drynketh his owne dampnation, because he maketh no difference of the Lordes bodye.
Galatians 1:4
4 whiche gaue hym selfe for oure synnes, to delyuer vs from thys present euyll worlde, thorow the wyll of God our father,
Galatians 4:25
25 For mounte Syna is called Agar in Arabia, and bordreth vpon the citie, which is nowe Hierusalem, and is in bondage with her chyldren.
Ephesians 5:2
2 and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs, and gaue hym selfe for vs, an offeringe, and a sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
18 In all thinges geue thankes. For thys is the wyll of God in Christe Iesu towarde you.
Titus 2:14
14 whiche gaue hym selfe for vs, to redeme vs from al vnryghtuousnes and to pourge vs a peculyar people vnto him selfe, feruently geuen vnto good workes.
1 Peter 2:24
24 which hys owne selfe bare oure synnes in hys body on the tree, that we shoulde be delyuered from synne, and shoulde lyue in ryghtuousnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.