Luke 22:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 And he toke the cuppe and gaue thankes, and sayde: Take this and deuide it amonge you.

Deuteronomy 8:10

10 When thou haste eaten thereof and fylled thy selfe, then blesse the Lord for the good land which he hath geuen the.

1 Samuel 9:13

13 When ye be come into the citie, so shall you fynd hym, yer he go vp to the hil to eate: for the people wyll not eate vntyll he come, because he must blesse the offeryng. And then eate they that be bidden to the feaste. Nowe therfore get you vp for euen now shal ye fynd hym.

Psalms 23:5

5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynste myne enemyes: thou anoyntest my head with oyle, and fyllest my cuppe ful.

Psalms 116:13

13 I wyl receyue the, cuppe of saluacion, and call vpon the name of the Lord.

Jeremiah 16:7

7 There shal not one viset another, to mourne with them for their deed, or to comforte them. One shall not offre another the cuppe of consolacyon, to forget their heuynes for father & mother.

Luke 9:16

16 And he toke the fiue loues and the two fishes, and loked vp to heauen: and blessed them, and brake, and gaue to the discyples, to set before the people.

Luke 22:19

19 And he toke bread, gaue thankes brake it, & gaue it to them, saiynge: This is my body which is geuen for you. This is the remembraunce of me.

Romans 14:6

6 He that obserueth one daye more then another, doth it for the Lordes pleasure. And he that obserueth not one day more then another, doeth it to please the Lorde also. He that eateth, doeth it to please the Lorde, for he geueth God thankes.

1 Timothy 4:4-5

4 For all the creatures of God are good & nothynge to be refused, yf it be receyued with thankes geuynge. 5 For it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.