34 Salt is good, but yf salt haue loste her saltnes, what shall be seasoned therwith?
Luke 14:34 Cross References - Matthew
Matthew 5:13
13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but & if the salt haue lost her saltnes, what can be salted therwith? It is thensforth good for nothinge, but to be cast out, and to be troden vnder fote of men.
Mark 9:49-50
Colossians 4:6
6 Let youre speache be alwayes well sauoured and poudred with salte, that ye maye knowe, howe to answere euery man.
Hebrews 2:4-8
4 God bearynge wytnesse therto, both wyth signes and wonders also, and with diuers miracles, and giftes of the holy ghoste, according to his own will.
5 He hath not vnto the Angelles put in subieccion the world to come, wherof we speake.
6 But one in a certaine place wytnessed, saying. What is man, that thou arte mindfull of him?
7 After thou haddeste for a season made him lower then the Angelles: thou crownedst him with honoure and glorye, and hast set him aboue the workes of thy handes.
8 Thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder hys fete. In that he put al thinges vnder hym, he lefte nothinge that is not put vnder him.