Luke 10:41 Cross References - Matthew

41 And Iesu aunswered & said vnto her: Martha, Martha, thou carest, and arte troubled aboute manye thinges,

Ecclesiastes 6:11

11 A vaine thing is it to cast out many wordes, but what hath a man els?

Matthew 6:25-34

25 Therfore I saie vnto you, be not tareful for you life what ye shall eate or what ye shall dryncke, nor yet for your bodye, what ye shall put on, is not the lyfe more worthe then meate, and the body more of value then rayment? 26 Behold the foules of the ayer: for the sowe not, neyther reape, nor yet cary into the barnes: and yet your heauenlye father fedethe them. Are ye not muche better then they? 27 Whych of you (though he toke thoughte therfore) coulde put one cubit vnto hys statuture? 28 And why care ye then for rayment? Considre the lylies of the filde, howe they growe. They laboureth not nether spynne. 29 And yet for all that I saye vnto you that euen Solomon in all hys royaltie was not arayed lyke vnto one of these. 30 Wherfore if God so clothe the grasse, which is to day in the felde, and to morowe shall be cast in to the fournace: shall he not much more do the same vnto you, o ye of lytle fayth? 31 Therfore take no thought saiynge: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherewith shal we be clothed? 32 After all these thynges seke the gentils. For your heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue neade of all these thynges. 33 But rather seke ye first the kyngdome of heauen and the rightuousnes therof, & all these thynge shalbe ministred vnto you. 34 Care not then for the morow, but let the morow care for itself: for the day present hath euer ynough of his owne trouble.

Mark 4:19

19 and the care of thys worlde & the dysceythfulnes of ryches & the lustes of other thynges, enter in, and choke the worde: and it is made vnfrutefull.

Luke 8:14

14 And that whiche fell amonge thornes, are thei which heare, and go forth, and are choked with cares and with ryches, and voluptuouse liuinge, and bringe forth no fruite.

Luke 12:22

22 And he spake vnto hys disciples: Therfor I saye vnto you: Take no thoughte for youre lyfe, what ye shal eate, neyther for your body what ye shal put on.

Luke 21:34

34 Take hede to your selues, lest youre hertes be ouercome with surfetinge and dronkenes and cares of this worlde: and that that day come not on you vnwares.

1 Corinthians 7:32-35

32 I would haue you without care. The single man careth for the thinges of the Lorde howe he maye please the Lorde. 33 But he that hath maried, careth for the thinges of the worlde howe he may please his wyfe. 34 There is difference betwene a virgine and a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thinges of the Lorde, that she maye be pure both in bodye and also in spyryte. But she that is maried, careth for the thinges of the worlde, howe she maye please her husbande. 35 This speake I for youre profite, not to tangel you in a snare, but for that whiche is honeste and comely vnto you, and that ye maye quietly cleaue vnto the Lorde without separacion.

Philippians 4:6

6 Be not carefull: but in all thinges shewe your petition vnto God in prayer and supplication, wyth geuinge of thankes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.