20 this is the offeryng of Aaron and his sonnes whych he shal offer vnto the Lord in the day when they are anoynted: the tenth part of an Epha of flour, which is a daily meatoffring perpetually: halfe in the mornyng & halfe at nyght:
Leviticus 6:20 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 16:36
36 And a Gomor is the tenth parte of an Epha.
Exodus 29:2
2 and vnleuended bread and cakes of swete bread tempered with oyle & wafers of swete bread anoynted with oyle (of wheten floure shalte thou make them)
Exodus 29:35-42
35 And se thou do vnto Aaron and his sonnes, euen so in al thinges as I haue commaunded the: that thou fyll their handes seuen dayes
36 and offer euery day an oxe for a sinne offring for to reconcyle wyth al. And thou shalt halow the alter when thou reconcylest it, and shalt anoynte it to sanctyfy it.
37 Seuen dayes thou shalte reconcile the alter and sanctyfye it, that it may be an alter most holy: so the no man may touch it but thei that be consecrate.
38 This is that which thou shalt offer vpon the alter .ij. lambes of one yere olde, daye by daye for euer,
39 the one thou shalte offer in the mornynge and the other at euen.
40 And vnto the one lambe take a tenthe deale of floure mingled wt the fourth parte of an hinne of beten oyle, & the fourth parte of an hinne of wyne for a drynckeofferyng,
41 And the other lambe thou shalt offer at euen and shalte doo therto accordyng to the meateofferynge and drinke offerynge in the mornynge, to be an odoure of a swete sauoure of the sacrifice of the Lorde
42 And it shabe a continuall burntofferynge amonge youre chyldren after you, in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde where I wyll mete you to speake vnto you there.
Leviticus 2:1-16
1 If any soule wyl offer a meate offrynge vnto the Lorde, hys offrynge shalbe fyne floure, & he shal poure therto oyle, and put frankencens theron,
2 and shall brynge it vnto Aarons sonnes the preastes. And one of them shall take therout hys handfull of the floure, and of the oyle wyth all the franckencens, & burne it for a memoriall vpon the alter: an offryng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord.
3 And the remnaunt of the meatoffring shalbe Aarons & his sonnes as a thynge most holy of the sacryfyces of the Lorde.
4 If anye man brynge a meatoffrynge that is baken in the ouen, let hym brynge swete cakes of fyue floure myngled wyth oyle, and vnleuended wafers anoynted wyth oyle.
5 If thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryeng pan, then it shalbe of swete floure myngled wyth oyle.
6 And thou shalt mynce it smal, and poure oyle theron: and so it is a meatoffrynge.
7 If thy meatofferynge be a thyng broyled vpon the gredyren, of floure myngled wyth oyle it shalbe.
8 And thou shalt brynge the meatoffrynge that is made of these thynges vnto the Lorde, & shalt delyuer it vnto the preast, and he shal bryng it vnto the alter,
9 and shall heue vp parte of the meatoffrynge for a memoryal, & shal burne it vpon the alter: an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
10 And that whyche is left of the meatoffrynge shall be Aarons and hys sonnes, as a thyng that is moost holy of the offrynges of the Lorde.
11 Al the meatoffringes which ye shal bringe vnto the Lorde, shalbe made without leuen. For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offeryng of the Lorde:
12 Notwithstandyng ye shal brynge the fyrstlynges of them vnto the Lorde: but they shall not come vpon the alter to make a swete sauoure.
13 All thy meat offeringes thou shalt salt wt salt: neither shalt thou suffer the of the couenaunt of thy God to be sackyng from thy meat offeryng: but vpon al thyne offerynges thou shal bryng salt.
14 If thou offer a meatofferynge of the fyrste ripe frutes to the Lord, then take that whych is yet grene, & drye it by the fyre and beat it smal & so offer the mete offeryng of thy first rype frutes.
15 And then poure oyle therto, and put frankensence theron: & so it is a meatofferynge.
16 And the prieste shal burne parte of the beaten corne & parte of the oyle wythall the frankencense, for a remembraunce. That is an offeryng vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 5:1
1 When a Soule hath synned and hearde the voyce of cursynge, and is a wytnesse: whether he hath sene or knowne of it, if he haue not vttered it, he shal bere hys synne.
Leviticus 5:11
11 And yet if he be not able to bringe two turtyll doues or two yonge Pygeons, then lette hym bryng hys offeryng for hys synne the tenth parte ef an Epha of fyne floure for a synneofferynge, but putt none oyle therto neyther put any franckencense theron, for it is a synneoffering.
Numbers 18:26-32
26 speake vnto the Leuites and say vnto them: when ye take of the chyldren of Israel the tithes whych I haue geuen you of them to your enheritaunce, ye shall take an heaueoffering of that same for the Lorde: euen the tenthe of that tythe.
27 And it shall be rekened vnto you for your heaueofferynge, euen as though ye gaue corne out of the barne or a fulofferyng from the wyne presse.
28 And of this maner ye shal heaue an heaueofferynge vnto the Lorde, of all your tythes whyche ye receyue of the chyldren of Israel and ye shal gyue therof the lordes heaueofferyng vnto Aaron the prieste.
29 Of all your giftes, ye shal take out of the Lordes heaueofferynge: euen the fatt of all theyr halowed thynges.
30 And thou shalte saye vnto them: when ye haue take away the fatt of it from it, it shal be counted vnto the Leuytes, as the encrease of corne and wyne.
31 And ye shall eate it in all places both ye and youre housholdes, for it is youre rewarde for youre seruice in the tabernacle of wytnesse.
32 And ye shall beare no synne by the reason of it, when ye haue taken from it the fatte of it, neyther shall ye vnhalowe the halowed thynges of the chyldren of Israel, and so shal ye not dye.
Numbers 28:3
3 And saye vnto them. Thys is the offerynge whyche ye shall offer vnto the Lorde two Lambes of a yere olde wythout spotte daye by day to be a burnt offerynge perpetually.
Numbers 28:10
10 This is the burntoffering of euery Saboth, besides the dayly burnt offeryng, and hys drinkeofferyng.
Hebrews 5:1
1 For euerye hye prieste that is taken from amonge men, is ordeined for men, in thinges perteininge to God, to offer gyftes & sacrifices for synne:
Hebrews 7:27
27 Whiche nedeth not dayelye (as yonder hye priestes) to offer vp sacrifyce, fyrste for hys own synnes, and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he at once for all, when he offered vp hym selfe.