42 And let them take other stones, & put them in the places of those stones, and other morter, and plaster the house wyth al.
Leviticus 14:42 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 18:19
19 For I know him that he wyl commaunde his chyldren & his houshold after him, that they kepe the way of the Lord, to do after ryght & conscience that the Lord may brynge vpon Abraham that he hath promysed hym.
Joshua 24:15
15 But yf it seme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you thys day whom you wyll serue whether the Goddes whiche youre fathers serued that were on the other syde of the floude, eyther the Goddes of the Amorytes in whose lande, ye dwelte, and I & my house wyll serue the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 17:7-9
7 And the thirde yeare of hys raigne he sent of his Lordes: Benhail, Abdiah, Zachariah, Nathanael and Michaah to teache in the cyties of Iuda:
8 and with them, Semeiah, Nathaniah, Zabadiah, Asahel. Semiramoth, Iehonathan, Adoniah, Thobiah, and Thobodoniah Leuites: and with them Elisama & Ioram priestes.
9 And they taught in Iuda, and had the boke of the law with them, & went aboute thorowout all the cytyes of Iuda and taught the people.
2 Chronicles 19:5-7
5 And he sent iudges in the lande, thorow oute all the stronge cities of Iuda, cytye by cytye
6 and sayde to the iudges: take hede what ye do for ye be not iudges in the lawe of man, but of God, whyche is wyth you in the wordes of the law.
7 Wherfore let the feare of the lord be wyth you, and take hede and do it. For there is no vnryghteousnesse in the Lord our God nor regarding of persones, nor taking of rewardes.
2 Chronicles 29:4-5
Psalms 101:6
6 Myne eyes shal loke for such as be faythfull in the lande, that they maye dwell wyth me: and who so leadeth a godly liue, shall be my seruaunt.
Acts 1:20-26
20 It is written in the boke of Psalmes: His habitacion be voide, and no man be dwelling ther in: and his Byshoprycke let another take.
21 Wherfore of these men whiche haue companyed with vs all the tyme that the Lorde Iesus went in and oute among vs,
22 beginning at the baptisme of Iohn, vnto that same daye that he was taken vp from vs, muste one be ordeyned to beare wytnes with vs of hys resurreccion.
23 And they apoynted two, Ioseph called Barsabas (whose syr name was Iustus) and Mathias.
24 And they praysed saiynge: thou Lorde whyche knowest the hertes af all men, shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen,
25 that the one may take the roume of this mynystracion and Apostleshippe, from that which Iudas by transgression fel, that he myght go to his owne place.
26 And they gaue forth theyr lottes, and the lot fell on Mathias, and he was counted with the eleuen Apostles.
1 Timothy 5:9-10
9 Let no wydowe be chosen vnder thre score yere olde, and suche a one as was the wyfe of one man,
10 and well reported of in good workes: yf she haue nouryshed chyldren, yf she haue bene lyberall to straungers, yf she haue washed the saynctes fete, yf she haue mynystred vnto them whiche were in aduersitie, yf she were contynually geuen vnto all maner good workes.
1 Timothy 5:21-22
2 Timothy 2:2
2 And what thynges thou hast hearde of me, manye bearyng wytnes, the same delyuer to faythfull men, whiche are apte to teache other.
Titus 1:5-9
5 For thys cause left I the in Crete, that thou shouldest performe that whiche was lackynge, and shouldest ordeyne elders in euery cytye as I appoynted the.
6 Yf any be fautelesse, the husbande of one wyfe hauyng faythfull chyldren, whiche are not sclaundred of ryote, neyther are dysobedyent.
7 For a byshoppe must be fautelesse, as it becommeth the mynister of God: not stubborne, not angrye, no dronkarde, no fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre:
8 but herberous one that loueth goodnes, sober mynded, ryghtuous, holy temperate,
9 and suche as cleaueth vnto the true worde of doctryne, that he maye be able to exhorte wyth wholesome learnynge, and to improue them, that saye agaynste it.