1 Aleph. I am the man, that (thorowe the rodd of hys wrath) haue experyence of mysery.
2 He droue me forth, and led me: yee into darcknesse, but not in to lyght.
3 Agaynst me onely he turneth hys hande, and layeth it euer vpon me.
4 Beth. My flesh & my skynne hath he made olde, and my bones hath he brused.
5 He hath buylded rounde aboute me, & closed me in wyth gall and trauayle.
6 He hath set me in darcknesse, as they that be deed for euer.
7 Gymel. He hath so hedged me in, that I can not get out, and hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me.
8 Though I crye and call piteously, yet heareth he not my prayer.
9 He hath stopped vp my wayes wyth foure squared stones, and made my pathes croked.
10 Daleth. He layeth wayte for me lyke a Bere, & as a lyon in a hole.
11 He hath marred my wayes, and broken me in peces, he hath layed me waste altogether
12 He hath bent his bowe, and made me as it were a marck to shutte at.
13 He. The arowes of his quyuer hath he shot, euen into my reynes.
14 I am laughed to scorne of al my people, they make songes vpon me all the daye longe.
15 He hath fylled me with bytternesse, and geuen me wormwod to dryncke.
16 Vau. He hath smytten my teth in peces, & rolled me in the dust.
17 He hath put my soule out of rest, I forget all good thynges.
18 I thought in my selfe: I am vndone, there is no hope for me in the Lorde.
19 Zain. O remembre yet my mysery & my trouble the wormwod and the gall.
20 Yee thou shalt remembre them, for my soule melteth awaye in me.
21 Whyle I consydre these thynges in my hert, I get a hope agayne.
22 Heth. Namely, that the mercyes of the Lord are not cleane gone, and that hys louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not.
23 His faythfulnes is greate, and renueth it selfe as the mournynge.
24 The Lorde is my porcyon, sayeth my soule therfore wyll I hope in hym.
25 Teth. O how good is the Lord vnto them, that put their truste in him, & to the soule that seketh after him?
26 O how good is it with stylnesse to wate & tarye, for the health of the Lorde?
27 O how good is it for a man, to take the yock vpon hym from hys youth vp.
28 Iod. He sytteth alone, he holdeth hym still, and dwelleth quyetly by him selfe?
29 He layeth his face vpon the earth, yf (percase) there happen to be eny hope.
30 He offreth hys cheke to the smyter, he wyl be content with reproues.
31 Caph. For the Lorde wyll not forsake for euer.
32 But though he do cast of, yet accordynge to the multitude of hys mercyes, he receyueth to grace agayne.
33 For he doeth not plage, & cast out the chyldren of men from his herte.
34 Lamed. To treade all the presoners of the earth vnder hys fete.
35 To moue the iudgement of man before the most hyghest.
36 To condemne a man in hys cause: The Lorde hath no pleasure in soche thynges.
37 Mem. What is he then that sayeth: there shuld somethynge be done without the Lordes commaundement:
38 Out of the mouth of the mooste Hyghest goeth not euell and good?
39 Wherfore then murmureth the lyuynge man? let hym murmure at hys owne synne.
40 Nun. Let vs loke well vpon oure owne wayes, and remembre oure selues, and turne agayne to the Lorde.
41 Let vs lyft vp oure hertes with oure handes vnto the Lorde that is in heauen.
42 We haue bene dyssemblers, and haue offended, wylt thou therfore not be intreated?
43 Samech. Thou hast couered vs in thy wrath, & persecuted vs, thou hast slayne vs wythout any fauoure.
44 Thou hast hyd thy selfe in a cloude, that oure prayer shulde not go thorow.
45 Thou hast made vs outcastes, and to be despysed amonge the Heathen.
46 Ain. All oure enemyes gape vpon vs.
47 Feare and snare is come vpon vs, yee despyte and destruccyon.
48 Whole riuers of water gushe out of myne eyes, for the greate hurte of my people.
49 Phe Myne eyes runne, and can not ceasse, for there is no rest.
50 O Lorde, when wylt thou loke downe from heauen and consydre?
51 Myne eye breaketh my herte, because of all the daughters of my cyte.
52 Zade. Myne enemyes hunted me out sharpely, lyke a byrde, yee and that without a cause
53 They haue put downe my life into a pitte and layed a stone vpon me.
54 They poured water vpon my head, then thought I: now am I vndone.
55 Koph. I called vpon thy name, O Lorde, out of the depe pytte.
56 Thou hast herde my voyce, and hast not turned awaye thine eares fro my syghinge & cryenge.
57 Thou hast enclyned thy self vnto me, when I called vpon the, and haste sayde: feare not.
58 Res. Thou (O Lorde) hast mayntened the cause of my soule, and hast redemed my lyfe.
59 O Lorde, thou hast sene my blasphemers take thou my cause vpon the.
60 Thou hast well consydred how they go about to do me harme, and that all their councels are agaynst me.
61 Sin. Thou hast herde their despytefull wordes (O Lorde) yee and all their ymaginacyons agaynst me.
62 The lippes of myne enemyes, and their deuyces that they take agaynst me, all the daye longe.
63 Thou seyst also their syttinge downe and their rysinge vp, they make their songes of nothinge but of me.
64 Thau. Rewarde them (O Lorde) accordynge to the workes of their handes.
65 Geue them the thynge, that their owne herte is afraied of: euen thy curse.
66 Persecute them (O Lorde) with thyne indygnacyon, and rote them out from vnder the heauen.
Lamentations 3 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 4:5-7
5 but vnto Cayn & vnto hys offrynge loked he not. And Cayn was wroth exceadyngly, & loured.
6 And the Lorde sayd vnto Cayn: why art thou angry, & why lourest thou? Wotest thou not yf thou dost well thou shalt receyue it?
7 But and yf thou dost euell, by & by thy synne lyeth open in the dore. Notwithstandyng let it be subdued vnto the, and sea thou rule it.
Genesis 4:13-14
Genesis 31:42
42 And excepte the God of my father, the God of Abraham, & the God whome Isaac feareth, had bene wyth me: surely thou haddest sent me away now al empty. But God beheld my tribulation, and the labour of my handes: and rebuked the yesterdaye.
Genesis 41:30
30 And there shal aryse after them .vij. yeres of hunger. So that al the plenteousnes shalbe forgotten in the lande of Egypt. And the hunger shall consume the lande:
Genesis 44:34
34 For howe can I goo vnto my father, and the lad not wyth me: lest I shulde sea the wretchednes that shall come on my father.
Genesis 48:16
16 And the augell which hath delyuered me from al euyll, blesse these laddes: that they may be called after my name, and after my father Abraham and Isaac, and that they may growe & multiplye vpon the erth.
Genesis 49:18
18 After thy sauynge loke I Lord.
Exodus 2:23
23 And she bare yet an other sonne, whom he called Elieser, sayinge: the God of my father is myne helper, and hath ryd me out of the handes of Pharao. And it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the kynge of Egypt dyed, and the chyldren of Israel syghed by the reason of labour and cried.
Exodus 3:7
7 Then the Lorde sayed: I haue surelye sene the trouble of mi people which ar in Egipt, and haue heard their cry whyche they haue of their taskemasters. For I know theyr sorow,
Exodus 11:7
7 And amonge all the chyldren of Israel shal not a dogge moue his tonge, nor yet manne or beaste: that ye maye knowe howe the Lorde putteth a difference betwene the Egyptians & Israel.
Exodus 14:13
13 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare ye not but stonde styll and beholde howe the Lorde shall saue you thys daye: For as ye se the Egyptians thys daye, shall ye se them nomore for euer tyl the worldes ende.
Exodus 34:6
6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cried: Lord Lord God full of compassion and mercy, which are not lightly angry but abundaunt in mercy and truth,
Leviticus 26:41
41 Therfore I also wyl walke contrarye vnto them, and wyl brynge theym into the lande of theyr enemies. And then at the least waye theyr vncircumcised hertes shalbe tamed, & then they shall make an atonement for theyr mysdeades.
Leviticus 26:43
43 For the Lande shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hyr Sabbothes, whyle she lyeth wast wythout them, & they shall make on atonement for theyr misdeades, bicause they despised my lawes and theyr soules refused mine ordinaunces.
Numbers 11:11
11 And Moses sayde vnto the Lorde: wherfore dealest thou so cruelly wyth thy seruaunte? wherfore do I not fynde fauoure in thi sight seynge that thou puttest the weyght of thys people vpon me?
Numbers 16:41
41 And on the morrowe all the multitude of the chyldren of Israell murmured agaynste Moses and Aaron sayinge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.
Numbers 17:12
12 And the chyldren of Israell spake vnto Moses sayinge: beholde, wee are destroyed and all come to nought:
Deuteronomy 2:30
30 But Sehon the kyng of Hesbon wold not let vs passe by hym, for the Lord thy GOD had hardened hys sprite and made his herte tough because he wold delyuer him in to thy handes as it is come to passe thys day.
Deuteronomy 4:30
30 In thy tribulation and when all these thynges are come vpon the euen in the later dayes, thou shalte turne vnto the Lorde thy God, and shalte herken vnto hys voyce.
Deuteronomy 7:24
24 And he shall deliuer theyr kynges into thyne hande, & thou shalt destroy theyr names from vnder heauen. There shall no man stande before the vntyll thou haue destroyed them.
Deuteronomy 25:19
19 Therfore when the Lord thy God hath geuen the reast from al thyne euemyes rounde aboute, in the lande whych the Lord thy God geueth the to enheret and possesse: se that thou put oute the name of Amalech from vnder heauen, and forget not.
Deuteronomy 27:15-26
15 Cursed be he that maketh anye carued ymage or ymage of metall (an abhominacion vnto the Lord, the worke of the hands of the craftesman) and putteth it in a secret place: and all the people shall answere & saye Amen.
16 Cursed be he that curseth hys father or his mother, and all the people shall saye Amen.
17 Cursed be he that remoueth his neighbours marcke and all the people shall saye Amen.
18 Cursed be he that maketh the blynd go out of his waye, & all the people shall saye Amen.
19 Cursed be he that hyndreth the right of the straunger, fatherlesse and wydowe, and all the people shall saye Amen.
20 Cursed be he that lyeth wyth hys fathers wyfe because he hath opened hys fathers couerynge, and all the people shal saye Amen.
21 Cursed be he that lyeth wyth anye maner beast, and all the people shall saye Amen.
22 Cursed be he that lieth wt his syster whether shee be the daughter of hys father or of hys mother, and all the people shall saye Amen.
23 Cursed be that lyeth wyth hys mother in lawe, and all the people shall saye Amen.
24 Cursed be he that smiteth his neyghbour secretly, and all the people shall saye Amen.
25 Cursed be he that taketh a rewarde to sle innocent bloude, & all the people shal saye Amen.
26 Cursed be he that mayntayneth not the wordes of thys lawe to do them, and all the people shal say Amen.
Deuteronomy 28:13
13 And the Lord shall set the before and not behynde, & thou shalt be aboue only and not beneth: yf that thou herken vnto the commaundementes of the Lorde thy God which I commaunde the this day to kepe and to do them.
Deuteronomy 28:29
29 And thou shalt grope at none dayes as the blynd gropeth in darknesse, and shalt not come to the ryght waye. And thou shalt suffer wronge only & be polled euermore, and no man shall sucker the,
Deuteronomy 28:37
37 And thou shalt go to waste & be made an ensample, & a iestynge stocke vnto all nacyons whether the Lord shall carye the.
Deuteronomy 28:44
44 He shal lende the & thou shalt not lende him, he shalbe before and thou behynde.
Deuteronomy 29:20
20 And so the Lorde wyll not be mercyfull vnto hym, but then the wrath of the lord & his gelousye, smoke agaynst that man, & al the curses that are written in thys boke lyght vpon hym, and the Lorde do out hys name from vnder heauen,
Deuteronomy 32:23
23 I wyll heape mischeues vpon them & wyl spend al myne arrowes at them.
Joshua 7:6-13
6 And Iosua rent hys clothes, and fell to the earth vpon hys face before the arcke of the Lorde vntyll the euen tyde, bothe he and the elders of Israel, and put earth vpon their heades.
7 And Iosua sayde, Ah, Lorde Iehouah, wherfore haste thou brought this people ouer Iordan to delyuer vs into the handes of the Amorytes to destroye vs: wolde to God we had aduentured & dwelt on the other side Iordan.
8 Oh Lorde what shall I say, when Israel turneth theyr backes before theyr enemyes:
9 Moreouer the Cananites, and all the inhabyters of the Lande shall heare of it, and shall come about vs, and destroye the name of vs out of the world. And then what wilt thou do vnto thy myghtye name.
10 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua, gette the vp, wherfore lyest thou thus vpon thy face?
11 Israel hath synned & also transgressed myne appoyntement, which I commaunded them, and haue taken of the excommunicate thinges and haue stolen and hydde them, and also put them vnto theyr owne stuffe:
12 And therfore the chyldren of Israel cannot stande before theyr enemyes. They shall turne theyr backes before theyr enemyes, because they be excommunicate. Nether wyll I be with you any more, except ye destroye the excommunicate from among you.
13 Vp & sanctifye the people and byd them to sanctifye them selues against the morowe for so sayth the Lorde God of Israel, the excommunicacyon is amonge you Israel, and therfore ye cannot stande before youre enemyes, vntyll ye haue put the excommunicacyon from amonge you.
Judges 10:16
16 And they put awaye the straunge Goddes from them, and serued the Lorde. And the myserye of Israel greued hys soule.
Ruth 1:20
20 But she said vnto them, calle me not Noemi: call me Mara, for the almightye hath made me very bitter.
1 Samuel 12:22
22 But the Lorde wyl not forsake hys people, because of hys great names sake: because the Lorde had begonne to make you hys people.
1 Samuel 24:10-15
10 Beholde, this daye thine eyes haue sene, howe that the Lord had delyuered the this daye, into myne hande in the caue. When they bad kil the, mine eye had compassion on the: and I sayde: I wyll not laye my handes on my mayster, for he is the lordes anoynted.
11 And moreouer my father, se yet the lap of thy cote in my hand. And in as muche as I killed the not to, when I cut of the lappe of thy cote, vnderstand and se, that there is nether euyl nor rebellyousnesse in me, & that I haue not synned agaynst the. And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it.
12 The lorde be iudge betwene the and me, & the lorde aduenge me of the. But myne hand be not vpon the.
13 Accordyng to the old prouerbe, wickednesse shal procede out of the wicked. But myne hande be not vpon the.
14 After whom art thou come out, thou kynge of Israel? After whom chasest thou euen after a dead dogge, & after a flee.
15 The Lord be iudge, and iudge betwene the & me, & se & pleate my cause, and iudge me fre out of thine hande.
1 Samuel 25:28-29
28 Forgeue the trespace of thine handmaide that the Lorde may make my lord a suer house, because my Lorde fyghteth the battelles of the Lorde, and there coulde none euill be founde in the in all thy lyfe.
29 And yf any man rise to persecute the and to seke thy soule the soule of my Lorde be bounde in a bondel of lyfe with the Lorde thy God. And thy soules of thy enemies be slong in the midle of a slinge.
1 Samuel 25:39
39 And when Dauid heard that Nabal was dead, he sayde: Blessed be the Lorde that hath iudged the cause of my rebuke of the hande of Nabal, and hath kept his seruaunt from euil, and hath turned the wickednesse of Nabal again vpon his own head. And Dauid sent to comen with Abigail, to thyntent to take her to his wyfe.
1 Samuel 26:18-20
18 And he saide therto: wherfore doth my Lorde persecute hys seruaunt? for what haue I done? or what euil is in myne hande.
19 Now heare therfore (my lord king) the wordes of thy seruaunt Yf the lorde haue stered the vp against me, he shal smel the sauoure of sacryfyce. But & yf they be the children of men, cursed be they before the Lorde. For they haue cast me out from abyding in the enheritaunce of the Lorde, saying: hence & go serue other Goddes.
20 And yet I hope my bloude shal not fal to the earth before the face of the Lorde, though the kyng of Israel be come out to hunt a flee, as men hunt the partreges in the mountaynes.
1 Samuel 27:1
1 Then thought Dauid in his hert: I maye peryshe one daye or other by the handes of Israell. There is no better for me, then to flee into the lande of the Philistines, that Saul of very dispaire to finde me, may cease to seke me any more in all the coastes of Israhel: for so I maye escape his hande.
1 Samuel 30:3-4
1 Samuel 30:6
6 And Dauid was in a shrowde strayte: for the people entended to stone hym because the hertes of all the people were vexed for their sonnes and their doughters. But Dauid toke a good courage to him in the lord hys God
2 Samuel 6:7-8
2 Samuel 11:27
27 & as sone as the mournyng was ended, Dauid sente and fet her to hys house, and she was hys wyfe & bare him a sonne. But the deade that Dauid had committed, dyspleased the Lorde.
2 Kings 3:13
13 And Elizeus sayde to the kynge of Israel: what haue I to do with the? Get the to the prophetes of thy father and of thy mother. And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto hym: Oh naye, but hath the lord called these thre kynges to delyuer them into the handes of the Moabites?
2 Kings 6:32
32 And as Elizeus satte in hys house, and the elders wt hym, the kynge sente one from hym. But yer the messenger came at hym, he sayd to the elders: se you not howe the sonne of thys murtherer hath sent, to take of myne head? be circumspecte therfore when the messenger cometh, & shutte the dore, and thrust hym backe therwyth: for the sound of hys maysters fete foloweth him.
2 Kings 13:23
23 But the Lorde had mercye on them & pytyed them, & turned to them, because of hys appoyntment made with Abraham, Isaac & Iacob, & wolde not destroye them, ether caste them from hym as yet.
2 Kings 14:27
27 And the Lorde had not yet sayde that men shulde put out the name of Israel from vnder heauen. And therfore he holpe them by the hand of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas.
2 Kings 24:4
4 and for the innocent bloude, that he shedde, and fylled Ierusalem with innocent bloude, whych the Lord woulde not forgeue.
1 Chronicles 5:20
20 And they were holpe agaynst them, and the Hagarites were delyuered into theyr handes with all that were wyth the Hagarites. For they cryed to God in the battell, and he hearde them, because they trusted to hym.
1 Chronicles 15:12-13
12 & sayde vnto them: ye are the princypall heades of the Leuites, sanctefye therfore youre selues and youre brethren, and brynge the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel vnto the place that I haue prepared for it.
13 For because ye were not ther at the fyrst tyme, the Lorde oure God made a rent amonge vs, for that we sought hym not as the fashion ought to be.
1 Chronicles 28:9
9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer.
2 Chronicles 15:2
2 And he went oute agaynste Asa, and sayd to hym: heare me Asa and al Iuda and Beniamin. The Lorde is wyth you, while ye be wyth hym, and yf ye shall seke hym, he wylbe founde of you: but and yf ye shal forsake him, he wil forsake you.
2 Chronicles 19:3
3 Neuerthelater there are good thinges founde in the, in that thou hast put awaye groues out of the lande & hast prepared thyne herte to seke God.
2 Chronicles 20:17
17 Moreouer it belongeth not to you for to fight in this quarell: but stepe forth and stande and behold the helpe of the Lorde whiche is wyth you: feare not, nor let youre hartes fayle you, O ye of Iuda and of Ierusalem. To morow go out to them: for the Lorde is with you.
2 Chronicles 30:6
6 And the messengers went wyth letters of the hande of the kynge and of his Lordes thorou out all Israel and Iuda, at the commaundement of the kyng which sayde: chyldren of Israel, turne agayne vnto the Lorde God of Abram, Isaac and Israel, and so wil he turne to the remnaunt of you that are escaped out of the handes of the kynge of Assur.
2 Chronicles 30:9
9 For yf ye turne vnto the Lorde, then youre brethren & youre children shall fynde compassion in the presence of them that holde them captyue, that they maye come agayne vnto this lande: for the Lorde youre God is full of mercye and compassyon, and wyll not turne hys face from you, yf ye turne agayne to hym.
2 Chronicles 30:19
19 be mercyfull to all that sett theyr hertes to seke the God that is the Lord God of theyr fathers, though they do yt not accordynge to the clennesse of the holy place.
2 Chronicles 31:21
21 And in all the worckes that he beganne in the seruyce of the house of God, to seke hys God after the lawe and commaundemente, that dyd he wyth all his herte, and prospered.
2 Chronicles 33:11-12
11 Wherfore the Lorde brought vpon them the Capitaynes of the hoste of the Kynge of Assur, which toke Manasseh in an holde and bounde him with chaynes & caryed hym to Babylon.
12 And when he was in trybulacyon he besonght the Lorde his God, & humbled hym selfe exceadynglye before the God of hys fathers,
2 Chronicles 33:12-12
12 And when he was in trybulacyon he besonght the Lorde his God, & humbled hym selfe exceadynglye before the God of hys fathers,
13 & made intercessyon to hym: and he was entreated of hym and hearde hys prayer and brought hym agayne to Ierusalem into hys kyngdom. And then Manasseh knewe how that the Lorde was the very God.
2 Chronicles 33:19
19 And his prayer & how that he was hearde, & all his synne & trespace, and the places where he made hylaulters and set vp groues & kerued Images before he was mekened, are written amonge the deades of the sears of visyons.
2 Chronicles 36:16-17
16 But they mocked the messengers of God & despised theyr wordes & mysse vsed his prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord so arose agaynst hys people that it was past remeadie.
17 And so he brought vpon them the kyng of Caldeye & slue theyr young men with the swerde in theyr holy temple, & nether spared younge man nor mayden, nether olde man, nether so moche as hym that stowped for age: But gaue all into his hande.
Ezra 9:8-9
8 But now is there a lytle and sodayne gracyousnes come from the Lord oure God, so that some of vs are escaped, that he may geue vs a nayle in hys holy place, that oure God may lighte oure eyes, and geue vs a lytle life in oure bondage.
9 For we are bondmen, and oure God hath not forsaken vs in oure bondage, and hath enclined mercy vnto vs in the syght of the kinges of Persia, that he should geue vs lyfe, and promote the house of oure God, & to set vp the desolacyon therof, and to geue vs an hedge in Iuda and Ierusalem.
Ezra 9:13-15
13 And after all thys that is come vpon vs (because of oure euyll deades & greate trespace) thou oure God hast spared oure wyckednesse, and hast geuen vs a delyueraunce as it is come to passe thys daye.
Ezra 9:13
13 And after all thys that is come vpon vs (because of oure euyll deades & greate trespace) thou oure God hast spared oure wyckednesse, and hast geuen vs a delyueraunce as it is come to passe thys daye.
14 As for vs, we haue turned backe, & haue let go thy commaundementes, to make contracte wyth the people of these abhomynacyons. Wylte thou then be wrothe at vs, tyl we be vtterlye consumed, so that nothing remaine and tyll there be no delyueraunce?
15 O Lorde God of Israell, thou arte ryghteous, for we remayne yet escaped, as it is thys daye. Beholde in thy presence are we in oure trespace, for because of it is there no standynge before the.
Nehemiah 4:2-4
2 and sayde before hys brethren, and the hoste of Samaria: what do the impotente Iewes? shall they be thus suffered? shall they offre? shal they perfourme it in one daye? shal they make the stones whole agayn that are broughte to dust, & brent?
3 And Tobiah the Ammonite besyde him said: let them buyld on, yf a foxe go vp he shall breake doune theyr stonye wall.
4 Hear O thou oure God, howe we are despysed, turne theyr shame vpon theyr owne heade, that thou mayest geue them ouer into despysynge in the land of theyr captiuite.
Nehemiah 9:26
26 Neuerthelesse they were disobedient, & rebelled against the, and caste thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy Prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestlye, that they shulde conuerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemyes.
Nehemiah 9:31
31 But for thy greate mercyes sake thou haste not vtterlye consumed them, nether forsaken them: for thou arte a gracyous and mercyfull God.
32 Nowe oure God, thou great God, mightye and terryble, that thou kepest couenaunte and mercy, regarde not a lytle of the trauaile that hath happened vnto vs, and our kynges prynces, priestes, prophetes, fathers and all thy people, sence the tyme of the kynges of Assur vnto thys daye.
Job 2:8
8 so that he sat vpon the grounde in the asshes and scraped of the fylth of hys sores wyth potsherde.
Job 2:10
10 But Iob sayde vnto her: Thou speakest lyke a folysh woman. Seynge we haue receyued prosperite at the hand of God, wherfore shuld we not be content with aduersyte also? In all these thynges, dyd not Iob synne with his lyppes.
Job 3:23
23 That should be ioye to the man whose way is hyd, which God kepeth backe from him.
Job 4:10
10 The roarynge of the lyon, the voyce of the lyonesse, and the teeth of the lyons whelpes are broken
Job 6:4
4 For the arowes of the almyghty are in me, whose indignacyon hath droncke vp my sprete, and the terrible feares of GOD fyghte agaynste me.
Job 6:11
11 What power haue I to endure? Or, what is myne end, that my soule myghte be pacyente?
Job 7:7
7 O remembre, that my lyfe is but a wynde, and that myne eye shall nomore se the pleasures
Job 7:20
20 I haue offended, what shall I do vnto the, O thou preseruer of men? Why hast thou made me to stande in thy way, and am so heuy a burden vnto my selfe?
Job 9:18
18 He wyll not let my sprete be in reste, but fylleth me with bytternesse.
Job 10:16
16 Thou huntest me out (being in heuynesse) as it were a Lyon, and troubleste me oute of measure.
Job 11:6
6 that he myght shewe the (out of his secrete wysdome) howe manyfolde his Lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes.
Job 11:13-15
13 Yf thou haddest now a righte herte, and lyftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym:
14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wyckednesse which thou hast in hande, so that no vngodlynesse dwelt in they house:
15 Then myghtest thou lyft vp thy face without shame, then shuldest thou besure and haue no nede to feare.
Job 13:15
15 Lo, there is nether conforte nor hope for me, yf he wyll slaye me. But yf I shewe and reproue myne owne wayes in his syght,
Job 16:7
7 And now that I am full of paine, and al that I haue destroyed
8 (wherof my wryncles beare wytnesse) there standeth vp a dyssembler to make me aunswere wyth lyes to my face.
9 He is angrye at me, he hateth me, & gnasheth vpon me with hys teth. Myne enemy skouleth vpon me with his eyes.
10 They haue, opened their mouthes wyde vpon me, and smitten me vpon the cheke despytefully, they haue eased themselues thorow mine aduersite.
Job 16:12-13
12 I was somtyme in wealth, but sodenlye hath broughte me to noughte. He hath taken me by the neck, he hath rente me, and set me, as it were a marck for hym to shute at.
13 He hath compased me roundeaboute with his dartes, he hath wounded my loynes, and not spared. My bowels hath he poured vpon the grounde.
Job 17:11-16
11 My dayes are past, my thoughtes are vanyshed awaye, whych haue vexed myne herte,
12 chaunginge the nyght in to daye, and the light into darcknes.
13 Though I tary neuer so moch, yet the graue is my house, & I must make my bed in the darcke.
14 I call corrupcion my father, and the wormes call I my mother and my syster.
15 What helpeth then my longe taryenge? Or, who wyll fulfyll the thynge, that I loke for?
Job 17:15-16
Job 18:18
18 he shalbe dryuen from the lyght into darcknesse, and be cast cleane out of the world.
Job 19:7
Job 19:21
21 Haue pyte vpon me, haue pite vpon me (O ye my frendes) for the hande of the Lorde hath touched me.
Job 21:6
6 For when I pondre & considre this, I am afrayed, & my fleshe is smitten with feare.
Job 30:1-9
1 Bvt now they that are myne inferiours and younger then I, haue me in derision: yea euen they, whose fathers I woulde haue thought scorne to haue set with the dogges of my cattell.
2 The power and strength of their handes might do me no good, and as for their age, it is spent and past away: wythout any profit.
3 For very misery & honger, they went about in the wildernesse lyke wretches and beggers,
4 plucking vp herbes from amonge the busshes, and the Iunipers rote was their meat.
5 And when they were dryuen forth, men cried after them, as it had bene after a thefe.
6 Their dwellyng was besyde foule brokes, yea in the caues and dennes of the earth.
7 Vpon the drye heeth wente they aboute crying, and in the brome hilles they gathered them together.
8 They were the chyldren of fooles and vilaynes, which are deade away from the world.
9 Now am I their songe and am become their yestinge stocke:
Job 30:9-11
9 Now am I their songe and am become their yestinge stocke:
Job 30:9
Job 30:20
20 When I crye vnto the, thou doest not heare me: & though I stande before the, yet thou regardest me not.
Job 30:26
26 Yet neuerthelesse where as I loked for good, euyl happened vnto me: and where as I wayted for lyghte, there came darkenesse.
Job 31:21
21 Dyd I euer lyfce vp my hande to hurte the fatherlesse? yea in the gate where I sawe my selfe to be in auctoryte:
Job 33:27-28
Job 34:28
28 In so muche that they haue caused the voyce of the poore to come vnto hym, and nowe he heareth the complaynte of suche as are in necessite.
Job 34:31-32
Job 40:4
4 Beholde, I am to vyle a personne, to aunswere the, therfore wyll I laye my hand vpon my mouth.
Job 41:28
28 He starteth not away for hym that bendeth the bowe: & as for slynge stones, he careth as muche for stubble as for them.
Job 42:5-6
Psalms 3:4
4 I call vpon the Lord wyth my voyce, and he heareth me out of hys holy hyll. Selah.
Psalms 3:7
7 Vp Lorde, and helpe me O my God for thou smitest al mine enemyes vpon the cheke bones and breakest the teeth of the vngodly.
Psalms 4:4
4 Be angrye, but synne not: comen wyth youre owne hertes vpon youre beddes, and remember youre selues. Selah.
Psalms 6:8-9
Psalms 7:12-13
Psalms 8:3
3 For I considre thy heauens, euen the worke of thy fingers: the moone & the starres which thou hast made.
Psalms 9:4
4 For thou hast maynteyned my right and my cause: thou sittest in the throne that arte the true iudge.
Psalms 10:9
9 He lyeth waytynge secretlye, as ti were a lyon in hys denne. He lurketh that he maye rauyshe the pore, yea, to rauysh the poore, when he hath gotten him into hys net.
Psalms 10:14
14 Thys thou seyst, for thou consyderest the mysery and sorowe. The poore geueth him selfe ouer into thy hande, and committeth hym vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse.
Psalms 11:1
1 To the chaunter, of Dauid. In the Lord put I my trust: how will ye then saye too my soule: that she shoulde fle as a byrde vpon your hyll?
Psalms 16:5
5 The Lorde him selfe is my good and my porcion, thou mayntaynest myne enherytaunce.
Psalms 17:12
12 Like as a Lyon that is gredy of his pray, and as it were a Lyons whelpe lurkynge in hys denne.
Psalms 18:4
4 The sorowes of deathe compassed me, and the brokes of vngodlynes made me afrayed.
5 The paynes of hell came aboute me, the snares of death toke holde vpon me.
6 Yet in my trouble I called vpon the Lord, and complayned vnto my God. So he hearde my voyce out of hys holye temple, and my complaynte came before hym ye euen into hys eares.
Psalms 22:2
2 O my God, I crye in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the night season also I take no rest.
Psalms 22:6-7
6 But as for me, I am a worme & no man: a very scorne of men and the outcaste of the people.
Psalms 22:6-8
Psalms 22:7-8
Psalms 22:14
14 I am poured out lyke water, all my boones are out of ioynt: my herte in the middest of my body is euen lyke meltyng waxe.
Psalms 22:26
26 The poore shall eate & be satisfied: they that seke after the Lord shal prayse hym: our hert shall lyue for euer.
Psalms 25:1
1 Of Dauid, Vnto the (O Lorde) I lyft vp my soule.
Psalms 25:8
8 O how frendly & rightuous is the Lord, therfore will he teach synners in the way.
Psalms 26:1
1 Of Dauid. Be thou my iudge, O Lord, for I walke innocently: my trust is in the Lorde therfore shal I not fal.
Psalms 27:8
8 My hert speketh vnto the, my face seketh the, yea Lorde, thy face wyll I seke.
Psalms 27:14
14 O tary thou the Lordes leisure, be strong let thyne hert be of good comfort, and wayte thou still for the Lorde.
Psalms 28:2
2 Heare the voyce of my humble peticyon, when I cry vnto the, and hold vp my handes toward thy holy temple.
Psalms 28:4
4 Rewarde them accordynge to their dedes and wyckednesse of their owne inuencyons. Recompence them after the worckes of their handes, paye them that they haue deserued.
Psalms 30:5
5 For his wrath endureth but the twincling of an eie, and his pleasure is in lyfe: heuinesse may well endure for a nyght, but ioye commeth in the morning.
Psalms 31:9-10
Psalms 31:22
22 For when the suddaine feare cam vpon me I said: I am cast out of thy sighte. Neuerthelesse, thou herdest myne humble prayer, when I cried vnto the.
Psalms 31:24
24 Be strong therfore and take a good herte vnto you, all ye that put your trust in the Lord.
Psalms 32:3
3 For while I helde my tonge my bones consumed awaye thorowe my daylye complaynynges.
Psalms 33:9-11
Psalms 33:18
18 Beholde, the eye of the Lorde loketh vnto them that feare hym, & put their trust in hys mercy.
Psalms 34:6
6 This poore man cryed vnto the Lorde, & he hearde hym, yea, and delyuered hym oute of all hys troubles.
Psalms 34:22-35:1
22 The Lorde deliuereth the soules of hys seruauntes, and all they that put their truste in hym, shall not offende.
Psalms 35:1
1 Of Dauid. Stryue thou with them, O lord, that stryue with me, fight thou against them that fight against me.
Psalms 35:6
Psalms 35:15-16
Psalms 35:19
19 O let them not triumphe ouer me, that are myne enemyes for naught: O let them not winke with their eyes, that hate me without a cause.
Psalms 35:23
23 Awake lorde, and stande vp: auenge thou my cause, my God, and my lorde,
Psalms 36:5
5 Thy mercy, O Lorde, reacheth vnto the heauen, and thy faythfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
Psalms 37:7
7 Holde the styl in the Lord, and abyde paciently vpon hym: but greue not thy selfe at one that hath prosperytie, and lyueth in abhominacion.
Psalms 37:34
34 Hope thou in the Lord, & kepe his waye, & he shal so promote the, that thou shalt haue the lande by enheritaunce, and se, when the vngodly shall perishe.
Psalms 38:2-8
2 For thyne arrowes stycke fast in me, and thy hande presseth me sore.
Psalms 38:2
2 For thyne arrowes stycke fast in me, and thy hande presseth me sore.
3 There is no whole parte in my body, because of thy displeasure: there is no reste in my bones, by reason of my synnes.
4 For my wyckednesses are gone ouer my head, and are like a sore burthen, to heuy for me to beare.
5 My woundes styncke and are corrupte, thorow my folyshnesse.
6 I am broughte into so greate trouble and mysery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe.
7 For my loynes are cleane dryed vp, and there is no whole parte in my body.
8 I am feble & sore smytten, I roare for the very disquietnes of my hert.
Psalms 39:7
7 And now Lorde wherin shall I comforte me? my hope is in the.
Psalms 39:9
9 I kepe sylence, and open not my mouthe, for thou hast done it.
Psalms 40:1-5
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. I waited pacyently for the Lord, which enclined hym selfe vnto me: and herd my callynge.
Psalms 40:1-2
Psalms 40:2-2
2 He brought me out of the horryble pitte, out of the myre and claye: he set my fete vpon the rocke, & ordred my goinges.
3 He hath put a newe songe in my mouthe, euen a thanckes geuynge vnto oure God. Many men seing this shal feare the Lord, and put their trust in hym.
4 Blessed is the man that setteth his hope in the Lorde, and turneth not vnto the proud, & to such as go aboute with lyes.
5 O Lorde my God, greate are thy wonderous worckes whiche thou haste done: and in thy thoughtes toward vs there maye none be likened vnto the. I wold declare them, and speake of them: but they are so manye, that they can not be tolde.
Psalms 42:5-6
Psalms 42:11
11 Why art thou so heuy (O my soule) & why art thou so disquieted within me? O put thy trust in God, for I wyll yet thanke hym for the helpe of hys countenaunce, and because he is my God.
Psalms 43:1
1 Geue sentence vpon me (O God) and defende my cause agaynst the vnholy people: Oh delyuer me from the dysceatefull, and wycked man.
Psalms 43:5
5 Why art thou so heuy (O my soule) and why art thou so disquyeted wythin me? O put thy trust in God, for I wyll yet geue hym thanckes for the helpe of hys countenaunce, and because he is my God.
Psalms 44:13
13 Thou makeste vs to be rebuked of oure neyghboures, to be laughed to scorne & had in derision, of them that are rounde about v
Psalms 44:13-14
Psalms 44:19
19 For thou hast smitten vs in the place of dragones, and couered vs with the shadow of death.
Psalms 44:25
25 For oure soule is brought low euen vnto the dust, and our bely cleueth vnto the ground
Psalms 50:22
22 O considre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaye, and there be none too delyuer you.
Psalms 51:8
8 Oh let me heare of ioye & gladnesse, that the bones which thou hast broken, maye reioyse.
Psalms 52:9
9 I wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the, for that thou hast done: & wil hope in thy name, for thy sayntes lyke it wel.
Psalms 54:6
6 A fre will offerynge will I geue the, and prayse thy name O Lorde, because it is so comfortable.
Psalms 55:1
1 To the chaunter in Neginoth, an instruccion of Dauid. Heare my prayer, O God, and hyde not thy self fro my petycion.
Psalms 58:6
6 Breake their teeth (O god) in their mouthes, smite the chaft bones of the lions whelpes in sonder, O Lord.
Psalms 59:7
7 Beholde, they speake (agaynste me) wyth their mouth, swerdes are vnder their lippes for who reproueth them?
Psalms 59:12
12 For the synne of their mouth, for the wordes of their lyppes, & because of their pryde, let them be taken: and why? their preachyng is of cursing and lyes.
Psalms 60:3
3 Thou hast shewed thy people heuy thinges, thou hast geuen vs a drynke of wyne, that we slombre with all.
Psalms 61:1
1 To the chaunter vpon Neginoth, of Dauid Heare my crying (O god) geue hede vnto my prayer.
Psalms 61:5
5 For thou, O Lord, hast harde my desyres, thou hast geuen an heretage vnto those that feare thy name.
Psalms 62:8
8 O put your trust in him alway (ye people) poure oute youre hertes before hym, for God is our hope. Selah.
Psalms 63:4
4 As longe as I lyue wyll I magnyfye the and lyft vp my handes in thy name.
Psalms 66:19
19 Therfore God hath herde me, and consydred the voyce of my prayer.
Psalms 69:1-2
Psalms 69:4
4 They that hate me without a cause, are mo then the heeres of my head: they that are myne enemyes & wolde destroye me giltlesse are mighty: I am fayne to paye the thinges that I neuer toke.
Psalms 69:9
9 For the zele of thyne house hath euen eaten me, and the rebukes of them that rebuked the, is fallen vpon me.
Psalms 69:11-12
11 I put on a sacke cloth, and therefore they iested vpon me.
12 They that sate in the gate, spake agaynste me, & the dronkardes made songes vpon me.
13 But Lorde I made my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme. Heare me, O God, with thy great mercy and sure helpe.
14 Take me out of the myre, that I sinke not Oh let me be deliuered from them that hate me, and out of the depe waters.
15 Lest the water floud drowne me, that the depe swalowe me not vp, and that the pytte shut not her mouth vpon me.
Psalms 69:15-18
15 Lest the water floud drowne me, that the depe swalowe me not vp, and that the pytte shut not her mouth vpon me.
16 Heare me, O Lord, for thy louyng kyndnesse is comfortable: turne the vnto me according vnto thy great mercy.
17 Hyde not thy face from thy seruaunt, for I am in trouble: O haste the to helpe me.
18 Drawe nye vnto my soule, & saue it: Oh deliuer me because of myne enemyes.
Psalms 69:18
18 Drawe nye vnto my soule, & saue it: Oh deliuer me because of myne enemyes.
Psalms 69:20
Psalms 69:32
Psalms 71:20
20 O what great troubles and aduersityes hast thou shewed me? and yet dyddest thou turne and refreshe me: yea, & broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayn.
Psalms 71:23
23 My lippes wolde fayne singe prayses vnto the: and so wolde my soule, whom thou hast deliuered.
Psalms 73:15
15 Yea, I had almoost also sayd euen as they: but lo, then shoulde I haue condemned the generacion of thy chyldren.
Psalms 73:26
26 My fleash & my hert fayleth, but God is the strength of my herte, and my porcion for euer.
Psalms 73:28
28 But it is good for me, to holde me fast by God, to put my trust in the Lorde God, and to speake of all thy workes.
Psalms 74:18
18 Remember this, O Lord, how the enemy rebuketh, and howe the folyshe people blaspheme thy name.
Psalms 75:7
7 And why? God is the Iudge: he putteth downe one, and setteth vp another.
Psalms 77:2
2 In the tyme of my trouble I soughte the Lorde, I helde vp myne handes vnto him in the night season, for my soule refused all other comforte.
Psalms 77:7-11
7 Wyll the Lorde cast out for euer? Wyl he be no more intreated?
Psalms 77:7
Psalms 77:8
8 Is hys mercye cleane gone? Is hys promyse come vtterlye to an ende for euermore?
9 Hath the Lord forgotten to be gracyous? Or, hath he shut vp hys louynge kyndnes in dyspleasure? Selah.
10 At the last, I came to thys poynte, that I thought: O why art thou so folysh? the right hande of the moost hyest can chaunge all.
11 Therefore wyll I remembre the worckes of the Lorde, and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme.
Psalms 78:38
38 But he was so mercifull, that he forgaue their misdedes, and destroyed them not. Yea, many a tyme turned he hys wrathe awaye, and wolde not suffre hys whole dyspleasure to aryse.
Psalms 79:4
4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemyes, a verye scorne and derysyon vnto them that are rounde aboute vs.
Psalms 79:10
10 Wherfore shall the Heathen say: wher is now their God? O lette the vengeaunce of thy seruauntes bloude that is shed, be openly shewed vpon the Heathen in our syght.
11 O Let the sorowfull sighehyng of the presoners come before the, and accordinge vnto the power of thyne arme, preserue those that are appoynted to dye.
Psalms 80:4
4 O Lord God of hostes, howe longe wilt thou be angry ouer the praier of thy people?
Psalms 80:14-16
14 Turne the agayne, thou God of hoostes, loke doune from heauen, beholde and vyset this vyneyarde.
15 Maynteyne it, that thy rightehande hath planted, and the sonne whom thou madest so muche of for thy self.
16 For why? it is brent with fyre, and lyeth waste: O let them peryshe at the rebuke of thy wrath.
Psalms 83:15
15 Persecute them euen so with thy tempest, and make them afrayed with thy storme.
Psalms 84:12
12 O Lorde God of Hostes, blessed is the man that putteth his truste in the.
Psalms 86:4
4 Comfort the soule of thy seruaunt, for vnto the, O Lord, do I lyft vp my soule.
Psalms 86:15
15 But thou, O Lord God, art ful of compassion, and mercy, long suffring, great in goodnes and truth.
Psalms 88:5-6
5 Fre among the dead, like vnto them that lye in the graue, whyche be out of remembraunce, and are cutte away from thy hand.
6 Thou hast layed me, in the lowest pytte, in the darcknesse and in the depe.
7 Thyne indignacion lieth harde vpon me, and thou vexest me wyth all thy floudes Selah.
8 Thou hast put awaye myn acquaintance farre fro me, and made me to be abhorred of them: I am so faste in pryson, that I can not get forth.
Psalms 88:13-14
13 Vnto the I crye, O Lorde, and early commeth my prayer before the.
14 Lorde, why putteste thou awaye my soule? Wherfore hydest thou thy face fro me?
15 My strength is gone for very sorow & myserye, wyh fearfulnesse do I beare thy burthens.
16 Thy wrathfull dyspleasure goeth ouer me the feare of the, oppresseth me.
Psalms 89:1-2
Psalms 89:33
33 Neuerthelesse, my louinge kyndnesse wil I not vtterly take from hym, nor suffre my trueth to fayle.
Psalms 89:47
47 O remembre how shorte my time is, hast thou made all men for nought?
Psalms 89:50
50 Remembre Lord the rebuke that the multitude of the people do vnto thy seruauntes, and how I haue borne it in my bosome.
Psalms 90:12
12 O teach vs to numbre our daies, that we maye apply our hertes vnto wisdome.
Psalms 92:1
1 A Psalme of the songe for the Sabboth daye. It is a good thynge too geue thankes vnto the Lord, and to synge prayses vnto thy name, O moost hyest.
Psalms 94:12
12 Blessed is the man, whome thou learnest (O LORDE) and teacheste hym in thy lawe.
Psalms 94:14
14 For the Lorde will not fayle his people, neither will he forsake his inheritaunce.
Psalms 97:2
2 Cloudes & darkenesse are round about him, righteousnesse & iudgement are the habitacion of hys seate.
Psalms 102:3-5
Psalms 102:7
7 I wake, and am euen as it were a sparow sittinge alone vpon the house toppe.
Psalms 102:9
9 I eate ashes with my bread, and myngle my drynke with wepynge.
Psalms 102:19-20
Psalms 102:20-20
20 That he maye heare the mournynges of such as be in captiuitie, and deliuer the chyldren of death.
Psalms 103:4
4 Which saueth thy lyfe from destruccion, and crouneth the with mercy, and louynge kyndnesse.
Psalms 103:8-10
8 The Lord is ful of compassion and mercy, long sufferyng, & of great goodnesse.
9 He will not alwaye be chydynge, neither will he kepe his anger for euer.
10 He hath not dealt with vs after oure sinnes, nor rewarded vs according to our wickednesse.
11 For loke how hye the heauen is in comparison of the earth, so greate is his mercy also towarde them that feare hym.
Psalms 105:3
3 Gyue hys holye name a good report lette their hertes reioyse that seke the Lord.
Psalms 106:43-45
Psalms 106:45-45
45 He thought vpon hys couenaunt, and pytyed them, accordyng vnto the multytude of hys mercyes.
Psalms 109:3
3 They compase me aboute with wordes of hatred, and fight against me without a cause
Psalms 109:17-18
Psalms 115:16
16 Al the whole heauens are the Lordes, but the earth hath he geuen vnto the chyldren of men.
Psalms 116:1-2
1 I am wel pleased, that the Lord hath hearde the voyce of my prayer.
2 That he hath enclyned his eare vnto me, therfore wil I cal vpon him as long as I lyue.
3 The snares of death compased me round aboute, the paynes of hell gat hold vpon me I founde trouble and heauynesse.
4 Then called I vpon the name of the Lord O Lorde: delyuer my soule.
Psalms 116:11
11 I sayde in my hast: Al men are liers.
Psalms 119:2
2 Blessed are they that kepe hys testimonies, and seke him with their whole herte.
Psalms 119:57
57 Heth Thou art my porcion, O lord, I am purposed to kepe thy law.
Psalms 119:59
59 I cal myne owne wayes to remembrance, and turne my fete into thy testimonies.
Psalms 119:71
71 It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble, that I may learne thy statutes.
Psalms 119:81
81 Caph. My soule longeth for thy sauynge health, for my trust is in thy word,
Psalms 119:136
136 Myne eyes gusshe out with water, because men kepe not thy lawe.
Psalms 119:155
155 Health is farre from the vngodly, for thei regarde not thy statutes.
Psalms 119:161
161 Sin. The princes persecute me withoute cause, but my herte standeth in awe of thy woordes.
Psalms 119:166
166 Lord, I loke for thy sauynge healthe, and do after thy commaundementes.
Psalms 119:174
174 I longe for thy sauyng health, O Lorde, and in thy law is my delyte.
Psalms 123:3-4
3 Haue mercy vpon vs, O Lord, haue mercy vpon vs, for we are vtterly despysed.
Psalms 123:3
Psalms 124:4-5
Psalms 130:1-2
Psalms 130:5-6
5 I loke for the Lord, my soule doth wayte for hym, and in his word is my trust.
Psalms 130:5
Psalms 132:1
1 The song of the steares. Lorde, remember Dauyd and all his trouble.
Psalms 137:3
3 Then they that led vs awaye captyue, requyred of vs a songe and melody in our heauynes: synge vs one of the songes of Syon.
Psalms 139:2
2 Thou knowest my doune sittyng and myne vprysinge, thou vnderstandest my thoughtes a farre of.
Psalms 139:23-24
Psalms 140:3
3 They sharpen their tonges lyke a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lippes. Selah.
Psalms 141:2
2 Let my prayer be setforth in thy sight as the incense, and let the lifting vp of my handes be an euenynge sacrifice.
Psalms 142:3-7
3 When my sprete is in heuynesse, for thou knowest my path: in the way wherin I walke haue they preuely layed a snare for me.
4 I loke vpon my right hande, & se, there is no man that will know me. I haue no place to fle vnto, no man careth for my soule.
5 Therfore do I crye vnto the, O Lorde, & say: thou art my hope and my porcion in the londe of the liuing.
Psalms 142:5-7
5 Therfore do I crye vnto the, O Lorde, & say: thou art my hope and my porcion in the londe of the liuing.
6 Considre my complaynt, for I am brought very lowe. O deliuer me fro my persecuters, for thei are to stronge for me.
7 Bryng my soule out of pryson, that I may geue thankes vnto thy name: which thyng if thou wilt graunt me, then shall the righteous resorte vnto my company.
Psalms 143:3
3 For the enemye persecuteth my soule, he smyteth my lyfe doune too the grounde, he layeth me in the darkenesse, as the dead men of the worlde.
Psalms 143:6-8
Psalms 143:7-8
7 Heare me, O Lorde, & that soone, for my sprete waxeth faynte: hyde not thy face fro me, lest I be lyke vnto theym that go doune into the graue.
8 O let me heare thy louyng kyndnesse by tymes in the morning, for in the is my trust: shew thou me the waye that I should walke in, for I lift vp my soule vnto the.
Psalms 145:18
18 The Lord is nye vnto them that call vpon him, yea, al such as call vpon hym faithfully.
Psalms 146:6
6 Which made heauen and earth, the sea, & all that therin is, which kepeth hys promise for euer.
Psalms 146:8
8 the Lord geueth sight to the blynde. The Lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen, the Lord loueth the righteous.
Proverbs 16:9
9 A man deuyseth awaye in his herte, but it is the Lorde that ordreth hys goynges.
Proverbs 19:3
3 Folyshuesse maketh a man to go out of his waye, and then is his hert vnpacient agaynst the Lorde.
Proverbs 19:21
21 There are many deuises in a mans hert, neuertheles the counsayll of the Lorde shall stande.
Proverbs 20:17
17 Euery man liketh the bread that is gotten with disceate, but at the laste hys mouth shalbe filled with grauell.
Proverbs 21:30
30 There is no wysdome ther is no vnderstandyng, there is no councell agaynste the Lorde.
Proverbs 29:26
26 Manye there be that seke the Princes fauoure, but euery mans iudgement commeth from the Lorde.
Ecclesiastes 12:1
1 Remembre thy maker in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersitie come, and or the yeares drawe nye, when thou shalt saye: I haue no pleasure in them
Isaiah 1:25
25 And therfore shall I laye my hande vpon the and burne oute thy drosse from the fyneste and pureste, and put oute all the leade,
Isaiah 3:26
26 At that time shal their gates mourne & complayne, and they shall sitte as desolate folck vpon the earth.
Isaiah 5:25
25 Therfore is the wrath of the Lorde kyndeled also agaynst his people, and he shaketh hys hande at them: yea he shall smyte so, that the hylles shall tremble. And theyr karcases shall lye in the open stretes, lyke myre. After all thys, the wrathe of God shall not ceasse, but he shall stretche hys hande wyder.
Isaiah 6:10
10 Harden the hart of thys people, stoppe theyr eares, and shutte theyr eyes, that they se not with theyr eyes, heare not wyth theyr eares, and vnderstande not wyth theyr hertes, and conuerte and be healed.
Isaiah 14:17
17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cytyes to the grounde, whyche let not his prisoners go home?
Isaiah 24:17-18
17 And therfore (O thou that dwellest vpon the earth) there is at hand for the, feare, pyt and snare.
18 Who so escapeth the terrible crye, shal fal into the pyt. And yf he come out of the pit, he shalbe taken with the snare. For the wyndowes aboue shalbe opened, and the foundacion of the earth shall moue.
Isaiah 25:9
9 At the same tyme shall it be sayde: lo, thys is oure God in whom we put oure trust, and he hath healed vs. This is the Lorde that we haue wayted for. Let vs reioyse and delyte in hys health.
Isaiah 26:9
9 My soule lusteth after the all the nyght longe, and my mynde hasteth frely to the. For as soone as thy iudgemente is knowne to the worlde, then the inhabytours of the earth learne rightuousnesse.
Isaiah 28:21
21 For the Lorde shall steppe forthe as he dyd vpon the mounte Perazim, and shall take on as he dyd vpon the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bryng forthe his deuyce his straunge deuyce: and fulfyll hys worcke, hys wonderful worcke.
Isaiah 30:7
7 For the Egipcians helpe shalbe but vayne and lost. Therfore I tolde you also, that your pryde shulde haue an end.
Isaiah 30:15
15 For the Lorde God, euen the holy one of Israell hath promysed thus: Wyth styll syttynge and rest shall ye be healed, in quyetnesse & hope shall youre strength lye.
Isaiah 30:18
18 Yet standeth the Lorde waytynge, that he maye haue mercye vpon you, and lyfteth hym selfe vp, that he maye receyue you to grace. For the Lorde God is ryghtuous. Happy are all they that wayte for him.
Isaiah 30:28
28 His breath like a vehement floude of water, whiche goeth vp to the throte. That he may take away the people, whiche haue turned them selues vnto vanite, and the brydle of erroure, that lyeth in other folkes chawes.
Isaiah 33:2
2 Lorde be mercyful vnto vs, we wayte for the. Thyne arme is at a poynte to vyset vs, but be thou oure health in the tyme of trouble
Isaiah 38:5
5 Go and speake vnto Hezekiah: the Lorde God of Dauid thy father sendeth the thys worde: I haue herde thy prayer, and consydred thy teares: beholde I wyll put fyftene yeares mo vnto thy lyfe,
Isaiah 38:10-13
10 I thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hell in my best age, and haue wanted the resydue of my yeares.
11 I spake with in my selfe: I shall neuer viset the Lorde God in this lyfe: I shall neuer se man amonge the dwellers of the worlde.
12 Myne age is folden vp together, and taken awaye fro me, lyke a shepherdes cotage: my lyfe is hewen of, lyke as a weeuer cutteth of his webb. Whyle I was yet takynge my rest, he hewed me of, & made an ende of me in one day.
13 I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morow, but he brosed my bones lyke a lyon, and made an ende of me in one daye.
Isaiah 38:13-13
13 I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morow, but he brosed my bones lyke a lyon, and made an ende of me in one daye.
Isaiah 38:17
17 Neuertheles my conuersacyon hath so pleased the, that thou woldest not make an ende of my lyfe: so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy back.
Isaiah 38:17-19
17 Neuertheles my conuersacyon hath so pleased the, that thou woldest not make an ende of my lyfe: so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy back.
18 For hell prayseth not the, death doth not magnyfye the. They that go downe into the graue, prayse not thy trueth:
19 but the lyuyng, yee the liuinge acknowledge the, lyke as I do thys daye. The father telleth hys chyldren of thy faythfulnesse.
Isaiah 40:31
31 But vnto them that haue the Lorde before their eyes, shal strength be encreased, Aegles wynges shall growe vpon them: When they runne they shall not fal: and when they go, they shal not be weery.
Isaiah 41:10
10 be not afrayd, for I will be with the. Loke not behynde the, for I will be thy God, to strength the, helpe the, and to kepe the with this right hand of myne.
Isaiah 41:14
14 Be not a frayde thou lytle worme Iacob, & thou despysed Israell for I will helpe the, sayeth the Lorde, and the holy one of Israel thyne auenger.
Isaiah 43:1-2
1 But now, the Lorde that made the O Iacob, & he that fashyoned the O Israel, sayeth thus: Feare not, for I wyll defende the. I haue called the by name thou art myne owne.
2 When thou wentest in the water, I was by the, that the stronge floudes shuld not pluck the awaye. When thou walkest in the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kindle vpon the.
Isaiah 45:7
7 It is I that created the lyght and darcknes, I make peace & trouble yee euen I the Lorde do all these thinges.
Isaiah 46:10
10 In the beginning of a thynge, I shewe the ende therof: & I tell before, thynges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplyshed, & fulfylleth all my pleasure.
Isaiah 49:9
9 That thou mayest saye to the presonners: go forth, & to them that are in darknesse: come into the lyght, that they may fede in the hye wayes, and get theyr lyuynge in all places.
Isaiah 50:6
6 but I offre my backe vnto the smyters, & my chekes to the uyppers. I turne not my face from shame & spyttynge,
Isaiah 51:17-22
17 Awake, awake, and stande vp, O Ierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lorde, hast droncken oute the cuppe of hys wrath, thou that hast supped of, and sucked oute the slombrynge cuppe to the bottome.
18 For amonge all the sonnes whome thou haste begotten, there is not one that maye holde the vp: and not one to leade the by the hande, of al the sonnes that thou hast noryshed.
19 Both these thynges are happened vnto the, but who is sorye for it: Yea, destruccyon, wastynge, hunger, & swerde: but who hath conforted the?
Isaiah 51:19
Isaiah 51:20
20 Thy sonnes lye comfortles at the heade of euery strete lyke a taken venyson, and are full of the terryble wrath of the Lorde, & punyshmente of thy God.
21 And therfore thou myserable & droncken (howbe it not with wyne) Heare this:
22 Thus sayth thy Lorde, thy Lorde & God, the defender of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slombrynge cuppe oute of thy hande, euen the cuppe with the dregges of my wrathe: that from hence forthe thou shalt neuer drincke it more,
Isaiah 51:22-23
22 Thus sayth thy Lorde, thy Lorde & God, the defender of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slombrynge cuppe oute of thy hande, euen the cuppe with the dregges of my wrathe: that from hence forthe thou shalt neuer drincke it more,
23 & wyll put it in theyr hande that trouble the: whiche haue spoken to thy soule: stoupe doune, that we maye go ouer the: make thy body eauen with the grounde, and as the strete to go vpon.
Isaiah 53:3
3 He shalbe the most simple, and despysed of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infyrmyties. We shall reken him so symple and so vyle, that we shall hyde our faces from hym.
Isaiah 54:7-10
7 A lytle whyle haue I forsaken the, but with greate mercyfulnes shall I take the vp vnto me.
8 When I was angry, I hyde my face from the for a lytle season, but thorowe euerlasting goodnes shall I pardon the, sayeth the Lorde thyne auenger.
9 And this must be vnto me as the water of Noe: for as lyke I haue sworne that I wyll not brynge the water of Noe any more vpon the worlde: so haue I sworne that I wil neuer be angrye with the, nor reproue the:
10 The mountaynes shal remoue and the hylles shal fal doune: but my louing kindnesse shall not moue, & the bonde of my peace shal not fal doune from the, saith the lord thy mercifull louer.
Isaiah 54:10-10
10 The mountaynes shal remoue and the hylles shal fal doune: but my louing kindnesse shall not moue, & the bonde of my peace shal not fal doune from the, saith the lord thy mercifull louer.
Isaiah 55:6
Isaiah 57:16
16 For I chide not euer, & am not wroth without ende. But the blastinge goeth from me, though I make the breath.
Isaiah 58:9
9 Then yf thou callest, the Lorde shall answere the: yf thou cryest, he shall saye: here I am. Yea, yf thou layest awaie thy burthens, and holdest thy fingers, and ceasest from blasphemous talkinge,
Isaiah 59:9
9 And this is the cause that equyte is so far from vs, and that ryghteousnes commeth not nye vs. We loke for light, lo, it is darcknesse: for the morninge shine, se we walke in the darcke.
Isaiah 59:11
11 We roare all lyke Beeres, and mourne still like doues. We loke for equyte, but there is none: for health, but it is farre from vs.
Isaiah 59:15
15 Yea, the truth is layde in preson, and he that refraineth him selfe from euyl, must be spoyled. When the Lorde sawe this, it dyspleased him sore, that there was no where any equite.
Isaiah 62:6-7
Isaiah 63:10
10 But after they prouoked hym to wrath, and vexed hys holy mynd, he was their enemye, and fought against them him selfe.
Isaiah 63:15
15 Loke doune then from heauen, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary and thy glory: how is it, that they gelousy, thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes, & thy louynge kindnesse, will not be entreated of vs.
Isaiah 63:17
17 O Lord wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye? wherfore hast thou hardened our hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one with vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake that are of the generacion of thine heretage.
Isaiah 64:1
1 O that thou wouldest cleaue the heauen in sonder, & come doune that the mountaynes might melt awaye at thy presence,
Isaiah 64:4
4 For sence the beginninge of the worlde there was none (except thou O God) that hearde or perceyueth, neyther had anye eye sene, what thou dost for them, that put their trust in the.
Isaiah 66:1
1 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Heauen is my seat, and the earth is my fote stole Where shal nowe the house stande, that ye wyll buylde vnto me. And where shalbe the place, that I dwell in?
Jeremiah 1:17
17 And therfore gyrde vp thy loines, arise, and tell them al, that I geue the in commaundement. Feare them not, I will not haue the to be afrayed of them.
Jeremiah 3:13
13 but on this condicion, that thou knowe thy greate blasphemy: Namely, that thou haste vnfaithful forsaken the Lorde thy God, and hast made thy selfe partaker of straung goddes vnder all grene trees, but hast had no wil to heare my voyce, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 4:19
19 Ah my belye, ah my belye, (shalt thou crye) how is my hert so sore? my herte painteth within me, I can not be styl, for I haue hearde the cryeng of the trompettes and peales of warre.
Jeremiah 4:19-21
19 Ah my belye, ah my belye, (shalt thou crye) how is my hert so sore? my herte painteth within me, I can not be styl, for I haue hearde the cryeng of the trompettes and peales of warre.
20 They crye murthur vpon murthur, the whole lande shall perishe. Immediatly my tentes were destroied, and my hanginges, in the twinckelinge of an eye.
21 Howe longe shall I se the tokens of warre, and heare the noyse of the trompettes.
Jeremiah 4:23
23 I haue loked vpon the earth, and se it is waste, and voyde. I loked toward heauen, and it had no shyne.
Jeremiah 5:6
6 Wherfore a lyon out of the wood shall hurte them, and a wolfe in the euenyng shall destroy them. The cat of the mountayne shal lye lurking by their cities, to teare in peces al them, that come thereoute. For theyr offences are manye, and theyr departynge awaye is greate.
7 Shulde I then for al thys haue mercy vpon the? Thy chyldren haue forsaken me, & sworne by them that are no Goddes. And albe it they were bounde to me in maryage, yet they fell to aduoutrye, and haunted harlottes houses.
8 In the desyre of vnclenly luste they are become lyke the stoned horse, euery man neyeth at hys neyghbours wyfe:
9 Shulde I not correcte thys, sayeth the Lorde. Shulde I not be auenged of euerye people that is lyke vnto this?
Jeremiah 6:8
8 Amende the (O Ierusalem) leste I withdrawe my herte from the, and make the desolate: & thy lande also, that no man dwell in it.
Jeremiah 6:26
26 Wherfore, gyrde a sack clothe aboute the (O doughter of my people) sprinkle thy selfe wyth ashes, mourne and wepe bytterlye, as vpon thy onely beloued sonne: For the destroyer shall sodenly fall vpon vs.
Jeremiah 8:14
14 why prolong we the tyme? Let vs gather our selues together, & go into the stronge cytye, there shall we be in reste: For the Lorde oure God hath put vs to sylence, and geuen vs water myxte with gal, to drincke: because we haue synned agaynst hym.
15 We loked for peace, and we fare not the better, we wayted for the tyme of health, and lo, here is nothynge but trouble.
Jeremiah 9:1
1 O who wil geue my heade water ynough, and a wel of teares for myne eyes: that I may wepe night and day, for the slaughter of my people?
Jeremiah 9:10-11
10 Vpon the mountaynes wyl I take vp a lamentacyon and sorowfull crye, and a mournynge vpon the fayre playnes of the wyldernes: Namely, howe they are so brente vp, that no man goeth there anye more. Yea a man shall not heare one beaste crye there. Byrdes and catell are al gone from thence.
11 I wyll make Ierusalem also an heape of stones, and a denne of venymous wormes. And I wyll make the cytyes of Iuda so wast, that no man shall dwell therein.
Jeremiah 9:15
15 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israell: Beholde, I wyll fede this people with wormewood, and geue them gal to drincke.
Jeremiah 9:18
18 & synge a mournyng song of you: that the teares maye fall oute of oure eyes, and that oure eye lyddes maye gusshe oute of water.
Jeremiah 10:11
11 As for theyr Goddes, it maye well be sayde of them: they are Goddes, that made neyther heauen nor earthe: therfore shall they peryshe from the earthe, & from al thynges vnder heauen
Jeremiah 10:16
16 Neuertheles, Iacobs porcyon is not suche: but it is he, that hath made all thynges, and Israel is the rode of hys enherytaunce: The Lorde of Hostes is his name.
Jeremiah 11:19-21
19 But I (as a meke lambe) was caried awaye to be slayne: not knowing, that they had deuised soche a councell agaynst me sayenge: We wyll destroye hys meate wyth woed, & dryue hym out of the lande of the lyuing: that his name shall neuer be thought vpon.
Jeremiah 11:19-20
19 But I (as a meke lambe) was caried awaye to be slayne: not knowing, that they had deuised soche a councell agaynst me sayenge: We wyll destroye hys meate wyth woed, & dryue hym out of the lande of the lyuing: that his name shall neuer be thought vpon.
20 Therfore I wyll beseche the now (O Lord of hostes) thou rightuous iudge, thou that tryest the reynes and the hertes: lett me se the aunged of them, for vnto the haue I committed my cause.
Jeremiah 11:20-20
20 Therfore I wyll beseche the now (O Lord of hostes) thou rightuous iudge, thou that tryest the reynes and the hertes: lett me se the aunged of them, for vnto the haue I committed my cause.
Jeremiah 11:20
20 Therfore I wyll beseche the now (O Lord of hostes) thou rightuous iudge, thou that tryest the reynes and the hertes: lett me se the aunged of them, for vnto the haue I committed my cause.
21 The Lord therfore spake thus of the citezyns of Anothoth, that sought to slaye me, sayenge: Preache not vnto vs in the name of the Lord, or els thou shalt dye of oure handes.
22 Thus (I saye) spake the Lorde of hostes: Beholde, I will viset you. Youre yonge men shall peryshe wyth the swearde, your sonnes & your daughters shall vtterlye dye of honger,
Jeremiah 13:16
16 Honoure the Lorde youre God herein, or he take hys lyght from you, and or euer youre fete stomble in darcknesse at the hylle lest when ye loke for the lyght, he turne it into the shadowe and darcknesse of death.
17 But yf ye wyll not heare me, that geue you secrete warnyng, I will mourne fro my whole hert for youre stubburnesse. Pyteouslye wyll I wepe, and the teares shall gusshe out of myne eyes. For the Lordes flocke shall be caryed awaye captyue.
Jeremiah 14:11
11 Yee euen thus sayde the Lorde vnto me: Thou shalt not praye to do this people good.
Jeremiah 14:16
16 and the people to whom they haue preached shalbe cast out of Ierusalem, dye of honger, and be slayne wyth the swearde (and there shallbe no man to burye them) buth they and their wyues, their sonnes and their daughters. For thus wyll I poure their wyckednes vpon them.
17 This shalt thou saye also vnto them: Myne eyes shall wepe without ceassynge daye and night. For my people shalbe destroyed wyth great harme, and shall perysh wyth a great plage.
18 For yf I go in to the felde, lo, it lyeth all full of slayne men. If I come in to the cytye, lo, they be all fameshed of honger. Yee their prophetes also and prestes shall be led in to an vnknowne lande.
19 Haste thou then vtterlye forsaken Iuda? (sayde I) Doest thou so abhorre Syon? Or hast thou so plaged vs, that we can be healed nomore? We loked for peace, and there commeth no good: for the tyme of health, and lo, here is nothynge but trouble:
Jeremiah 15:1
1 Then spake the Lorde vnto me, & sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to thys people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my syght.
Jeremiah 15:10
10 O mother, alas that euer thou dydest beate me, an enemye and hated of the whose lande: Though I neuer lente ner receyued vpon vsury, yet all men speake euell vpon me.
Jeremiah 15:17-18
17 I dwell not amonge the scorners, nether is my delyte therin: but I dwell only in the feare of thy hand, for thou hast fylled me with bytternes.
Jeremiah 15:17
17 I dwell not amonge the scorners, nether is my delyte therin: but I dwell only in the feare of thy hand, for thou hast fylled me with bytternes.
18 Shall my heuynes endure for euer? Are my plages then so greate, that they maye neuer be healed? Wilt thou be as a water, that falleth, and can not continue?
Jeremiah 16:5
5 Agayne, thus sayeth the Lorde: Go not vnto them, that come together, for to mourne and wepe: for I haue taken my peace from this people (saieth the Lorde) yee my fauoure & my mercy.
Jeremiah 18:18-23
18 Then sayde they: come, let vs ymagyn smothynge agaynst this Ieremy. Yee thys dyd euen the prestes, to whom the lawe was commytted: the Senatours, that were the wysest, and the prophetes, whiche wanted not the worde of God. Come (sayde they) lett vs cut out hys tunge, & let vs not regarde his wordes.
Jeremiah 18:18
18 Then sayde they: come, let vs ymagyn smothynge agaynst this Ieremy. Yee thys dyd euen the prestes, to whom the lawe was commytted: the Senatours, that were the wysest, and the prophetes, whiche wanted not the worde of God. Come (sayde they) lett vs cut out hys tunge, & let vs not regarde his wordes.
19 Consydre me, O Lorde, and heare the voyce of myne enemies.
20 Do they not recompence euell for good, when they dygg a pyt for my soule? Remembre, how that I stode before the, to speake for them, and to turne awaye thy wrath from them.
21 Therfore let their chyldren dye of hunger and lett them be oppressed with the swearde. Let their wyues be robbed of their chyldren, and become widdowes: let their housbandes be slayne, lett their yonge men be kylled with the swearde in the felde.
22 Let the noyse be herde out of their houses, when the murtherer commeth sodenly vpon them: For they haue digged a pyt to take me, and layed snares for my fete.
23 Yet Lorde, thou knowest all their councell, that they haue deuysed, to slaye me. And therfore forgeue them not their wyckednes, and let not their synne be put out of thy syght: but lett them be iudged before the as the gyltye: Thys shalt thou do vnto them in the tyme of thy indygnacyon.
Jeremiah 19:8
8 And I wyll make this cytie so desolate, and despysed, that who so goeth ther by, shall be abashed and ieast vpon her, because of al her plages.
9 I wyll fede them also with the fleshe of their sonnes and their daughters. Yee euery one shall eate vp another in the besegynge & straytnesse, wherwith their enemyes (that seke their lyues) shall kepe them in.
Jeremiah 20:7
7 O Lorde, thou makest me weake, but thou refreshest me, & makest me stronge agayne. All the daye longe am the despysed, & laughed to scorne of euery man:
Jeremiah 20:7-10
7 O Lorde, thou makest me weake, but thou refreshest me, & makest me stronge agayne. All the daye longe am the despysed, & laughed to scorne of euery man:
8 because I haue now preached longe agaynst malycious Tyranny, & shewed them of destruccion. For the which cause they cast the worde of the Lorde in my teeth, and take me euer to the worst.
9 Wherfore, I thought from hence forth, not to speake of hym, ner to preach eny more in hys name. But the worde of the Lorde was a very burnynge fyre in my herte and in my bones, which when I wolde haue stopped I might not.
10 For why, I herde so many derisyons and blasphemies, yee euen of myne owne companions, and of soch as were conuersaunte with me: whiche wente aboute, to make me afrayed, sayinge, vpon hym, let vs go vpon him to feare hym and make hym holde his tonge: that we maye ouer come hym, and be auenged of hym.
Jeremiah 20:14-18
14 Cursed be the daye, wher in I was borne: vnhappye be the daye, wherin my mother brought me forth.
15 Cursed be the man, that brought my father the tydinges, to make hym glad, saying: thou hast gotten a sonne.
16 Lett it happen vnto that man, as to the cyties whiche the Lorde turned vp syde downe (when he had hearde longe the wicked rumoure of them)
17 because he slewe me not, as sone as I came out of my mothers wombe, & because my mother was not my graue her selfe, that the byrth mighte not haue come out, but remayned styl in her.
18 Wherfore came I forth of my mother wombe? To haue experience of all laboure & sorow? & to leade my lyfe wyth shame?
Jeremiah 22:3
3 Thus the Lorde commaundeth: kepe equyte and ryghtuousnesse, delyuer the oppressed from the power of the violent: do not greue ner opppresse the straunger, the fatherlesse ner the wyddowe, and shede no innocent bloude in this place.
Jeremiah 23:15
15 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wyll fede them with wormwod, and make them dryncke the water of gall. For from the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sycknes and ypocrisye come in to all the lande.
Jeremiah 25:15-18
15 For thus hath the Lord God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayeste cause al the people, to whom I sende the, for to drincke of it:
16 that when they haue drouncken therof, they may be mad, and out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wyll sende amonge them.
17 Then toke I the cuppe from the Lordes hande, and made all the people dryncke therof, vnto whom the Lorde had sent me.
18 But fyrst the cytie of Ierusalem, and all the cytyes of Iuda, theyr kinges and princes to make them desolate, waste, despised & cursed according as it is come to passe this day.
Jeremiah 25:27
27 And saye thou vnto them: This is the commaundement of the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel: Drincke and be droncken, spewe & fall, that ye neuer ryse: and that thorow the swearde, whyche I wyll sende amonge you.
Jeremiah 30:15
15 Why makest thou moue for thy harme? I my selfe haue pyte of thy sorowe, but for the multytude of thy mysdedes and synnes, I haue done this vnto the.
Jeremiah 31:17
17 Yea euen thy posterite shall haue consolacion in thys, (saieth the Lorde) that thy children shall come agayne into theyr owne lande.
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Vpon this complainte, I thoughte thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the chylde, with whom I haue had all myrthe and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I fyrst commened with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my verye herte dryueth me vnto hym, gladly and louynglye will I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 31:37
37 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde: lyke as the heauen aboue can not be measured, and as the foundacyons of the earth beneth may not be soughte oute: So will I also not caste oute the whole sede of Israell, for that they haue committed. sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 32:40
40 And I wyll set vp an euerlastinge couenaunt with them, Namely, that I will neuer ceasse to do them good, and that I will put my feate in ther hertes so that they shall not runne awaye from me.
Jeremiah 32:42
42 For thus sayeth the Lorde: lyke as I haue brought all thys great plage vpon this people: so wyll I also brynge vpon them all the good, that I haue promised them.
43 And men shall haue their possessions in thys lande, whereof ye saye now, that it shall neyther be inhabited of people nor of catell, but be delyuered into the handes of the Caldees:
Jeremiah 33:24
24 Considrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kinredes (saye they) had the Lorde chosen, and those same two hath he cast awaie: for so farre is my people come, that they haue no hope to come together any more, and to be one people again.
Jeremiah 37:1-21
1 Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah, whiche was made kyng thorow Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babylon, reygned in the lande of Iuda in the head of Cononiah the sonne of Iehoakim.
2 But neyther he, nor hys seruauntes, nor the people in the lande woulde obeye the wordes of the Lord, which he spake by the Prophet Ieremye.
3 Neuerthelesse Zedekiah the Kynge sent Iehucal the sonne of Selemiah and Sophoniah the sonne of Maasiah the pryeste to the Prophet Ieremy, sayinge: O praye thou vnto the lord oure God for vs.
4 Now Ieremy walked fre among the people at that tyme, and was not put in preson as yet.
5 Pharaos Hoste also was come out of Egypte, which when the Caldees that beseged Ierusalem perceyued, they departed from thence.
6 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremy the Prophet, sayinge.
7 Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel, thys answere shall ye geue to the kinge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos host whyche is come forthe to helpe you, shall returne to Egypte into hys owne lande:
8 but the Caldees shall come agayne, and fyght agaynst this cytye, wynne it, and set fyre vpon it.
9 For thus sayeth the Lord dysceyue not your owne myndes, thinckinge on thys maner: tush, the Caldees go now their waye from vs: No, they shall not go their waye.
10 For though ye had slayne the whole hoste of the Caldees, that besege you, and euery one of the slayne laye in his tente, yet should they stande vp, and set fyre vpon this cytie.
11 Nowe when the Hoste of the Caldees was broken vp from Ierusalem, for feare of the Egypcians armye,
12 Ieremy went out of Ierusalem, towarde the lande of BenIamin to do certayne busines there amonge the people.
13 And when he came vnder BenIamins porte, there was a porter, called Ieriah, the sonne of Selemiah the sonne of Hananiah, whiche fell vpon him, and toke hym sayinge: thy mynde is to runne to the Caldees.
14 Then sayde Ieremy: It is not so, I go not to the Caldees. Neuertheles Ieriah woulde not beleue him, but brought Ieremy bounde before the Prynces.
15 Wherfore the Prynces were angrye wyth Ieremye, causinge him to beaten, and to be layed in preson in the house of Ionathas the scribe. For he was the ruler of the prison.
Jeremiah 37:15-21
Jeremiah 37:16
16 Thus was Ieremy put into the dongeon and preson, and so laye there a longe tyme.
Jeremiah 37:16-21
16 Thus was Ieremy put into the dongeon and preson, and so laye there a longe tyme.
17 Then Zedekiah the kinge sent for him, and called him, and asked hym quyetly in hys owne house, sayinge: thynkest thou this busynes (that now is in hande) commeth of the Lorde? Ieremye answered: yea that it doth: and thou (said he) shalt be delyuered in to the kinge of Babylons power.
18 Moreouer, Ieremy sayde vnto kynge Zedekiah. What haue I offended agaynst the, agaynste thy seruauntes, or agaynst this people, that ye haue caused me to be put in preson?
Jeremiah 37:18-21
18 Moreouer, Ieremy sayde vnto kynge Zedekiah. What haue I offended agaynst the, agaynste thy seruauntes, or agaynst this people, that ye haue caused me to be put in preson?
19 Where are youre prophetes whych haue prophecied vnto you, and sayd, that the kinge of Babilon should not come against you & this lande?
20 And therfore heare now, O my Lord the Kinge: let my prayer be accepte before the and sende me no more into the house of Ionathas the Scrybe, that I dye not there.
Jeremiah 37:20-21
20 And therfore heare now, O my Lord the Kinge: let my prayer be accepte before the and sende me no more into the house of Ionathas the Scrybe, that I dye not there.
21 Then Zedekiah the kinge commaunded to put Ieremye in the fore entrye of the preson, and dayly to be geuen him a cake of breade, & els no dighte meate, vntil al the breade in the cytie was eaten vp. Thus Ieremy remaineth in the fore entre of the preson.
Jeremiah 38:4-6
4 Then sayd the princes vnto the king: Syr, we beseche you, let this man to be put to death: For thus he discoraged the handes of the soudyars that be in this cytie, & the handes of al the people, when he speaketh such wordes vnto them. This man verely laboureth not for peace of the people, but mischefe.
5 Zedekiah the kinge answered & sayde: lo he is in youre handes, for the king may denye you nothing.
6 Then toke they Ieremie, and cast him into the dongeon of Melchiah the sonne of Hamelech, that dwelt in the fore entre of the preson. And they let doune Ieremye wyth coardes into a dongeon, where there was no water, but myre.
Jeremiah 38:6-6
6 Then toke they Ieremie, and cast him into the dongeon of Melchiah the sonne of Hamelech, that dwelt in the fore entre of the preson. And they let doune Ieremye wyth coardes into a dongeon, where there was no water, but myre.
Jeremiah 38:9
9 My Lorde the king where as these men medle with Ieremye the prophet, they do him wrong. Namely, in that they haue put him in preson, there to dye of honger, for there is nomore bread in the city.
Jeremiah 40:4
4 Beholde, I louse the boundes from thy handes this daye: yf thou wilt now go with me vnto Babilon, vp then: for I wyll se to the, and prouyde for the. But yf thou wilt not go wyth me to Babilon, then remayne here. Beholde all the lande is at thy wil, loke where thou thinkest conuenient and good for the to abyde, there dwell.
Jeremiah 48:27
27 O Israel, shalt thou not laugh him to scorne, when he is taken amonge theues? Yea because of thy wordes that thou hast spoken agaynste him, thou shalt be dryuen awaye.
Jeremiah 48:43-44
Jeremiah 50:17
17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the Lyons haue dispersed them. Fyrste the kynge of the Assyryans deuoured them, last of all thys Nabuchodonosor Kyng of Babylon hath brosed all theyr bones.
Jeremiah 50:29
29 Call vp all the archers agaynste Babylon, pytche youre tentes rounde aboute her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and accordinge as she hath done, so deale wyth her agayne: for she hath set vp her selfe agaynste the Lorde, agaynste the holy one of Israel.
Jeremiah 50:33-34
33 Thus sayth the Lorde of hostes: The chyldren of Israell & Iuda suffre violence together. Al they that haue them in captyuyte, kepe them faste, and wyll not let them go:
34 but theyr auenger & redemer is myghtye, whose name is the Lorde of hostes: he shal maintayne theyr cause, he shall make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therein, one wyth another.
Jeremiah 50:34
34 but theyr auenger & redemer is myghtye, whose name is the Lorde of hostes: he shal maintayne theyr cause, he shall make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therein, one wyth another.
Jeremiah 51:19
19 Neuertheles, the porcyon of Iacob is none soch: but he that made al thinges, whose name is the Lorde of hostes, he is the rode of hys enherytaunce.
20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, and yet thorowe the I haue scatered the nacyons & kyngdomes:
21 Thorow the haue I scatred horse and horse man: yea the charettes, and suche as sat vpon them:
22 Thorowe the I haue scatred man and woman, olde & yong, bacheler and mayden.
Jeremiah 51:33-36
33 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israell: the doughter of Babylon hath bene in her tyme lyke as a threshynge floure, but shortly shal her haruest come.
34 Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon hath deuoured & destroyed me, he hath made me an emptye vessell. He swalowed me vp lyke a dragon, and filled his bely with my delycates: he hath cast me oute,
35 he hath taken my substaunce awaye and the thynge that was lefte me, hath he caryed vnto Babylon, sayeth the doughter that dwelleth in Syon: yea and my bloude also vnto the Caldees, sayeth Ierusalem.
36 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wil dryncke vp her sea, and drye vp her water springes.
Jeremiah 51:36
36 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wil dryncke vp her sea, and drye vp her water springes.
Lamentations 1:4
4 Daleth. The streates of Sion mourne, because no man commeth more to the solempne feastes. All her gates are desolate, her prestes make lamentacyon, her maydens are carefulll, and she her selfe is in greate heuynesse.
Lamentations 1:12-14
12 Lamed. O ye all that go fore by, beholde and se, yf there be eny sorow like vnto myne, wherwith the Lord hath troubled me, in the daye of his fearefull wrath.
13 Mem. From aboute hath he sent downe a fyre into my bones and chastened me: he hath layed a net for my fete, and throwen me wyde open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must euer be mournynge.
Lamentations 1:13
13 Mem. From aboute hath he sent downe a fyre into my bones and chastened me: he hath layed a net for my fete, and throwen me wyde open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must euer be mournynge.
14 Nun. The yocke of my transgressyon is come at the last, with his hande hath he taken it vp, & put it aboute my neck. My strength is gone: the Lorde hath delyuered me in to those handes, wherout I can not quyte my selfe.
Lamentations 1:14
14 Nun. The yocke of my transgressyon is come at the last, with his hande hath he taken it vp, & put it aboute my neck. My strength is gone: the Lorde hath delyuered me in to those handes, wherout I can not quyte my selfe.
Lamentations 1:16
16 Ain. Therfore do I wepe, & myne eyes gusshe oute of water: for the comforter that shulde quycken me, is farre fro me. My chyldren are dryuen awaye, for why? the enemie hath gotten the ouer hande.
Lamentations 1:18
18 Zade. The Lorde is ryghtuous, for I haue prouoked his contenaunce vnto anger. O take hede all ye people, and consydre my heuynes: My maydens and my younge men are led awaye into captyuytye.
Lamentations 2:1
1 Aleph. Alas, how hath the Lorde darkened the daughter of Syon so sore in hys wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it downe from heauen: How happeneth it, that he remembred not hys owne fote stole when he was angrye?
Lamentations 2:1-2
1 Aleph. Alas, how hath the Lorde darkened the daughter of Syon so sore in hys wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it downe from heauen: How happeneth it, that he remembred not hys owne fote stole when he was angrye?
Lamentations 2:1-9
1 Aleph. Alas, how hath the Lorde darkened the daughter of Syon so sore in hys wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it downe from heauen: How happeneth it, that he remembred not hys owne fote stole when he was angrye?
2 Beth. The Lorde hath cast downe all the glorye of Iacob without any fauoure: all the stronge places of the daughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, and thorowen them downe to the grounde: her kyngdome & her Princes hath he suspended.
Lamentations 2:2-9
2 Beth. The Lorde hath cast downe all the glorye of Iacob without any fauoure: all the stronge places of the daughter Iuda hath he broken in his wrath, and thorowen them downe to the grounde: her kyngdome & her Princes hath he suspended.
3 Gymel. In the wrath of his indygnacyon he hath broken all the horne of Israel: he hath withdrawen his ryght hande from the enemye: yee a flame of fyre is kyndled in Iacob, and hath consumed vp all rounde aboute.
4 Daleth. Ie hath bent hys bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarye: and euerye thynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smyten it downe. He hath poured out hys wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon.
Lamentations 2:4
4 Daleth. Ie hath bent hys bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarye: and euerye thynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smyten it downe. He hath poured out hys wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon.
Lamentations 2:4-9
4 Daleth. Ie hath bent hys bowe lyke an enemye, he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarye: and euerye thynge that was pleasaunt to se, he hath smyten it downe. He hath poured out hys wrath lyke a fyre, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Syon.
5 He. The Lorde is become lyke as it were an enemye, he hath cast downe Israell & all hys places: yee all his stronge holdes hath he destroyed, & fylled the daughter of Iuda wyth moch sorow and heuynesse.
Lamentations 2:5-9
5 He. The Lorde is become lyke as it were an enemye, he hath cast downe Israell & all hys places: yee all his stronge holdes hath he destroyed, & fylled the daughter of Iuda wyth moch sorow and heuynesse.
6 Vau. Her tabernacle (which was lyke a garden of pleasure) hath he destroyed: her hye solempne feastes hath he put downe. The Lorde hath brought it so to passe, that the hye solempne feastes & Sabbathes in Sion, are cleane forgotten. In his heuy displeasure hath he made the kynge and prestes to be despysed.
Lamentations 2:6-9
6 Vau. Her tabernacle (which was lyke a garden of pleasure) hath he destroyed: her hye solempne feastes hath he put downe. The Lorde hath brought it so to passe, that the hye solempne feastes & Sabbathes in Sion, are cleane forgotten. In his heuy displeasure hath he made the kynge and prestes to be despysed.
7 Zain. The Lorde hath forsaken hys owne aulter, and is wroth with his owne Sanctuary, and hath geuen the walles of their towres in to the handes of the enemye. Their enemyes made a noyse in the house of the Lorde, as it had bene in a solempne feast daye.
Lamentations 2:7-9
7 Zain. The Lorde hath forsaken hys owne aulter, and is wroth with his owne Sanctuary, and hath geuen the walles of their towres in to the handes of the enemye. Their enemyes made a noyse in the house of the Lorde, as it had bene in a solempne feast daye.
8 Heth. The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter Sion, he spred out his lyne, & drewe not in his hande, tyll he had destroyed them. Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together.
9 Teth. Her portes are casten downe to the grounde, her barres are broken and smytten in sonder: her kynge & prynces are caried awaye to the Gentyles. They haue nether lawe ner Prophetes, ner yet eny visyon from the Lorde.
10 Iod. The Senatours of the daughter Syon syt vpon the grounde in sylence: they haue strowed asshes vpon their heades, and gyrded them selues with sack cloth. The maydens of Ierusalem hange downe their heades to the grounde.
11 Caph. Myne eyes begynne to fayle me thorowe wepyng, my body is disquieted, my leuer is poured vpon the earth, for the greate hurte of my people, seynge the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the stretes of the cytie.
Lamentations 2:15
15 Samech. All they that go by the, clappe their handes at the: hissynge and waggynge their heades vpon the daughter Ierusalem, and saye: is this the cytie that man call so fayre, wherin the whole lande reioyseth?
16 Ain. All thyne enemyes gape vpon the, whisperynge and bytynge their teth, sayinge: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it.
17 Phe The Lord hath fullfylled the thynge, that he was purposed to do: and perfourmed that he had dewysed longe a go: he hath destroyed and not spared. He hath caused thyne aduersary to triumphe ouer the, & set vp the horne of thyne enemye.
18 Zade. Let thyne hert crye vnto the Lorde, O thou cytie of the daughter Sion: let thy teares runne downe lyke a ryuer daye & night: rest not, & let not the aple of thine eye leaue of.
Lamentations 2:20
20 Res. Behold, O Lord, and consydre, why hast thou gathered me vp so cleane? Shall the wemen then eate their owne fruyte, euen chyldren of a spanne longe? Shall the prestes and prophetes be slayne thus in the Sanctuarye of the Lorde?
21 Sin. Yonge & olde lye behynde the stretes vpon the grounde, my maydens & yonge men are slayne wyth the swearde: whom thou in the daye of thy wrathfull indignacyon haste put to death: yee euen thou hast put them to death, and not spared them.
Lamentations 3:5
5 He hath buylded rounde aboute me, & closed me in wyth gall and trauayle.
Lamentations 3:7-9
Lamentations 3:8
Lamentations 3:9
9 He hath stopped vp my wayes wyth foure squared stones, and made my pathes croked.
Lamentations 3:11
11 He hath marred my wayes, and broken me in peces, he hath layed me waste altogether
Lamentations 3:14
Lamentations 3:18
Lamentations 3:21
Lamentations 3:24-29
Lamentations 3:26
26 O how good is it with stylnesse to wate & tarye, for the health of the Lorde?
27 O how good is it for a man, to take the yock vpon hym from hys youth vp.
28 Iod. He sytteth alone, he holdeth hym still, and dwelleth quyetly by him selfe?
29 He layeth his face vpon the earth, yf (percase) there happen to be eny hope.
30 He offreth hys cheke to the smyter, he wyl be content with reproues.
Lamentations 3:43
Lamentations 3:53-55
Lamentations 3:59
59 O Lorde, thou hast sene my blasphemers take thou my cause vpon the.
Lamentations 3:63
63 Thou seyst also their syttinge downe and their rysinge vp, they make their songes of nothinge but of me.
Lamentations 3:66
66 Persecute them (O Lorde) with thyne indygnacyon, and rote them out from vnder the heauen.
Lamentations 4:14-15
14 Nun. So that these blynde men wente stomblynge in the streates, & stayned them selues with bloude, whiche els wolde touche no bloudy cloth.
15 Samech. But they cryed vnto euerye man: flee the staynyng, awaye, get you hence touch it not. Yee (sayde they) ye muste be brent, ye muste dwell amonge the Gentiles, and byde no longer here.
Lamentations 5:1
1 Call to remembraunce (O Lorde) what we haue suffred, consydre and se oure confusyon.
Lamentations 5:5
5 Oure nec are vnder persecucyon, we are weery, and haue no rest.
Lamentations 5:11
11 The wyues are raueshed in Syon, and the maydens in the cytyes of Iuda.
Lamentations 5:16
16 The garlande of oure head is fallen: alas, that euer we synned so sore.
Ezekiel 7:9
9 Myne eye shall not ouerse the, nether will I spare the: but rewarde the after thy wayes, and shewe thy abhomynacions, to learne you for to knowe, how that I am the Lorde that smyteth.
Ezekiel 8:18
18 Therfore wyll I also do some thynge in my wrothfull displeasure, so that myne eye shall not ouerse them, nether wyll I spare them. Yea and though they crye in myne eares with loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them.
Ezekiel 9:10
10 Therfore wyl I vpon them, myne eye shall not ouerse them, neyther wil I spare them, but wil recompense theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr heades.
Ezekiel 16:63
63 that thou mayest thyncke vpon it, be ashamed, and excuse thine owne confusyon no more: when I haue forgeuen the, all that thou hast done, sayeth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 18:28
28 For in so muche as he remembreth hym selfe, & turneth him from all the vngodlynes, that he had vsed, he shall lyue, and not dye.
Ezekiel 18:32
32 seyng, I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth, sayeth the Lorde God. Turne you then, and ye shall lyue.
Ezekiel 20:8-9
8 But they rebelled agaynst me, and would not folowe me, to cast awaye euery man the abhominacions of his eyes, & to forsake the Idoles of Egipte. Then I made to poure my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them, yea euen in the myddest of the lande of Egipte.
9 But I woulde not do it, for my names sake, that it shoulde not be vnhalowed before the Heathen, amonge whom they dwelt, and among whom I shewed my selfe vnto them, that it woulde brynge them out of the lande of Egipte.
Ezekiel 20:13-14
13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynste me in the wildernesse, they woulde not walcke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes (whiche whoso kepeth, shoulde lyue in them) and my Sabboth dayes haue thy greatly vnhalowed. Then I made me to poure oute my indignacion vpon them, and to consume them in the wyldernesse.
14 Yet I would not do it, for my names sake: lest it shoulde be dishonoured before the Heathen, from the which I had caried them away.
Ezekiel 20:21-22
21 Notwythstandinge, their sonnes rebelled against me also: they walcked not in my statutes, they kepte not my lawes to fulfyll them (whiche he that doeth shall lyue in them) neyther halowed they my Sabboth dayes. Then I made me againe to poure out my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse.
22 Neuerthelesse I wythdrewe my hande for my names sake, least it shoulde be vnhalowed amonge the Heathen, before whome I had brought them forth.
Ezekiel 24:13
13 Thy filthinesse is abhominable, for I woulde haue clensed the, but thou wouldest not be clensed. Thou canste not be pourged from thyne vnclennesse, tyll I haue poured my wrothfull indignacyon vpon the.
Ezekiel 33:11
11 Tell them: As trulye as I lyue, sayeth the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but moch rather that the wicked turne from his waye and lyue. Turne you, turne you from your vngodlye wayes, O ye of the house of Israell. Oh, wherfore wyll ye dye?
Ezekiel 36:3
3 prophecye therfore, and speake: thus sayeth the Lorde God: Seynge ye be wasted & troden downe on euery syde, and become a possessyon vnto the resydue of the Gentyles, whych haue brought you in to mens mouthes & vnto an euell name amonge the people:
Ezekiel 37:11
11 Moreouer, he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, these bones are the whole house of Israell. Beholde, they saye: Oure bones are dryed vp, oure hope is gone, we are clene cut of.
Daniel 2:40-44
40 The fourthe kyngdome shalbe as stronge as yron. For lyke as yron broseth and breaketh all thynges: Yea euen as yron beateth euery thynge doune, so shall it beate doune and destroye.
41 Where as thou sawest the fete and toes, parte of earthe, and parte of yron: that is a deuyded kyngedome, whiche neuertheles shall haue some of the yron grounde myxte with it, for so muche as thou haste sene the yron mixte with the claye.
42 The toes of the fete that were parte of yron and parte of claye, sygnifyeth, that it shalbe a kyngdome partely stronge and partly weake.
43 And where as thou sawest yron myxte wyth claye: they shall myngle them selues wyth the sede of symple people, & yet not contynue one wyth another, lyke as yron wyll not be souldered with a potsherde.
44 In the dayes of these kinges shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastynge kyngdome whiche shall not peryshe, and hys kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: yea the same shal breake and destroy al these kingdomes, but it shall endure foreuer.
Daniel 4:35
35 in comparison of whom al they that dwel vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth accordinge to hys wyl, among the powers of heauen & amonge the inhabytours of the earthe: and there is none that maye resyste hys hande, or say: what doest thou?
Daniel 6:17
17 And there was broughte a stone, & layed vpon the hole of the denne: this the kinge sealed with his owne ringe, & wyth the signet of his prynces: that the kinges commaundemente concerninge Daniel, shoulde not be broken.
Daniel 7:23
23 He gaue me this answere: That fourthe beast shalbe the fourth kingedome vpon earth: it shalbe more then all other kingedomes, it shall deuoure, treade doune, and destroye all other landes.
Daniel 9:5-14
5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue ben disobedient and gone back: yea we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes.
6 We woulde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes, that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers, and to all the people of the lande.
7 O Lorde, ryghteousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame, as it is come to passe this day vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yea, vnto all Israell, whether they be farre or nye thorow out all landes: wherin thou haste strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the.
8 Yea O Lorde, vnto vs, to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame.
9 But vnto the, O Lorde oure God, pertayneth mercye and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from him,
10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes:
11 yea all Israel haue transgressed, & gone back from thy law, so that they haue not herckened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the cursse & othe, that is written in the lawe of Moses the seruaunte of God (agaynst whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs.
12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, whiche he spake against vs, and against oure iudges that iudged vs: to brynge vpon vs suche a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, lyke as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem.
Daniel 9:12-14
12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, whiche he spake against vs, and against oure iudges that iudged vs: to brynge vpon vs suche a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, lyke as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem.
13 Yea all this plage, as it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses, is come vpon vs. Yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turne agayne from our wickednesse, and to be learned in thy verite.
14 Therefore hathe the Lorde made haste, to brynge this plage vpon vs, for the Lorde our God is ryghteous, in all his worckes which he doeth: for why, we woulde not herken vnto his voyce.
Daniel 9:16-19
16 O Lorde, and done wyckedly agaynste all thy ryghteousnes: yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye (I beseche the) from thy cytye Ierusalem thy holy hill. And why? for oure synnes sake, and for the wickednesse of oure forefathers is Ierusalem and thy people abhorred, of all them that are aboute vs.
17 Now therefore, O oure God, heare the prayer of thy seruaunte, and his intercession. O let not thy face shyne ouer thy Sanctuary that lyeth waste.
18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leaste for thine owne sake) open thyne eyes: beholde, how we be desolated, yea and the cytye also, whiche is called after thy name: for we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne righteousnesse, no: but onely in thy greate mercyes.
19 O Lorde, heare. O forgeue Lorde. O Lorde consydre, tarye not ouer longe: but for thyne owne sake do it. O my God: for the citie and thy people is called after thy name.
Hosea 2:6
6 But I wyll hedge her awaye wyth thornes, and stoppe it that she shall not fynde her fotesteppes:
Hosea 5:14
14 I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen I, I wyll spoyle them, and go my way. I will take them with me, & no man shall rescue them.
Hosea 6:1
1 In their aduersite they shal seke me, and said: come, let vs turne againe to the lord: for he hathe smyten vs, & he shall heale vs:
Hosea 10:12
12 that they myght sowe vnto righteousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoynge that they might plowe vp their fresh lande, & seke the Lorde, tyll he came, and learned them ryghteousnes.
Hosea 11:8
8 What greate thinges haue I geuen the, O Ephraim? how faythfully haue I defended the, O Israel? haue I dealt wt the as with Adama? or haue I entreated the lyke Seboim? No, my herte is otherwyse minded. Yea, my mercye is to feruent:
Hosea 12:6
6 Then turne to thy God, kepe mercye and equyte, and hope still in thy God.
Hosea 13:7-8
Hosea 14:1-3
1 O Israel, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorow thy wickednes.
2 Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the Lorde, & saye vnto him: O forgeue vs all our sinnes, receyue vs gracyouslye, and then wyl we offre the bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the.
3 Assur shalbe no more oure helper, nether wyl we ryde vpon horses any more. As for the worckes of our handes, we wil no more cal vpon them: For it is thou that arte oure God, thou shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse.
Joel 2:12-13
12 Now therfore sayeth the Lorde: Turne you vnto me wyth all youre hertes, wyth fastynge, wepynge and mournynge,
13 rente your hertes & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the Lorde youre God, for he is gracyons and mercyfull, longe sufferyng and of great compassyon, & ready to pardone wickednes.
14 Then (no doute) he also shall turne, & forgeue: and after hys chasteninge, he shall let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynckeofferinges vnto the Lorde youre God?
Amos 3:6
6 Crye they oute alarum wyth the trompet in the cytye, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there anye plage in a cytye withoute it be the Lordes doynge?
Amos 5:18-20
18 Wo be vnto them that desyre the daye of the Lorde, Wherfore wold ye haue it? As for the daye of the Lorde, it shal be darcke and not cleare:
19 Yea lyke as when a man runneth from a lyon, and a beer meteth with him: or when he commeth into the house, and leaneth hys hande vpon the wall, a serpent diteth hym.
20 Shall not the daye of the Lord be darcke, and not cleare? shall it not be cloudye, and no shyne in it?
Jonah 2:2-4
Jonah 2:3-5
Jonah 2:4-5
Jonah 3:6
6 And the tydinges came vnto the kynge of Niniue, whyche arose out of hys seate, and dyd hys apparell of, and put on sack cloth, & sate hym downe in asshes.
Jonah 3:9
9 Who can tell? God maye turne, & repente & cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.
Jonah 4:8-9
8 And when the Sunne was vp God prepared a feruent east wynde: and the Sunne bett ouer the head of Ionas, that he faynted agayne, and wisshed vnto hys soule, that he myght dye, and sayde: It is better for me to dye, then to lyue.
9 And God sayde vnto Ionas: Art thou so angrie for the wylde vyne? And he sayde: yee very angrie am I euen vnto the death.
Micah 5:1
1 After that shalt thou be robbed thy selfe, O thou robbers daughter: they shall laye sege agaynst vs, & smyte the iudge of Israell wyth a rodde vpon the cheke.
Micah 5:8
8 Yee the resydue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentyles and the multitude of people, as the lyon amonge the beastes of the wod, and as the Lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: whyche (when he goeth thorowe) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe.
Micah 7:7-8
7 Neuerthelesse I wyll loke vp vnto the Lorde, I wyll pacyentlye abyde God my sauyoure: my God shall heare me.
8 O thou enemye of myne, reioyce not at my fal, for I shal get vp agayne: and thoughe I syt in my darckenesse, yet the Lorde is my lyght.
9 I wyl beare the punyshment of the Lorde (for why? I haue offended hym) tyll he sit in iudgement vpon my cause, and se that I haue ryghte. He wyll brynge me forth to the lyght, & I shall se hys ryghtuousnesse.
Micah 7:18-19
18 Where is there such a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunte of thyne herytage? He kepeth not hys wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassyon:
Micah 7:18
18 Where is there such a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunte of thyne herytage? He kepeth not hys wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassyon:
19 he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shall put doune oure wyckednesses, and caste all oure synnes into the botome of the sea.
Habakkuk 1:2
2 O lord how long shal I crye, and thou wilt not heare? How long shal I complayn vnto the, sufferynge wrong, & thou wilte not helpe?
Habakkuk 1:13
13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euyll, thou canst not beholde the thynge that is wycked. Wherfor then doest thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tung, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then hym selfe?
Habakkuk 2:3
3 for the vysyon is yet farre of for a tyme, but at the last it shal come to passe & not fayle. And thoughe he tarye, yet wayte thou for hym, for in very dede he wyll come, & not be slacke
Zephaniah 2:3
3 yea or the daye of the Lordes sore dyspleasure come vpon you. Seke the Lorde all ye meke herted vpon earth, ye that worcke after hys iudgemente, seke ryghtuousnesse: seke lowlynesse, that ye maye be defended in the wrothfull daye of the Lorde.
Zephaniah 2:8
8 I haue heard the despyte of Moab, & the blasphemyes of the chyldren of Ammon, howe they haue shamefullye intreated my people, and magnifyed them selues wythin the borders of theyr lande.
Zephaniah 3:5
5 But the iuste Lorde that doth no vnryghte, was amonge them, euery morning shewynge them hys lawe clearlye, and ceased not. But the vngodlye wyll not learne to be ashamed.
Zephaniah 3:8
8 Therfore ye shall wayte vpon me (sayeth the Lord) vntil the tyme that I stand vp: for I am determed, to gather the people & to bring the kingedoms together, that I may poure oute myne anger, yea, al my wrothfull displeasure vpon them. For all the worlde shalbe consumed wyth the fyre of my gelousy.
Haggai 1:5-9
5 Consydre nowe youre owne wayes in youre hertes (sayth the Lorde of hostes)
6 ye sowe muche, but ye bryng lytle in: ye eate, but ye haue not ynoughe: ye drincke, but ye are not fylled, ye decke youre selues, but ye are not warme: and he that earneth any wage, putteth it in a broken purse.
7 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Consydre your owne wayes in your hertes,
8 get you vp to the mountayne, fetche wood, and buyld vp the house, that it maye be acceptable vnto me, and that I maye shewe myne honoure, sayeth the Lorde.
9 Ye loked for much, and lo, it is come to lytle: & thoughe ye bryng it home, yet do I blowe it awaye. And why so, sayeth the Lorde of hostes? Euen because that my house lyeth so waste, and ye runne euery man vnto hys owne house.
Zechariah 1:3-4
3 And saye thou vnto them: thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes. Turne you vnto me (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) & I wyll turne me vnto you, sayth the Lorde of hostes.
4 Be not ye lyke youre forefathers, vnto whom the Prophetes cryed afore tyme, sayinge: Thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes. Turne you from youre euyll wayes, & from your wicked ymaginacyons. But thei wolde not heare, nor regarde me, sayeth the Lorde.
5 What is nowe become of your forefathers & the prophetes? are they yet styll aliue?
Zechariah 7:13
13 And thus it is come to passe, that like as he spake, & they woulde not hear: euen so they cryed, and I woulde not heare, (sayeth the Lord of hostes)
Zechariah 8:10
10 For why? before these dayes neyther men nor cattell coulde wynne anye thinge, neyther might anye man come in and oute in rest, for trouble: but I let euery man go agaynst his neyghboure.
Zechariah 9:11-12
Malachi 3:6
6 For I am the lord that chaunge not, and ye (O children of Iacob) wyll not leaue of:
Matthew 5:39
39 But I saye to you that ye resyst not wrong. But who soeuer geue the a blowe on the right cheke, tourne to hym the other.
Matthew 7:9
9 Ys there any man amonge you whiche if his sonne axed hym bread, would offer him a stone?
Matthew 11:29-30
Matthew 23:38
38 Beholde your habitation shalbe left vnto you desolate.
Matthew 26:67
67 Then spat they in hys face and boffeted hym wyth fistes. And other smot hym with the palme of theyr handes
Matthew 27:38-45
Matthew 27:39-45
Matthew 27:40-45
Matthew 27:41-45
Matthew 27:42-45
Matthew 27:43-45
Matthew 27:44-45
44 That same also the theues which were crucified with him cast in his teth.
45 From the syxte houre was there darcknes ouer all the lande vnto the ninthe houre.
46 And aboute the ninthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voice sayinge: Eli Eli lama sabathani. That is to saye, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Matthew 27:60
60 & put it in his newe tombe: which he had hewen out, euen in the rocke and rolled a great stone to the dore of the sepulchre and departed.
Matthew 27:66
66 And they went and made the sepulchre sure with watche men, and sealed the stone.
Luke 1:50
50 And his mercy is on them that feare hym thorowe out all generacions.
Luke 6:29
29 And vnto hym that smiteth the on the one cheke, offer also the other. And him that taketh awaye thy gonne, forbyd not to take thy cote also.
Luke 11:11
11 Yf the sonne shall axe bread of any of you that is a father, will he geue him a stone? Or yf he axe fishe, will he for a fishe geue hym a serpente?
Luke 15:18-19
18 I wyll aryse, and go to my father, and will say vnto hym: father I haue synned agaynst heauen and before the,
19 and am no more worthye to be called thy sonne, make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes.
20 And he arose and wente to his father. And when he was yet a great way of, hys father sawe hym, and had compassyon and ran and fell on hys necke, & kyssed hym.
Luke 18:13
13 And the Publicane stode a farre of, and woulde not lyft vp his eyes to heauen, but smote his brest, saiynge: God be mercifull to me a synner.
Luke 19:41-44
41 And when he was come neare, he behelde the citie, and wept on it,
42 saiyng: Yf thou haddest knowen those thynges which belong vnto thy peace, euen at thys thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes.
43 For the dayes shall come vpon the, that thyne enemyes shal cast a banke aboute the, & compasse the round and kepe the on euerye syde,
44 and make the euen with the grounde, with children whiche are in the. And they shall not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitacyon.
Luke 21:35
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that syt on the earth.
John 15:25
25 euen that the saiyng might be fulfilled that is writen in their lawe: they hated me without a cause.
Acts 16:24-28
24 Which iaylar when he had receyued such commaundemente thruste them into the ynner pryson, and made theyr fete fast in the stockes.
25 At mydnyght Paule and Sylas prayed, & lauded God. And the prysoners hearde them.
26 And sodenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundacion of the pryson was shaken, and by and by all the dores opened, and euery mannes bondes were loused.
27 When the keper of the pryson waked oute of hys slepe, and sawe the pryson dores open, he drue oute hys swearde, and woulde haue kylled hym selfe, supposynge the prysoners had bene fled.
28 But Paule cryed with a lowde voyce, saiyng: do thy selfe no harme, for we are all here.
Acts 18:9
9 Then spake the Lorde to Paule in the nyght by a vision: be not afrayde, but speake, and hold not thy peace:
Acts 26:20
20 but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco, and at Hierusalem and through out all the coastes of Iewry, and to the gentyls, that they should repent, & tourne to God, and do the ryght workes of repentaunce.
Acts 27:24
24 sayinge. Feare not Paule, for thou muste be broughte before Cesar. And lo, God hath geuen vnto the all that sayle wyth the.
Romans 3:19
19 Yea and we knowe that whatsoeuer the law sayeth, he saith it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped, and all the world be subdued to God,
Romans 8:26
26 Lykewyse the spirite also helpeth our infirmityes. For we knowe not what to desyre as we ought: but the spirite maketh intercession mightelye for vs wyth gronynges whiche can not be expressed with tonge.
Romans 9:1-3
Romans 9:15
15 For he sayth to Moyses: I will shewe mercy to whom I shewe mercy: and wyll haue compassion
Romans 11:1-6
1 I saye then: hath God cast away hys people? God forbyd. For euen I verelye am an Israelite, of the sede of Abraham, and of the trybe of Beniamin,
2 GOD hath not caste awaye hys people whiche he knewe before. Eyther wote ye not what the scripture sayth by the mouth of Helyas, how he maketh intercessyon to God agaynst Israel, saiynge:
3 Lorde they haue killed thy prophetes and dygged downe thyne alters: and I am lefte onelye, and they seke my lyfe?
4 But what sayth the aunswere of God to hym agayne? I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousande men whiche haue not bowed the knee to Baal.
5 Euen so at thys tyme is there a remnaunte left thorow the election of grace.
6 Yf it be of grace, then is it not of workes. For then were grace no more grace. Yf it be of workes, then is it no more grace. For then were deseruynge no lenger deseruynge.
Romans 15:12
12 And in another place Esayas saith: there shalbe the rote of Iesse, and he that shall ryse to reygne ouer the Gentyles: in hym shal the Gentyles truste.
1 Corinthians 4:9-13
9 Me thinketh that God hath sente forth vs, which are Apostles for the lowest, of al as it were men appointed to death. For we are a gasyng stoke vnto the world, and to the aungels, and to men.
10 We are foles for Christes sake and ye are wise thorow Christe. We are weake, and ye are stronge. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.
11 Euen vnto this daye we honger and thyrst, and are naked, and are boffetted wyth fystes, and haue no certayne dwellinge place,
12 and labour workinge wyth oure handes. We are reuiled, & yet we blesse. We are persecuted and suffer it.
13 We are euyl spoken of and we pray. We are made as it were the filthines of the worlde, the ofscowring of all thynges, euen vnto this time.
1 Corinthians 4:13
13 We are euyl spoken of and we pray. We are made as it were the filthines of the worlde, the ofscowring of all thynges, euen vnto this time.
1 Corinthians 11:28
28 Let a man therfore examen hym selfe, and so let hym eate of the breade and drynke of the cuppe.
1 Corinthians 11:31
31 Yf we had truely iudged our selues, we should not haue ben iudged.
1 Corinthians 16:22
22 Yf anye man loue not the Lorde Iesus Christ the same be anathema maranatha.
2 Corinthians 1:8-10
8 Brethren I woulde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble, whiche happened vnto vs in Asia. For we were greued out of measure passinge strength, so greatlye that we despeared euen of lyfe.
9 Also we receiued and aunswere of death in our selues, and that because we woulde not put oure truste in oure selues: but in God, whiche rayseth the dead to lyfe again,
10 & which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and doth delyuer. On whom we truste that yet here after he will delyuer,
2 Corinthians 11:20
20 For ye suffre euen yf a man brynge you into bondage: yf a man deuoure, yf a man take yf a man exalte hym selfe, yf a man smite you on the face.
2 Corinthians 13:5
5 Proue youre selues whether you be in the fayth or not. Examen your owne selues: know ye not your owne selues, howe that Iesha Christe is in you, except ye be casteawayes?
Galatians 4:18
18 It is good alwayes to be feruent, so it be in a good thinge, and not onelye when I am presente with you.
Ephesians 1:11
11 that is to saye in hym in whome we are made heyres, and were thereto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym which worketh all thynges after the purpose of hys owne wyll,
1 Thessalonians 1:10
10 and for to loke for hys sonne from heauen, whom he raised from death. I meane Iesus which deliuered vs from wrath to come.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
8 so was our affeccion toward you, oure good wil was to haue dealte to you, not the Gospel of God onely, but also our owne soules because ye were deare to vs.
2 Timothy 4:14
14 Alexander the coppersmyth dyd me muche euyll, the Lorde rewarde him, according to hys dedes,
Titus 1:2
2 vpon the hope, of eternall lyfe, whiche lyfe God that can not lye, hath promysed before the worlde beganne:
Hebrews 3:14
14 We are partakers of Christe, yf we kepe sure vnto the ende the fyrste substaunce,
Hebrews 6:18
18 that by two immutable thynges (in which it was vnpossyble that GOD shaulde lye) we myghte haue perfecte consolacyon, whiche haue fled, for to holde faste the hope that is set before vs,
Hebrews 10:23
23 and let vs kepe the professyon of our hope, wythout wauerynge (for he is faithful that promysed)
Hebrews 10:35
35 Caste not awaye therfore youre confidence whiche hath great reward to recompence.
Hebrews 12:5-12
5 And ye haue forgotten consolacyon, which speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren: my sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the Lorde, neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym:
6 For whom the Lord loueth, hym he chasteneth: yea, and he scourgeth euerye sonne that he receyueth.
7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not?
8 Yf ye be not vnder correccyon (whereof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes.
9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue?
Hebrews 12:9-10
9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue?
10 And they verely for a few dayes, nurtered vs after their owne pleasure, but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we myght receyue of hys holynes.
Hebrews 12:10-10
10 And they verely for a few dayes, nurtered vs after their owne pleasure, but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we myght receyue of hys holynes.
11 No maner chastisynge for the presente tyme semeth to be ioyeous, but greuous: neuerthelesse afterwarde, it bryngeth the quyet frute of ryghtuousnes vnto them whiche are therein exercysed.
12 Stretche forth therfore agayne the handes whiche were let doune and the weake lines
James 4:8
8 Drawe nye to God, and he wyll drawe nye to you. Clense youre handes ye synners, and purge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded.
James 4:13-15
13 Go to nowe ye that saye: to daye, and to morowe let vs go into suche a cytye and contynue there a yeare and bye and sel, and wynne:
14 and yet can not tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thynge is youre lyfe? It is euen a vapoure that appeareth for a lyttel tyme, and then vanysheth awaye:
15 For that ye oughte to saye: yf the Lorde wyll and yf we lyue, let vs do thys or that.
James 5:7
7 Be ye pacyente therfore brethren, vnto the commynge of the Lord. Behold the husbande man wayghteth for the precious frute of the earth & hath long pacience therevpon, vntyll he receyue (the early and the latter rayne.)
1 Peter 1:13
13 Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of youre myndes, be sober, and trust perfectelye on the grace that is broughte vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christe,
1 Peter 1:21
21 whiche by hys meanes haue beleued on God that raysed hym from death, & gloryfyed hym, that youre faythe and hope myght be in God.
1 Peter 2:23
23 which when he was reuyled, reuyled not agayne: when he suffered, he threatened not: but commytted the cause to him that iudgeth ryghtuously,
Jude 1:6
6 The aungels also whiche kepte not theyr fyrste estate: but lefte theyr habytacyon, he hath reserued in euerlastyng chaynes vnder darkenes vnto the iudgement of the greate daye:
Jude 1:13
13 They are the ragynge waues of the sea, fomyng out theyr owne shame. They are wandryng starres to whome is reserued the myste of darcknes for euer.
Revelation 1:17
17 And when I sawe hym, I fell at hys fete, euen as dead. And he layde hys ryght hande vpon me, saiynge vnto me: feare not, I am the fyrste, and the laste,
Revelation 2:10
10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Behold, the deuil shal caste of you into pryson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythful vnto the death, & I wyl geue the a croune of life.
Revelation 6:10
10 and they cryed wyth a loude voyce sayinge: Howe longe tariest thou Lord holy and true, to iudge and to auenge oure bloud on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 16:9
9 And the men raged in great heate, & spake euyl of the name of God which hath power ouer those plages, & they repented not, to geue him glory.
Revelation 18:6
6 Reward her euen as she rewarded you, & geue her double accordinge to her workes. And youre in double to her in the same cuppe, which she fylled vnto you.
Revelation 18:19
19 And they cast duste on their heades, & cried weping, & wailing, & said: Alas, alas the greate citye wherin were made riche al that had shippes in the sea, by the reason of her costlines, for at one houre is she made desolate.