Joshua 24:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 And when ye went ouer Iordan, and came vnto Iericho, the cytezens of Iericho foughte against you: the Amorytes, Pheresytes, Canaanytes, Hethytes, Girgosites, Heuites, Iebusites whiche I delyuered into youre handes.

Exodus 23:23

23 When myne aungel goeth before the & hath brought the in vnto the Amorites, Hethithes, Pherezites, Cananites, Heuites and Iebusites & I shall haue destroyed them,

Deuteronomy 7:1

1 When the Lorde thy God hathe brought the into the land whither thou goest to possesse it, & hast coste out manye nations before the: the Hethytes, the Gergesites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pheresites, the Heuites, and the Iebusites .vij. nacions moo in numbre & mightier then thou:

Joshua 3:14-17

14 And when the people were departed from theyr tentes to go ouer Iordan (the Pryestes bearynge the arcke of the appoyntement before the people) 15 as sone as they that bare the arcke came vnto Iordan, and the fete of the Pryestes that bare the arcke were dypped in the brym of the water Iordan beyng full ouer all hys banckes all the tyme of harueste: 16 the water that came doune from aboue dyd stoppe and stode vpon an heape, a great waye from Adam, a cytye besyde Zarthan. And the water that wente doune vanyshed into the sea of the wyldernes called the salte sea as sone as it was deuyded: & the people went ryght ouer agaynst Ierycho. 17 And the priestes that bare the arcke of the appoyntemente of the Lorde stode styll vpon drye lande, vntyl all the people were cleane ouer Iordan.

Joshua 4:10-12

10 For the priestes whiche bare the arcke stoode in the myddes of Iordan, vntyll all was fynyshed that the Lorde commaunded Iosua to saye vnto the people, accordynge to all that Moyses charged Iosua. And the people hasted & went ouer. 11 When all the people were cleane ouer then went ouer the arcke of the Lorde, and also the priestes before the people. 12 And the chyldren of Ruben, and the chyldren of Gad, and halfe the trybe of Manasses went before the chyldren of Israel armed, as Moses charged them.

Joshua 4:23

23 For the Lorde youre God dryed vp the water of Iordan before you, vntyll ye were ouer, as the Lorde youre GOD dyd vnto the red sea, whiche he dryed vp before vs, tyll we were ouer,

Joshua 6:1-27

1 And Iericho shut in her people, & was shut for feare of the chyldren of Israel, so that no man went out or in. 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: beholde, I haue geuen into thyne hand Iericho & her kynge & the men of warre. 3 And ye shall compasse the citie, al that be men of warre, & go rounde about it once: & so shall you do syxe dayes. 4 And seuen priestes shall beare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke. And the seuenth daye ye shall compasse the cytye seuen tymes, & the Priestes shall blowe wyth theyr trompettes. 5 And when there is a longe blaste blowen wyth the rammes horne, assone as ye heare the sounde of the horne, let all the people showte a myghtye showte. And then shal the walles of the cyty falle doune, and the people shall ascende vp, euerye man strayght before hym. 6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, called vnto the priestes, and sayde vnto them: take vp the arcke of the appoyntement, and let seuen Priestes beare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lorde. 7 And he sayd vnto the people, go and compasse the citie: and let the men of armes go before the arcke of the Lorde. 8 And when Iosua had spoken vnto the people, the seuen Priestes that bare the seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lorde, wente forthe and blew wyth the hornes, and the arcke of the Testament of the Lorde folowed after them. 9 And the men of armes wente before the priestes that blewe wyth the hornes, and the common people came after the arcke: & as they went, they blew with the hornes. 10 And Iosua commaunded the people, sayinge: showt not nor let your voyce be hearde, or any worde proceade out of your mouthes, vntyll the daye I byd you showt: & then showte. 11 And so the arcke of the Lorde compased the cytye and went aboute it once: and then they returned into the hoste and lodged there. 12 And Iosua rose erly in the mornynge, and the preastes toke vp the arcke of the Lorde, 13 & seuen priestes bare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lord, & as they went blew with the hornes. And the men of armes went before them, & the common people came after the arcke of the Lorde, & as they wente, they blewe wyth the hornes. 14 And the seconde day they compased the citie once, & returned agayne into the hoste, & so they dyd .vi. dayes longe. 15 And the seuenth daye they rose erlye: euen with the dawnynge of the day, and compased the cytye after the same maner seuen tymes: onlye that they compased the cyty seuen times. 16 And at the seuenthe tyme, the priestes blew wyth the hornes, & Iosua sayde vnto the people, showte for the Lorde hath geuen you the cytye. 17 But the cytye shalbe excommunicate, bothe it and all that is therein, vnto the Lord: onelye Rahab the harlot shall lyue, bothe she and all that is wyth her in the house, because she hydde the messengers that we sent. 18 And in any wyse beware of the excommunicate thynges, leaste ye make your selues excommunicate. For yf you take of the excommunicate thynges, so shall you make the hoste of Israel excommunicate and shall trouble it. 19 But of the syluer, golde, vesselles of brasse, & yron shalbe holye vnto the Lorde, and shall go in to hys treasurye. 20 And the people cryed, and blewe with hornes: for when the people hearde the sounde of the hornes, they showted a great showte: and the walles fell doune, and the people wente vp into the cytye, euerye man strayght before hym, 21 and toke the cytye. And they vtterlye destroyed al that was in the cytye, bothe man and woman, younge & olde, oxe, shepe, & Asse, wyth the edge of the swerde. 22 Then Iosua sayde vnto the two men that went to spye oute the countreye: go into the harlottes house, and bryng out thence, bothe the woman & all that pertayneth to her, as ye sware to her. 23 And the younge men that were spyes wente in, and brought oute Rahab, and her father, and mother, and all her brethren and all that she had. And they brought oute al her housholde, and put them wythout the hoste of Israel. 24 And they burnt the cytye with fyre, and al that was therein. Only the syluer, the golde, & the thynges of brasse, and yeron they put vnto the treasure of the house of the Lorde. 25 And Iosua saued Rahab the harlotte, & her fathers housholde and all that pertayned vnto her, & she dwelte in Israel, euen vnto thys daye, because she hydde the messengers whiche Iosua sent to spye out Iericho. 26 And Iosua cursed at that tyme, saying, cursed be the man before the Lorde, that ryseth vp and buyldeth thys citie Iericho: so that he laye the foundacyon wyth the death of hys eldest sonne, & with the death, of hys youngest set vp the gates. 27 And the Lorde was wyth Iosua, and hys fame was hearde, thorowout all landes.

Joshua 10:1-11

1 And when Adonizedec Kynge of Ierusalem had heard howe Iosua had taken Ai, and had destroyed it, and how that as he had done to Iericho and her kynge, euen so he had done to Ai and her kynge, and how the Enhabitoures of Gabaon had made peace wyth Israel and dyd remayne amonge them, then they feared excedingly, 2 for Gabaon was a great cyty, as any cytye of the kyngdome, and therto greater then Ai, and al her men were myghty. 3 Wherfore Adonizedec kyng of Ierusalem sent vnto Hoham kynge of Hebron, and vnto Pharam kynge of Ierimoth, and vnto Iaphia kynge of Lachis, and vnto Dabir kinge of Eglon sayinge: 4 Come vp vnto me & healpe me, that we may smyte Gabaon, for they haue made peace wyth Iosua and the chyldren of Israell. 5 Then the .v. kynges of the Amorites the kyng of Ierusalem, the kinge of Hebron, the kynge of Ierimoth, the kinge of Lachys, the kyng of Eglon, gathered them selues together, both they and all their hostes & wente vp and beseged Gabaon, and made warre agaynst it. 6 But the men of Gabaon sent vnto Iosua vnto the hoste to Galgal, saying: withdraw not thy handes from thy seruauntes, but come vp to vs, for all the kynges of the Amorythes, which dwell in the mountaynes are gathered together against vs. 7 And Iosua ascended from Galgall, both he and al the people of warre wyth hym, and al the men of myghte, 8 and the Lord sayde vnto Iosua: feare them not, for I haue delyuered them into thyne hande, there shal not a man of them stande before the. 9 And Iosua came vnto them sodenlye, and iourneyed from Galgal all nyghte. 10 And the Lorde turmoyled them before Israell, and slewe of them a greate slaughter at Gabaon, and chased them a longe the waye, that goeth vp to Bethoron, & slewe them tyll they came to Esaka and Makeda. 11 And as they flede from Israel, euen in the goynge doune to Bethoron, the Lorde caste doune great stones from heauen vpon them vntyll they came vnto Esaka, that they dyed. And there were mo that dyed wyth hayle stones, then the chyldren of Israell slewe wyth the swerde.

Nehemiah 9:24-25

24 And the chyldren wente in, and possessed the lande, and thou subdudest before them the inhabyters of the lande, euen the Cananites, & gauest them into theyr hande, & theyr kynges and the people of the lande, that they myghte do with them what they wolde. 25 And they wanne theyr stronge cytyes, & a fat lande, and toke possession of houses that were ful of al maner goodes, welles digged oute, vyneyardes, oylegardens, and manye frutefull trees: & they ate & were fylled, & became fat, and lyued in welthe thorow thy great goodnesse.

Psalms 78:54-55

54 He caryed them vnto the borders of his Sanctuary: euen into thys hyl, which he purchased with hys ryghthande. 55 He dyd cast out the Heathen before them, caused their lande to be deuyded among them for an heritage, and made the trybes of Israel to dwell in their tentes.

Psalms 105:44

44 And gaue them the landes of Heathen, where they toke the laboures of the people in possessyon.

Psalms 114:3

3 The sea saw that & fled, Iordan turned backe.

Psalms 114:5

5 What ayled the, O thou sea, that thou fleddest so thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe?

Acts 7:45

45 Whiche tabernacle our fathers receiued, and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the Gentils, whiche God draue out before the face of our fathers vnto the tyme of Dauid.

Acts 13:19

19 And he destroyed .vij. nacyons in the lande of Canan, and deuyded theyr lande to them by Lot.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.