5 And the Lorde youre God he shall expell and cast them oute before you, and ye shall conquere theyr landes, as the Lorde your God hath sayde vnto you.
Joshua 23:5 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 23:30-31
30 But a litle & a litle I wil dryue them out before the, vntyll thou be increased that thou mayst enheret the lande.
31 And I wil make thy costes from the red sea vnto the sea of the Philistines and from the deserte vnto the ryuer. I wil deliuer the inhabiters of the lande into thyne hande, & thou shalt dryue them out before the.
Exodus 33:2
2 And I wyll sende an angell before the, & wyll cast out the Cananytes, the Amorytes, the Hethites, the Pherezites, the Heuites, & the Iebusytes:
Exodus 34:11
11 kepe al that I commaund the thys daye, and beholde: I wyll caste out before the the Amorytes, Canaanites, Hethytes, Pherezites, Heuites, and Iebusites.
Numbers 33:52-53
Deuteronomy 11:23
23 Then wyl the Lord caste out al these nations, & ye shall conquire them which are both greater & mightier then youre selues.
Joshua 13:6
6 al the enhabitoures of the hyll countrey, from Libanon vnto the whote waters euen al the Sydones I will cast them out from before the chyldren of Israel, and se that thou in anye wyse deuyde it by lotte vnto the children of Israel to enheret, as I haue commaunded the.
Joshua 23:12-13
12 But and yf ye shall go backe and cleaue vnto the reste of these nacyons that remayne wyth you, and shall make maryages wyth them, and shall go to them, and they come to you:
13 be sure that the Lorde youre God wyll not caste out al the nacyons from before you. But they shalbe snares and trappes vnto you, and scourges for youre sydes, & prickes in youre eyes, vntyll ye peryshe from of thys good lande whiche the Lorde your God hath geuen you.