John 8:48 Cross References - Matthew

48 Then answered the Iewes, and sayd vnto hym: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane, and hast the deuyll?

Isaiah 49:7

7 Moreouer thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holye one of Israel, because of the abhorrynge and despysynge amonge the Gentyles, concernynge the seruaunte of all them that beare rule: Kynges and prynces shall se, and aryse and worshyppe, because of the Lord that he is faythfull: and because of the holye one of Israell, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 53:3

3 He shalbe the most simple, and despysed of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infyrmyties. We shall reken him so symple and so vyle, that we shall hyde our faces from hym.

Matthew 10:5

5 These .xij. sent Iesus forth after he had geuen to them commaundement sainge Go not into the wayes that lead to the gentyls, & into the cityes of the Samaritanes enter ye not.

Matthew 10:25

25 It is ynough for the discyple to be as his master is, and that the seruaunt be as hys Lorde is. If they haue called the good man of the house him selfe belzebub: how muche more shal they call them of his housholde so?

Matthew 12:24

24 But when the Pharyseis hearde that they sayde: This felowe driueth the deuils no nother wyse out but by the helpe of Belzebub the chiefe of the deuils.

Matthew 12:31

31 Wherfore I saye vnto you, all maner of synne and blasphemy of forgeuen vnto men: but the blasphemy of the sprete, shall not be forgeuen vnto men.

Matthew 15:7

7 Hypocrites, well prophecied of you Esaias sayinge:

John 4:9

9 Then sayde the woman of Samarya vnto hym: howe is it, that thou beynge a Iewe, axest drynke of me which am a Samaritan? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans.

John 7:20

20 The people aunswered and sayde: thou hast the deuyl: who goeth about to kyll the?

John 8:52

52 Then sayed the Iewes to hym. Nowe knowe we that thou haste the deuyll. Abraham is dead, and also the Prophetes, and yet thou sayest, yf a man kepe my saiynges he shall neuer tast of death.

John 10:20

20 & many of them sayd: he hath the deuil, and is madde: why heare ye hym?

John 13:13

13 Ye call me mayster and Lorde, & ye saye well, for so am I.

Romans 15:3

3 For Christe pleased not hym selfe, but as it is writen: The rebukes of them whiche rebuke the, fell on me.

Hebrews 13:13

13 Let vs go forth therfore out of the tentes, and suffre rebuke with him.

James 2:19

19 Beleuest thou that there is one God? Thou doest well. The deuyls also beleue and tremble.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.