John 5:24 Cross References - Matthew

24 Verely, verely I say vnto you he that heareth my wordes, and beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, & shal not come into damnacion: but is escaped from death vnto lyfe.

Mark 16:16

16 he that beleueth & is baptised, shall be saued. But he that beleueth not, shalbe damned.

John 3:16

16 For God so loueth the worlde, that he hath geuen his only sonne, that none that beleue in him, should perishe: but should haue euerlastinge lyfe.

John 3:18

18 He that beleueth on him, shal not be condempned. But he that beleueth not is condempned allready, because he beleueth not in the name of the onlye sonne of God.

John 3:36

36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlasting life, and he that beleueth not the sonne shall not se life: but the wrath of God abydeth on him.

John 6:40

40 And this is the wyll of him that sent me: that euerye man which seeth the sonne and beleueth on him haue euerlasting lyfe. And I wyll rayse him vp at the laste daye.

John 6:47

47 Verely, verelye, I say vnto you, he that beleueth on me, hath euerlasting lyfe

John 8:51

51 Verely verely I saye vnto you, yf a man kepe my saiynges, he shall neuer she death.

John 10:27-30

27 my shepe heare my voice, & I know them, and they folowe me, 28 and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shall neuer perish neyther shall any man plucke them out of my hande. 29 My father whiche gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hande. 30 And I and my father are one.

John 11:26

26 And whosoeuer lyueth, and beleueth on me, shall neuer dye. Beleuest thou thys?

John 12:44

44 And Iesus cryed and sayde: he that beleueth on me, beleueth not on me, but on hym that sente me.

John 20:31

31 These are written that ye myght beleue, that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God, and that in beleuinge ye might haue lyfe thorow hys name.

Romans 8:1

1 There is then no damnation to them which are in Christ Iesu, which walke not after the flesh: but after the spirite.

Romans 8:16-17

16 The same spirite certifieth oure spirite that we are the sonnes of God. 17 Yf we be sonnes, we are also heyres, the heyres I meane of God, and heyres annexed with Christe yf so be that we suffer together, that we maye be glorified together.

Romans 8:28-30

28 For we knowe that all thynges worke for the beste vnto them that loue God, whyche also are called of purpose. 29 For those which he knewe before he also ordeyned before, that they shoulde be like fashioned vnto the shape of hys sonne that he myght be the fyrste begotten sonne amonge manye brethren. 30 More ouer whiche he appointed before, them he also called. And which he called, them also he iustified, whiche he iustified, them he also glorifyed.

Romans 8:33-34

33 Who shall laye anye thynge to the charg of Goddes chosen? It is God that iustifieth 34 who then shall condempne? It is Christe whyche is dead, ye rather which is rysen agayne, which is also on the right hande of God, and maketh intercession for vs.

Romans 10:11-13

11 For the scripture sayth whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be ashamed. 12 There is no difference betwene the Iewe, & the gentyll. For one is Lorde of all whiche is ryche vnto all that call on hym. 13 For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe safe.

1 Thessalonians 5:9

9 For God hath not annoynted vs vnto wrath: but to obtayne saluacyon by the meanes of oure Lord Iesu Christ

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

13 But we are bounde to geue thankes alwaye to God for you brethren beloued of the Lorde, because that God hath from the beginnynge chosen you to saluacyon, thorow sanctifiynge of the spyryte, and thorowe beleuing the truet 14 whereunto he called you by oure Gospell, to obtayne the glorye that commeth of oure Lorde Iesu Christe.

1 Peter 1:5

5 whiche are kept by the power of God thorowe fayth, vnto saluacyon, whiche saluacyon is prepared all ready to be shewed in the laste tyme,

1 Peter 1:21

21 whiche by hys meanes haue beleued on God that raysed hym from death, & gloryfyed hym, that youre faythe and hope myght be in God.

1 John 3:14

14 We know that we are translated from death vnto lyfe, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not his brother, abydeth in death.

1 John 5:1

1 Whosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christ, is borne of God. And euerye one that loueth hym whiche begat, loueth hym also whyche was begotten of hym.

1 John 5:11-13

11 And thys is that recorde, howe that God hath geuen vnto vs eternal lyfe, and this lyfe is in his sonne. 12 He that hath the sonne, hath lyfe: and he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not lyfe. 13 These thinges haue I wryten vnto you, that beleue on the name of the sonne of God, that ye maye know, how that ye haue eternal lyfe, and that ye may beleue on the name of the sonne of God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.