9 Iesus sayd vnto hym. Haue I bene so longe tyme with you, and yet haste thou not knowen me? Philip, he that hath sene me, hath sene the father. And how sayest thou then: shew vs the father?
John 14:9 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 26:9
9 And Abimelech sente for Isaac, & sayed: see, she is of a suretye thy wyfe, & why saydest thou that she was thy sister? And Isaac said vnto hym: I thought that I myght peraduenture haue dyed for her sake.
Psalms 11:1
1 To the chaunter, of Dauid. In the Lord put I my trust: how will ye then saye too my soule: that she shoulde fle as a byrde vpon your hyll?
Jeremiah 2:23
23 Saye not now: I am not vncleane, and I haue not folowed the Goddes. Loke vpon thyne owne wayes in the woddes, valleyes and dennes, so shalt thou knowe, what thou hast done. Thou art lyke a swyft Dromedary, that goeth easely in his waye:
Mark 9:19
19 He aunswered him and sayd: O generation without fayth, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Brynge hym vnto me.
Luke 12:56
56 Hypocrites, ye can skyll of the fashyon of the earth, and of the skye, but what is the cause that ye can not skyll of thys tyme?
John 1:14
14 And the worde was made flesh & dwelt amonge vs, and we sawe the glorye of it, as the glory of the onlye begotten sonne of the father, which worde was ful of grace & verite.
John 10:30
30 And I and my father are one.
John 12:45
45 And he that seeth me, seeth hym that sent me.
John 14:7
7 Yf ye had knowen me, ye had knowen my father also. And nowe ye knowe hym, & haue sene hym.
John 14:20
20 That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father, and you in me, and I in you
1 Corinthians 15:12
12 If Christe be preached howe that he rose from death: howe saye some? that are amonge you, that there is no resurreccion from death?
Philippians 2:6
6 Whiche beinge in the shap of God, and thought it not robbery to be equal wt God.
Colossians 1:15
15 whyche is the ymage of the inuisible God, fyrste begotten of creatures.
Hebrews 1:3
3 Whyche sonne beyng the bryghtnes of hys glorye, and verye Image of his substaunce, bearinge vp al thinges wyth the worde of hys power, hath in his owne persone pourged our synnes, and is sitting on the right hand of the maiestie on hygh,