12 After he had washed theyr fete, and receyued hys clothes, and was set doune agayne, he sayed vnto them. Wote ye what I haue done to you?
John 13:12 Cross References - Matthew
Ezekiel 24:19
19 And the people sayde vnto me: wilt thou not tell vs, what that signifyeth, whyche thou doest?
Ezekiel 24:24
24 Thus Ezechiel is your shewtoken. For loke as he hath done, so when this commeth ye shall do also: that ye maye learne to knowe that I am the Lorde God.
Matthew 13:51
51 Iesus sayd vnto them: vnderstande ye al these thynges? They sayde, ye Lord.
Mark 4:13
13 and he said vnto them: Perceyue ye not thys similitude? howe then shoulde ye vnderstand all other similitudes?
John 13:4
4 he rose from supper, and layde asyde hys vpper garmentes, & toke a towell, and gyrde hym selfe.
John 13:7
7 Iesus aunswered, and sayed vnto him: what I do, thou wotest not nowe, but thou shalt knowe hereafter.