Job 8:13 Cross References - Matthew

13 Euen so goeth it with all them, that forget God: and euen thus also shall the ypocrytes hope come to naught.

Deuteronomy 6:12

12 Then beware lest thou forget the Lorde whych brought the oute of the lande of Egipt the house of bondage.

Deuteronomy 8:11

11 But beware that thou forget not the Lord thy god, that thou wouldest not kepe his commaundementes, lawes & ordinaunces which I commaund the thys daye:

Deuteronomy 8:14

14 then beware lest thyne herte ryse & thou forget the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the land of Egypt the house of bondage,

Deuteronomy 8:19

19 For if thou shalt forget the Lord thy god and shalt walke after straung Gods & serue them and worshyppe them, I testifye vnto you thys day, that ye shal surely perysh.

Job 11:20

20 As for the eyes of the vngodly, they shalbe consumed, and not escape: theyr hope shalbe mysery and sorow of mynde.

Job 13:16

16 he is euen the same that maketh me whole: and why? there maye no hypocrite come before hym.

Job 15:34

34 For the congregacyon of ypocrites is vnfrutefull, and the fyre shall consume the houses of suche, as are gredy to receyue gyftes.

Job 18:14

14 All his comforte & hope shalbe roted out of his dwellynge, very fearfulnesse shall bringe hym to the kynge.

Job 20:5

5 the prayse of the vngodlye hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of ypocrites continued but the twyncklyng of an eye?

Job 27:8-10

8 What hope hath the ypocrite, though he haue greate good, and though God geue him ryches after his hertes desire? 9 Doeth God hear him the soner, when he crieth vnto him in his necessite? 10 Hath he suche pleasure and delyte in the Almighty, that he darre alway cal vpon God?

Job 36:13

13 As for suche as be fayned, dissemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be hys presoners.

Psalms 9:17

17 The wicked must be turned vnto hell, & all the Heythen that forget God.

Psalms 10:4

4 The vngodlye is so proude and full of indignacyon, that he careth not mether is God before hys eyes.

Psalms 50:22

22 O considre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaye, and there be none too delyuer you.

Proverbs 10:28

28 The paciente abydynge of the rightuous shalbe turned to gladness, but the hope of the vngodli shal perish.

Proverbs 12:7

7 Or euer thou canst turne the about, the vngodly shalbe ouerthrowen: but the house of the righteous shall stande.

Isaiah 33:14

14 The synners at Syon are afrayd a sodane fearfulnesse is come vpon the ypocrytes. What is he among vs (saye they) that will dwell by that consumynge fyre whyche of vs maye abyde that euerlastinge heate?

Isaiah 51:13

13 And forgettest the Lord that made the, that spred oute the heauens, & layde the foundacyon of the earthe. But thou arte euer afrayde for the syght of thyne oppressour whiche is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure?

Lamentations 3:18

18 I thought in my selfe: I am vndone, there is no hope for me in the Lorde.

Matthew 24:51

51 and wyll deuide hym, and geue him his rewarde with hipocrites. There shalbe weping and gnashing of tethe.

Luke 12:1-2

1 As there gathered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so muche that they trode one another) he began to saye vnto hys discyples: Fyrste of all beware of the leuen of the Phariseis, which is hypocrisye. 2 For there is nothynge couered the shall not be vncouered: neyther hydde, that shall not be knowen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.