Job 30:9 Cross References - Matthew

9 Now am I their songe and am become their yestinge stocke:

Job 12:4

4 Thus he that calleth vpon God, & whom God heareth, is mocked of hys neyghboure: the godlye and innocent man is laughed to scorne.

Job 17:6

6 He hath made me as it were a byworde of the comon people. I am hys gestynge stocke amonge them.

Psalms 35:15-16

15 But in myne aduersitie they reioyse, & gather them together. Yea, the very lame come together agaynste me vnwares, makynge mowes at me, and ceasse not. 16 With the gredy and scorneful hypocrites they gnasshed vpon me with their teeth.

Psalms 44:14

14 Thou hast made vs, a very by word among the Heathen, and that the people shake their heades at vs.

Psalms 69:11-12

11 I put on a sacke cloth, and therefore they iested vpon me. 12 They that sate in the gate, spake agaynste me, & the dronkardes made songes vpon me.

Lamentations 3:14

14 I am laughed to scorne of al my people, they make songes vpon me all the daye longe.

Lamentations 3:63

63 Thou seyst also their syttinge downe and their rysinge vp, they make their songes of nothinge but of me.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.