9 Now am I their songe and am become their yestinge stocke:
Job 30:9 Cross References - Matthew
Job 12:4
4 Thus he that calleth vpon God, & whom God heareth, is mocked of hys neyghboure: the godlye and innocent man is laughed to scorne.
Job 17:6
6 He hath made me as it were a byworde of the comon people. I am hys gestynge stocke amonge them.
Psalms 35:15-16
Psalms 44:14
14 Thou hast made vs, a very by word among the Heathen, and that the people shake their heades at vs.
Psalms 69:11-12
Lamentations 3:14
14 I am laughed to scorne of al my people, they make songes vpon me all the daye longe.
Lamentations 3:63
63 Thou seyst also their syttinge downe and their rysinge vp, they make their songes of nothinge but of me.