6 yea & all they which dwell beneth in the hell are not hid from him, and the very destruccion it selfe can not be kepte oute of his sighte.
Job 26:6 Cross References - Matthew
Job 11:8
8 He is hyer then heauen, what wilt thou do? Deper then the hell, howe wylt thou then know him?
Job 28:22
22 Destruccyon and death say: we haue hearde tell of her with oure eares.
Job 41:11
11 Or, who hath geuen me anye thynge afore hande, that I am bound to reward hym againe? All thynges vnder heauen are myne.
Psalms 88:10
10 Doest thou shewe wonders amonge the deade? Can the Phisicions raise them vp againe that they maye prayse the?
Psalms 139:8
8 If I clyme vp into heauen, thou art there if I go doune to hel, thou art there also.
Psalms 139:11
11 If I saye: peraduenture the darkenesse shall couer me, then shall my nyghte be turned to daye.
Proverbs 15:11
11 The hell wyth her payne is knowne vnto the Lorde, howe muche more then, the hertes of men?
Isaiah 14:9
9 Hell also trembleth at thy commynge, all myghtye men, and Prynces of the earth, steppe forth before the. All Kynges of the earth stande vp from their seates,
Amos 9:2
2 Though they were buryed in the hell, my hande shall fetch them from thence: though they clymme vp to heauen, yet shall I cast them downe:
Hebrews 4:13
13 neyther is there anye creature inuisible in the syght of him. For all thinges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.