24 He shall geue the an haruest, whiche in plenty & aboundance shall exceade the dust of the earth, and the gould of Ophir lyke riuer stones
Job 22:24 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 10:29
29 Ophir, Henila & Iobab. Al these are tho sonnes of Iaketan.
1 Kings 9:28
28 And they went to Ophir, & fet from thence gould, to the summe of .iiij. hundred and .xxij. talentes, and brought it to Salomon.
1 Kings 10:21
21 And all kynge Salomons drynckynge vesselles were of goulde, and all the vesselles of the house of the woode of Lybanon were of pure gould. And as for syluer it was nothynge worth in the dayes of Salomon.
1 Kings 22:48
48 And Iehosaphat made shyppes in the sea, to go to Ophir for gould, but they went not: for the shippes brake at Azion Gaber.
2 Chronicles 1:5
5 Moreouer the brasen aulter that Bezeleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Or had made, was at Gabaon also, before the tabernacle of the Lorde. And Salomon and the congregacyon wente to vyset it.
2 Chronicles 9:10
10 And therto the seruauntes of Hyram and the seruauntes of Salomon which brought gould from Ophir, broughte also Algume woode and precyouse stones.
2 Chronicles 9:27
27 And the kyng made syluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, and Cedar trees as plenteous as the mulbery trees that growe in the valeys.
Job 31:25
25 Haue I reioysed because my substaunce was great, and because my hande gat so muche?
Psalms 45:9
9 Kynges daughters go in thy goodly aray and vpon thy right hande standeth the quene in a vesture of the most fyne golde.
Isaiah 13:12
12 I wyll make a man dearer then fyne goulde, and a man to be more worthe, then a goulden wedge of Ophir.