Job 20:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 For the same cause do my thoughtes compel me to answere. And why? my mynde is tossed here and there.

Job 4:2

2 Yf we beginne to commen with the peraduenture thou wilt be dyscontent, but who can withhold him selfe from speakinge?

Job 13:19

19 What is he, that wyll go to lawe with me? For yf I holde my tonge, I shall dye.

Job 20:3

3 I haue suffyciently herde thy checkinge and reprose, therfore am I purposed to make aunswere after myne vnderstandinge.

Job 32:13-20

13 lest ye shuld prayse youre selues, to haue founde oute wysdome: because it is God that hath caste hym oute, and no man. 14 Neuerthelesse, seyng he hath not spoken vnto me, therfore wyll not I aunswere hym as ye haue done 15 (for they were so abashed, that they coude not make aunswere, nor speake one worde) 16 but in so muche as ye wyll not speake, standynge styll lyke domme men, and makynge no aunswere: 17 I haue a good hope for my parte to shappe hym an answere, and to shewe hym my meanyng. 18 For I am full of wordes, and the spryte that is wtin me, compelleth me. 19 Beholde, I am as the newe wyne, whiche hath no vente, and bursteth the newe vessels in sunder. 20 Therfore wyl I speake, that I may haue a vente: I wyl open my lyppes, & make aunswere.

Psalms 31:22

22 For when the suddaine feare cam vpon me I said: I am cast out of thy sighte. Neuerthelesse, thou herdest myne humble prayer, when I cried vnto the.

Psalms 39:2-3

2 I helde my tonge, I was domme, I kept sylence, yea euen from good wordes, but it was payne and grefe to me. 3 My hert was hote within me, and whyle I was thus musyng, the fyre kindled: so that I spake wyth my tong.

Psalms 116:11

11 I sayde in my hast: Al men are liers.

Proverbs 14:29

29 Pacyence is a token of wisdom, but wrath & hasty displasure is a token of folyshnesse.

Proverbs 29:20

20 Yf thou seist a man that is hastye to speake vnaduysed, thou, mayest trust a foole more then hym.

Ecclesiastes 7:9

9 Be not hastelye angrye in thy mynde, for wrath resteth in the bosome of a foole.

Jeremiah 20:9

9 Wherfore, I thought from hence forth, not to speake of hym, ner to preach eny more in hys name. But the worde of the Lorde was a very burnynge fyre in my herte and in my bones, which when I wolde haue stopped I might not.

Mark 6:25

25 And she came in straight way with haste vnto the kynge, and axed saying: I wil that thou geue me by and by in a charger the head of Ihon Baptist.

Romans 10:2

2 For I beare them recorde that they haue a feruent mynde to Godwarde, but not accordynge to knoweledge.

James 1:19

19 Wherfore deare brethren, let euerye man be swyfte to heare, slowe to speake, and slow to wrath.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.